Friday 24 August 2012

Issue 8, May 2006

Nation Revisited

# 8, May 2006
An occasional email to friends
The Next Step

The local election results have rocked the political establishment. The BNP increased its representation to over fifty council seats in London, the Midlands, the North West and Yorkshire in spite of blatantly hostile media coverage. And the anti-immigration England First Party won their first two seats in Blackburn, although at least one of the successful EFP candidates appears to be of mixed race. The BNP voters in Barking and Dagenham are following the old nationalist tradition of East London and are not frightened of being called fascist or racist. At last the years of campaigning have been rewarded. The next step will be to get Richard Barnbrook elected as MP for Barking and show Margaret Hodge and the old gang that their days are numbered.
Some kind of European federation has been on the cards since 1942 when Europaische Wintschaftgemeingshcaft was proclaimed in Berlin. The exact degree of unification is debatable but the concept of solidarity is generally accepted. It is not Europe’s fault that we are sinking under the tide of Third World economic refugees. It has been British and American policy since the last war to import cheap labour and influence countries like Canada and Australia to do the same. The established European parties are as gutless as our own and go along with the Anglo-American multiracial agenda. But now the American people are reacting to their own country being overwhelmed by millions of Central American immigrants.

The problems of immigration and asylum are worldwide. The Front National in France, the NDP in Germany, la Falange in Spain and similar movements throughout the world are fighting the same battle. The success of any one euro-nationalist movement will trigger a rise of white consciousness that will help and encourage all the others; and once established in one country it will be very difficult for the establishment dictators to ban or restrict resistance in the rest of the world. The riots in Britain and France, and the massive demonstrations in America show that the multi-cultural experiment has failed, and electoral successes show that we now have a real chance. The tide has turned and we are at last on the way to recovering our ancient rights and liberties.

Restoring Europe to ethnic normality will be enormous task requiring great diplomatic and logistic expertise as well as total determination. By linking foreign aid and trade agreements to repatriation Europe can reach an understanding with the Third World.  Africa is a comparatively empty continent with plenty of space to resettle millions of economic refugees. With technical and financial support a ‘rainbow state’ like South Africa could easily double its population and benefit from the undoubted economic impetus of mass migration.

Views On The News                                                                                               

Most far right commentators have condemned the European Court’s decision that Sarah Richards can draw her pension at 60, after having a sex change operation in 2001. They see transsexuals and homosexuals as part of the great plot against civilization and seek to introduce harsh measures to limit their activities. They must know that every culture, in every age, has had sexually nonconformist minorities and that no amount of persecution will change human nature. In a perfect world every boy would fall in love with the girl next door, get married, have four healthy kids and live happily ever after. But life doesn’t always follow the script and people do not always behave according to the rules. It is unkind and unfair to punish people for their sexuality; it is no more a matter of choice than being musical or left handed.

UKIP, the anti-European party, are claiming to have a full set of policies. In the Thirties the fight was against unemployment and the threat of war. In the Forties nationalists were either behind bars or in uniform. In the Fifties the first wave of alien immigrants began arriving and we were there to protest. In the Sixties we fought against the betrayal of Rhodesia. In the Seventies the big issue was Enoch Powell’s stand against immigration.

The Eighties belonged to Margaret Thatcher who came to power, and sunk the National Front, with a false promise to control immigration. Her reign ended in the economic collapse of the Nineties that eventually brought Tony Blair to power. Immigration had continued unchecked through all these years but during Blair’s regime it spiraled out of control. UKIP did not fight for Mosley at Olympia and they were not detained under 18B.

They did not fight at Kensington Town Hall, or Trafalgar Square, or Balls Pond Road. They did not support Enoch Powell or march with the NF. They have suddenly appeared from nowhere waving their little flags and denouncing racism. These people are not nationalists and they do not stand for race and nation. They are a bunch of disgruntled Tory misfits with small minds and defective vision.

