A Lifetime of Nationalism
Nick Griffin the expelled leader of the British National Party
This year marks my 80th birthday (February 2) and 64 years involved in nationalist politics. I joined the League of Empire Loyalists when I was 16 but, at the same time, I attended Union Movement meetings at Earls Court, Bethnal Green, Brixton, Kensington Town Hall, and Trafalgar Square. I was also attracted to John Bean's original British National Party which stood for a Confederation of European States; although John Bean always opposed the European Common Market which he believed to be a step toward World Government.
I never took 'parties' very seriously, it was the cause that interested me. This ecumenical approach was discouraged by the leaders of the various parties, but nearly all of them had been in Union Movement or the LEL. And the same applied to the small band of followers whose faces were to be seen at the various street corner meetings that we held in those days.
There was little difference between the LEL and the BNP, so it was not surprising when they merged together in 1967 to become the National Front.
Colin Jordan and John Tyndall broke away from the BNP in 1962 to found the National Socialist Movement. This was an authoritarian party that denied the Holocaust and glorified the Third Reich. It fell apart when its leaders were imprisoned, but for a short while they dressed up as Stormtroopers and played war games.
Veteran nationalist Alan Wells recalls: The NSM hired a room above a pub in Kent. The regulars at the pub were alarmed when thumping noises were heard and the lights started flickering. It turned out that the 'Spearhead' detachment were marching around the room upstairs.
Following a contest between Colin Jordan and John Tyndall for the hand of Francoise Dior, an attractive French heiress, John Tyndall, the defeated suitor, broke away from the NSM to form the Greater Britain Movement. The National Front eventually absorbed the GBM, but they refused to admit Colin Jordan who, therefore, founded British Movement, which, after many setbacks, is still going.
In 1965 I went to South Africa, and then to Australia, and finally New Zealand. I had always been pro-European and my Commonwealth tour convinced me that a revival of the British Empire was not going to happen, so I joined Union Movement which promoted Oswald Mosley's vision of 'Europe a Nation'.
UM was eclipsed by the National Front, largely due to Martin Webster's organisational skills. He staged impressive marches and rallies throughout the country that made the NF a household name. Unfortunately the party was infested with government agents who instigated many splits before John Tyndall left to found another incarnation of the British National Part
A much diminished NF is still going under the leadership of Tony Martin.
The new BNP plodded along under John Tyndall but when Nick Griffin took over, it won scores of seats on local councils, two members of the European Parliament, and one seat on the London Assembly. But it all fell apart in 2014 when Nick Griffin, was expelled for alleged financial irregularities. Today the BNP still exists but it's politically inactive.
Half a dozen little parties emerged from the wreckage of the BNP. None of them has a charismatic leader, like Oswald Mosley, a brilliant orator who was forever damned by his association with Adolf Hitler before the Second World War. Mosley never advocated the destruction of the Jews, but the mass media linked him to the gas chambers and ruined his career as a politician. Considering the sheer weight of hostile propaganda, and the proximity to the war, it was remarkable that Oswald Mosley, standing for Union Movement, achieved 8.1 % in North Kensington in the 1959 general election.
The march of time has left few of us to carry the banner of European Socialism. The Friends of Mosley organisation, of which I am proud to belong, meets twice a year to reminisce about the old days and complain about the present state of the country. We are no longer the idealistic young men who fought the Reds on the streets, but we maintain an informative website: oswaldmosley.com
During all this time I have met many outstanding people, and more than a few cranks and misfits. Conspiracy theories have always been with us but they seem to be gaining ground amongst nationalists. I believe them to be an escape from reality; a false religion that claims to explain everything when the obvious answer is usually the right one; JFK was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, 9/11 was the work of Arab terrorists, and Covid was a naturally occurring viral pandemic.
Some of the ideas of the so-called far-right are too extreme to be taken seriously, but a healthy democracy should make room for all shades of opinion, including nationalism.
In the 102 years since Miss Rotha Lintorn-Orman founded the British Fascists we have not had a single MP elected to the Westminster Parliament.
Oswald Mosley's pre-war movement, the British Union of Fascists, held mass meetings and marches which so frightened the Establishment that they used Defence Regulation 18B to shut them down.
In the 1970s the National Front boasted thousands of members, until they were fatally undermined in 1979 when Margaret Thatcher said that she understood people's fear of being "swamped" by immigration.
The British National Party under Nick Griffin started to look like a viable political paerty, but, following a disastrous and embarrassing appearance on the BBC Question Time program the party disintegrated.
Was my lifetime in nationalist politics a waste of time? Jeffrey Hamm, the effective leader of Union Movement in its last years, was asked the same question by John Pitman in a 1976 BBC 'Tonight' interview. He replied in his autobiography 'Action Replay'.
