Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Nation Revisited # 215 , January 2025

 f'm Back for the New Year

I am back online following  the successful treatment  of  Conjunctivitis by St Thomas Hospital Eye Department. I thank all those who sent me messages of support, and I am sorry to disappoint  those who were celebrating my demise.

There is a lot of criticism for our National Health Service but I can only praise it. In the past year I have been treated  for heart failure, conjunctivitis and dermatitis. All referrals were dealt with immediately and the staff at each department were civil and efficient. It's ironic that the plutocratic state that I have been trying to bring down all my life, is trying to keep me alive.

My politics haven't changed much over the years. .In 1961 joined the League of Empire Loyalists to stop mass immigration and hang onto Rhodesia and South Africa. We failed spectacularly, but at  least we tried.

I fell out with the mainstream nationalist movement over Europe. I supported Oswald Mosley's call for Europe a Nation but most patriots clung to the fantasy of national independence. My friend Colin Todd, the editor of Candour sees the future of Europe as a confederation of independent states, but I would point out that confederations inevitably become  unitary states; Germany, Switzerland, the United States, Canada, and Australia all started out as individual states,.

The disaster of Brexit shows that I was right. Since we left the European Union our economy has shrunk, immigration has more than doubled, and there's no sign of the 'Sunlit Uplands' that we were promised. We were deceived by that mendacious buffoon Boris Johnson who jumped on the Brexit bandwagon to become prime minister, only to be sacked by his party for a variety of indiscretions.

We can only hope that the new Labour Party government will be less corrupt and inefficient than the Tories, but it's difficult to trust 'take the knee' Starmer who looks and acts like a Tory.

Nation Revisited will be posted  on January 1st  2005 and European Outlook will follow later in the year.

Taking Offence 


A Tory millionaire donor by the name of Frank Hester said that Diane Abbott made him hate all black women, he added "She should be shot." His remarks were immediately condemned as "racist" by commentators left and right. But were they really racist or just insensitive, and if he really meant to incite her murder why didn't the police take action? I don't think that he really meant it, it was just the sort of silly remark that we have all been guilty of..

Diane Abbott is the veteran Labour MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington. She is undoubtedly black and her left-wing views are often controversial. She was recently accused of antisemitism for daring to suggest that blacks suffer more prejudice than Jews. This is merely her opinion based on her experience as a black woman, but it threw the Jews into fits of outrage. Some of them claim a monopoly on persecution.

Another shocking case of blatant racism was reported  when an activist from Reform Uk in Clacton called former prime minister Rishi Sunak a "Paki." I haver never understood why the word "Paki" is considered offensive. It is short for Pakistani - a person from Pakistan. The new country was named after the initial letters of its neighbours; Persia, Afghanistan, Kashmir, and India. In fact Rishi is an Indian but they look very much the same.

Rishi was particularly upset that his daughters heard this forbidden word, Let's hope that they hear nothing worst.

The latest case of alleged antisemitism concerns the Labour Party leader Keir Starmer who said in an interview that he would try to keep Friday evenings free for the Jewish family supper. He is not Jewish but his wife and children are. This was taken to mean that he would neglect his prime ministerial duties for the sake of his wife's religion. And the whole thing was condemned as antisemitism; the ultimate form of racism.

God in his infinite wisdom created us in different shapes, sizes and colours. There is nothing good or bad about being Jewish, Black, or Indian. We are what our DNA made us. We must respect each other and not take offence over harmless words. I have been called a "fascist bastard" for many years but I have got over it. 

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but names can never hurt me.

This mistreatment of a loyal member shows the hypocrisy of a Labour Party that pretends to be the friend of minorities. Dianne, in her student days, was the lover of Jeremy Corbyn. Together they toured East Germany by motor cycle to sample the joys of Socialism. The 'Democratic Republic' has been confined to the dustbin of history but Dianne and Jeremy still dream of imposing a Socialist regime in the UK.


         Age and Infirmity 

When President Joe Biden debated with Donald Trump on television he looked old and feeble. His performance was so bad that Democrat Party officials dumped him as their presidential candidate. 

"Sleepy Joe" is 81 but I can hardly blame him for being old when I will be 80 next birthday. Old age creeps on on you, one day you're a young buck out on the town and the next you're an old man who can't find his phone. 

As you get older your teeth fall out and you sprout hair from ears and nostrils, but old age also has its compensations, you are no longer expected to fight for King and Country ,you get free travel on the busses, and young women give up their seats for you. 

There was a time when old people were respected for their wisdom and knowledge, but that no longer applies. Today we are just a nuisance. We occupy hospital beds and we take ages to die.