Nick Griffin’s attack on ‘corporatism’ in the April issue of ‘Identity’ compared the Labour Government’s relationship to big business with Benito Mussolini’s regime. There are similarities, just as there are with President Roosevelt’s New Deal. The difference is that Il Duce and Roosevelt had to overcome a worldwide recession and mass unemployment. Tony Blair inherited a sound economy driven by an international recovery from recession. No government, of whatever persuasion, can isolate itself from the great corporations that have the resources and expertise to succeed in the modern world. If we want computers, satellite technology, nuclear engineering and all the latest advances in medicine, we must form partnerships with the people who can design and build these systems. The policy of economic independence has been redundant since 1914. The idea of a self-sufficient Britain living in splendid isolation is an unattainable fantasy in a world dominated by rising population and diminishing natural resources. Our survival depends on ethnic solidarity and good government. Capitalism is not an enemy if it is socially responsible and accountable. Science at the service of public and private capital will yet save mankind from its own folly.

Great Nationalist Women                                                                                                              

One of the most remarkable characters of the early nationalist movement was Valerie Arkell Smith, a mother of two children who shocked society in the Twenties and Thirties by dressing as a man and defying convention. History records that she was a reckless woman who served time in prison for deception, but her comrades remembered her as a fearless patriot who stood for Britain for the British.

Valerie Barker was born on the island of Jersey in 1895. She was a tomboy who enjoyed horse riding and tree climbing; she joined the forces as soon as war was declared in 1914. In 1918 she married Harold Arkell-Smith an Australian officer but the marriage soon ended and she began a relationship with another Australian Ernest Pearce-Crouch who fathered her two children, a boy and a girl. They farmed in Sussex until 1923 when Valerie left her common-law husband to assume the name of Sir Victor Barker Bart DSO and move into the Grand Hotel in Brighton with Elfrida Haward. They were ‘married’ at St Peter’s Church in Brighton in 1932.

In 1924 Valerie joined the National Fascisti. In the turbulent, revolutionary years following the First World War the fascist movements were engaged in violent street fighting with gangs of communists. Most of their meetings were attacked by the Reds who were trying to stop the fascists from seizing power as they had in Italy in 1922. Valerie Arkell Smith became one of the most dedicated defenders and often took command of operations. She recalled: “I used to go with the boys to Hyde Park and we had many rows with the Reds.”

She was later imprisoned for alleged financial irregularities and when her true sex was discovered during a prison medical examination, she was charged with “knowingly and willfully causing a false statement to be entered on a register of marriage.” Valerie sold her story to the Sunday newspapers at least three times over the years. She died in poverty and obscurity in 1960 and, at her own request, is buried in an unmarked grave in Kessingland churchyard near Lowestoft.

The movement that Valerie served so well was a breakaway from the British Fascisti founded by Rotha Lintorn-Orman who was born in Somerset in 1895, the daughter of a Field Marshal. She served in the First World War as a military ambulance driver and continued after the war as head of the Red Cross Motor School. In 1923 she placed a series of advertisements in the Duke of Northumberland’s newspaper “The Patriot” calling for volunteers for an organized force to counter a Red Revolution. She wrote:

“I saw the need for an organization of disinterested patriots composed of all classes and all Christian creeds, who would be ready to serve their country in an emergency.”

The project was funded by her mother and modeled on the dynamic Fascist regime of Benito Mussolini who was rebuilding Italy. Rotha Lintorn-Orman and her supporters were convinced that the Russian Revolution was about to be repeated in Britain. They saw the coming General Strike of 1926 as the start of the bloodbath.

Their guru was Nester Webster the prolific authoress of  “ Secret Societies and Subversive Movements” which is still the bible of conspiracy theorists. Nesta Bevan was born in 1876, the daughter of a Bank Manager. She was educated at Westfield College and married Arthur Templar Webster, a Commissioner of Police, in 1904. Lord Kitchener called her: “ the country’s foremost opponent of subversion,” and Winston Churchill wrote: “ This conspiracy against civilization dates from the days of Weishaupt…as a modern historian Mrs Webster has so ably shown, it played a recognizable role on the French revolution.”  Nesta Webster contributed articles to the BF, and later to BUF newspapers. In 1938 she summed up the political situation: “England has thus become a gigantic Parrott house in which words pass from mouth to mouth without the slightest comprehension of the real issues at stake.” She went on to write dozens of books linking world events to Freemasonry. She died in 1960.                                                                                                                                   

From the start the BF movement was infiltrated with MI5 agents including Maxwell Knight and John Baker White, Director of The Economic League. In his autobiography Baker White writes: “ Rotha was one of the bravest people that I have ever met in my life, whose bravery is by no means purely physical… had she been gifted with greater political judgement, and with the backing of funds, and had she been able to formulate a more constructive policy the movement might have become an important factor in the political life of Britain.” Rotha’s portrait as a 21 year old in military uniform by Bassano is in the National Portrait Gallery photographic section. It shows a striking young woman with an open, honest and determined face.