"But what are they really asking me to do? To give up what I know to be right because it is difficult, or to take up something that I know to be wrong because it is easier."
Jeffrey Hamm never lived to see the rise of nationalist parties all over the world. People are sick and tired of being ripped off by big business and lied to by politicians. Their cheap labour racket has flooded Europe and North America with Third World immigrants. But, as I often say, nothing lasts forever. If President Donald Trump keeps his promise to deport millions of illegal immigrants, Europe, including the UK, will follow.
The Truth Will Out
Elon Musk the South African born tech billionaire, has called for the prosecution of former Prime Minister Gordon Brown, the former head of the Crown Prosecution Service, Keir Starmer, and all those local councillors, police, and social workers complicit in the Grooming Gangs cover up.
This scandal is at last being acknowledged by politicians of all parties, and by the mass media that helped to supress the story because the men involved in the sexual exploitation of schoolgirls were nearly all Pakistanis and the girls involved were nearly all white British.
This deliberate suppression of the truth has done nothing to improve race relations in the UK. Rather, it has played into the hands of extremists. Most people of Pakistani origin in the UK are decent law-abiding workers, but those Pakistanis who drugged and raped schoolgirls are criminals who should be deported.
Politicians blame the European Court of Human Rights for this situation, but the British government has always been able to deport criminals and undesirables. English Law is all about precedents and interpretations; further confused and obstructed by unprincipled lawyers who pocket millions of pounds of taxpayer's money in legal aid.
This has resulted in a demand to abolish the ECHR, an independent court which was set up under the auspices of the European Declaration of Human Rights. It's a tempting idea, but it's a dangerous policy to abolish courts because we don't agree with their verdicts; and it's extremely unlikely that the ECHR would go against a ruling of the British Supreme Court.
The Grooming Gangs were protected by cowardly authorities steeped in liberal propaganda and scared of being accused of 'racism'.
Nigel Farage, the leader of Reform UK, was wrong about Brexit, which has turned out to be a disaster, but he is right about sacking and prosecuting those involved in a shameful coverup.
Politicians are often right about one thing and wrong about another. Nigel Farage is right about immigration, but he is wrong about Europe. Donald Trump is right about the Ukraine war but wrong about Israel. What we need is a man with a practical mind who is not stunted by dogma or emotion. Unfortunately, at 80 years of age I am too old for the job.
Elon Musk has called for Tommy Robinson to be released from prison. The usual suspects point out that TR is serving time for contempt of court, not because of his opinions. This is hair-splitting to say the least. He wouldn't be in prison at all if we had freedom of speech in this country.
His rhetoric finds willing listeners amongst the general public who remember the Pakistani rape gangs and terrorist atrocities. This is unfair because there are plenty of white paedophiles and not all terrorists are Muslims; the Stern Gang was Jewish and the IRA. were Catholics.
The UK is still a Christian country despite poor leadership of the Church of England, falling Church attendances, and a constant barrage of atheistic propaganda by the mass media. Britons who never go to Church or read the Bible are nevertheless Christians by culture and tradition.
Some readers have complained about having to sign in to access my blogs. This is Google's response to the government's policy of censorship, There is nothing that I can do about it. I could switch to another platform but most of them impose similar conditions.
Free speech in the UK is being eroded day by day. Russian Television has been banned and Al Jazeera is under threat. Any broadcaster or journalist who criticises Plutocracy is liable to be prosecuted under so-called anti terrorist legislation.
Our overcrowded prisons hold scores of dissidents, mostly young men who spoke out against the Third World invasion.
Under the latest directive from Westminster tech companies can be held responsible for the views of their customers. And having your website overseas is no protection against prosecution, just ask Simon Shepperd who based his website in the USA. He served four prison sentences, one in the Netherlands and three in the UK. On one occasion he fled to the USA to claim political asylum but he was promptly deported.
The hypocrisy of our rulers is truly staggering. They condemn Russia and China for being less than perfect democracies while British patriots are sentenced to long prison sentences just for expressing an opinion.
The situation looks grim but developments in the USA may yet save us from intellectual strangulation. Elon Musk has bought the social media platform Twitter, renamed it X, and vowed to guarantee free speech. He is a personal friend of Donald Trump and a true champion of democracy, not the false democracy of the Old Gang but genuine freedom.
Denis Pirie 1940-2025
We have lost another old comrade. Denis Pirie died in Brighton Hospital aged 85 on 19th January 2025. May he rest in peace
European Outlook - https://europeanoutlook.blogspot.com
Nation Revisited
Excellent blog, as always, Bill, welcome back and may I wish you many happy returns of the day.
Ps my comment above came up as anonymous, I see now that’s by default and that can be changed!
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