In Switzerland, Canada, and a few other 'progressive' countries, they have brought in laws permitting assisted suicide. So when you've finished working and you are reaching the end of the road your carers will help you to sign your own death warrant. 

Sleepy Joe is lucky to have lasted so long, if he had been the leader of the Tories in the UK the grim-faced enforcers from the 1922 Committee would have visited him years ago. They even sacked the hallowed Margaret Thatcher when she became a liability... 

The fact is that our leaders, on both sides of the Atlantic, are the pawns of big business. They no doubt feel secure in their jobs but they cannot escape old age, death, and the final judgement that awaits all of us.


The American Election

V ice President Kamala Harris is a fantasists who insists that she is Black despite having a White mother and father.. Sher failed to \appeal to the American electorate and will  disappear when Joe Biden hands over to Donald Trump., another fantasists. who has promised to end the Ukraine war and deport millions of illegal immigrants.. One thing is for sire, Trump is a dedicated Zionist who will defend Israel whatever  the cost. The great danger is that the US will wage war on Iran in support of Israel.

Donald Trump's protectionist policies might work in America which is self sufficient in food and energy, but they would not work in the UK which has to import half of its food and energy. This is a fact that the Reform UK party fails to recognise. A country in the UK's position needs to be part of a larger market

The problem of immigration effects the entire Western World. The proximity of aging and labour hungry economies, like the United States and Europe, to the poor and ever increasing populations of Mexico and Africa, means that the movement of labour is inevitable, unless global and co-ordinated measures are taken. An isolated UK under Nigel Farage could not solve the problem.

Capital and labour will always seek employment. In the 19th Century Britain financed gold mines in South Africa, railways in South America, oil wells in th Middle East, the Suez Canal, and industries throughout the world.. Today  it's our turn to invested in by foreigners. The Faragists can wave their Union Jacks and  dream of the days of Empire  but they cannot escape from reality. In the global economy which Britain pioneered independence is impossible, even North Korea depends on trade with Russia.

The result of the American election is important to Britain because we are a commercial and military dependency of the United States; in or out of the European Union we will still take our orders from Washington.. General Charles de Gaul was the last European statesman to stand up to America. The present crop of European leaders, including Keir Starmer,  are spineless and obedient servants of the Money. Power.


Britain in Trouble: This article first appeared in The      League Sentinel, issue 136

The new Labour government faces an almost impossible  task. Our National Debt stands at £ 2.6 trillion: A trillion is  a million multiplied by a million, an unimaginable figurer, the greatest  debt we have owed  since the end of WW2,. In 1945 we were bankrupt after six years of war and forced to accept American and Canadian loans to avoid starvation. It took us forty years to p off our war loans and it will probably take forty years to repay our present debt. 

Devices such as 'Quantitave Easing', or money printing, are only stopgap measures. Money lent by the Bank of England to the Treasury has to be repaid, and so do interest-bearing bonds purchased by pension funds and investment  companies. If all else fails we can put ourselves at the mercy of the World Bank; in which case it would put its auditors in charge of our economy.. 

Some well-meaning nationalists have suggested that we simply disown our debts and tell our creditors to get lost, but if we did the American rating agencies would mark down the Pound making our imports even dearer and scare overseas investors; not a good position for a nation that imports half of its food and energy.and  whose major industries are foreign owned. 

Economics is easy to understand. The lovable Dickens character Wilkins Micawber put it succinctly: "Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen pounds, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds, result misery."

Micawber's dictum applies to countries as well as to individuals. Switzerland enjoys one of the highest standards of living in the world because the Swiss live within their means. Britain on the other hand is in a state of chaos because we have long spent more than we earn. The Swiss health service is rated the best in the world, but our National Health Service is crumbling, and so are our railways, armed forces, schools and universities. Our government donates arms and money to Ukraine and Israel but they can't afford to modernise the railways. Nearly everything n Britain is short of money because our spendthrift government thinks that we have still got an empire on which the sun never sets. They would rather spend the taxpayer's money on grandiose project such as giant aircraft carriers than on health or education.

I t's time for reality to dawn The UK is a European country comparable to her neighbours France and Germany. We no longer have a great world empire or a navy that rules the waves. We don't have expeditionary forces capable of taking on Russia or China. We should keep our nose out of foreign quarrels and learn to mind our own business. 

We simply can't afford to defend and feed our former colonies, or absorb their surplus populations. The Chancellor of the Exchequer should be forbidden from spending more than he collects in taxes. A statuary fiscal policy should be enforced. Austerity is the price we must pay for generations of overspending.


Our sister blog  European Outlook is posted on http://europeanoutlook.com

All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated.  The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. We seek reform by lawful means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."




















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