In 1924 a militant faction under Colonel H. Rippon-Seymour broke away to form the National Fascisti. In 1929 Arnold Leese split with the BFs to form The Imperial Fascist League. Finally In 1932 Oswald Mosley founded The British Union of Fascists and invited Rotha to join him. She declined but her chief organizer Neil Francis Hawkins joined the BUF along with William Joyce and most of the active members. The British Fascisti – later anglicized to The British Fascists – successfully fought the Reds on the streets and stopped them from dominating politics before the coming of Mosley’s Blackshirts and the Public Order Act of 1936. After the defections of 1932 and with mounting criticism of her daughter’s lifestyle Mrs Lintorn-Orman withdrew her financial support. Rotha’s drinking problem got progressively worse and she died in 1935 aged only forty.

These great British women contributed in full to the nationalist cause. Valerie Arkell Smith who was one of the first to call for individual freedom and fight for race and nation; Rotha Lintorn Orman had the gift of organization and saw the importance of political action but fell prey to depression; and Nesta Webster who searched for the truth. Valerie Arkell Smith is remembered in “Colonel Barker’s Monstrous Regiment” by Rose Collis, published by Virago in 2001.

The Rotha Lintorn-Orman story is told in “Hurrah for the Blackshirts” by Martin Pugh, published by Johnathan Cape in 2005.

Many of Nesta Webster’s books are still available from Amazon Books.

Beware of Mumbo Jumbo                                                                                            

Science fiction writers have overcome the constraints of space travel by inventing hyper drive, a way of going faster than the speed of light. They can also take shortcuts through black holes and go backwards and forwards in time. What is impossible in reality is easy if you disregard physics. The distributists have invented a similar device that enables modern states to function without recourse to organized capital; they call it the Folk State. They do not explain how it will work, or how they will run Microsoft, General Electric, BP, HSBC or Toyota as cottage industries. Instead they make blanket accusations of capitalist greed without considering the billions reinvested in research and development, and dismiss the Stock Exchange as a betting shop without suggesting an alternative way to raise investment capital.

Industrial and commercial institutions have evolved to service the modern world. Great corporations make huge profits and pay commensurate taxes. It is the function of the modern state to harness the power of industry for the common good. Breaking up giant companies for the sake of an obsolete political theory would be an act of madness. Small family businesses do not develop lifesaving drugs and back street metal bashing plants do not produce precision scientific instruments. Hitler planned to nationalize German industry and Fritz Todt did build the Autobahnen with his Reicharbeitsdienst but by 1942 Albert Speer had reinstated IG Faben, Siemens, Volkswagen, Deutsche Bank, Krupp and Daimler. With a war to fight he couldn’t mess about with Folkish theories.

It is human nature to look back with selective memory to the good old days. To the postwar generation these memories are of the austere postwar Fifties and the second rate Sixties. The products of those days were badly designed, poorly made and overpriced. Many things in the modern world are regrettable; the decline of education, the politicization of the police, the growth of hooliganism and Third World immigration all spring to mind. But the manufacturing and service industries are greatly improved and modern goods are reliable and comparatively cheap.

Political movements that ignore economics are embracing mumbo jumbo. Capitalism is the natural way to do business; everybody sells something even if it’s his or her labour or experience and there is nothing wrong with making an honest profit.  The Directors of the global corporations must be accountable to governments that ensure fair play. Ted Heath rightly denounced unscrupulous business practices as “the unacceptable face of capitalism” and called for industrial responsibility. The Corporate State is government in partnership with labour and industry. By offering discounts in exchange for long-term maintenance contracts it can provide hospitals, schools, roads and airports without crippling the taxpayers, Similar deals can be tailored to meet the needs of defence and space research. This does not mean that big business is running the country. The Government runs the country on behalf of the people but in partnership with employers and innovators. This system has been tried and tested, unlike the entirely theoretical Folk State. It is fine to believe in alternative medicine or faith healing but people with toothache are better advised to go to the dentist.

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