"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share ideas with other people."
The Candour ABC of Politics
I remember Rosine de Bounevialle from the early sixties, she was a brave little woman and a dedicated Empire Loyalist. The AK Chesterton Trust published her book 'The Candour ABC of Politics' to mark the one-hundredth anniversary of her birth in 1916. She traces the decline of Western civilization from the French Revolution and observes that almost everything from education to manners and morals has deteriorated, including the Catholic Church, to which she was devoted. She was a traditional Catholic and an old-fashioned conservative but she had a mind of her own. Her hero was Leon Degrelle the Belgian SS general who fought for the Fuhrer and never apologised. And she admired William Joyce, the pugnacious Irish-American broadcaster who was executed for treason to Britain.
Rosine took over as editor of Candour when AK Chesterton died in 1974, and she kept it going until her own death in 1999. Colin Todd now edits the magazine.
Her book ends with a biographical chapter which gives some indication of her spirit and determination. She had started a wartime job as a switchboard operator for the Government and was told to report for duty:
Her book ends with a biographical chapter which gives some indication of her spirit and determination. She had started a wartime job as a switchboard operator for the Government and was told to report for duty:
The very first day when I entered this suffocating place, two "seniors" approached me and asked if I was a "Union" member. I said, "No, I don't believe in Unions." The reply was: "Why ever not? We just got you a 'cost of living rise." "Yes," I said, "Before that, I received two pounds ten shillings a week, after the 'cost of living' rise, which was one shilling and sixpence and put me into the Income Tax paying bracket, which tax then came to ten shillings a week. I now receive a Net income of £2-1-6 (two pounds one shilling and sixpence, instead of the two pounds ten shillings I had originally!" The Union reps faded away.
'The Candour ABC of Politics' is available from the AKC Trust: www.candour.org.uk
That's What They Want You to Think
I once tried to explain to a conspiracy theorists that his condition was a symptom of paranoia probably related to depression. He replied: "That's what they want you to think."
Conspiracy theory is widespread on the far-right. I once heard a lecture from a Spanish professor who thought that the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland was a Nazi time machine that would eventually send us all back to the thirties. The poor fellow was as mad as a hatter but his audience gave him a standing ovation.
Another speaker, a former BNP councillor from Liverpool, managed to cram several conspiracy theories into a half-hour speech. It was the Full Monty; the Protocols, the Frankfurt School, Cultural Marxism, and the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. He ran out of time but not conspiracies.
I agree with Joe Owens on conspiracy theories, he says even if they are true, we should avoid them. Professional conspiracy theorists, like David Icke, can fill stadiums and sell books but his followers are a tiny minority. Normal people do not think that the Queen is a shape-shifting reptile.
The use of the word "they", as in "that's what they want you to think" is important. It's "they" who are stealing our culture and our agriculture. It's "they" who are flooding the country with immigrants, and it's "they" who are responsible for all our misfortunes.
We await the results of the Grenfell Tower inquiry but the conspiracy theorists have already decided that the disaster was caused by criminal negligence. And some of them speculate that the fire was started deliberately to get rid of council tenants who are occupying valuable real estate. It is, after all, the sort of thing that "they" would do.
Conspiracy theory can be a social handicap like Aspergers. Saying "that's what they want you to think" to a group of normal people is as embarrassing as shouting obscenities at a vicarage tea party. It is also a progressive affliction. Conspiracy theorists rarely stop at 9/11, or the Kennedy assassination, they invariably go on to harder things, like the 'murder' of Princess Diana, or the terrible truth about Prince Charles' overcoat. Eventually, they are snubbed by polite society and forced to seek the company of fellow sufferers.
That's What They Want You to Think
I once tried to explain to a conspiracy theorists that his condition was a symptom of paranoia probably related to depression. He replied: "That's what they want you to think."
Conspiracy theory is widespread on the far-right. I once heard a lecture from a Spanish professor who thought that the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland was a Nazi time machine that would eventually send us all back to the thirties. The poor fellow was as mad as a hatter but his audience gave him a standing ovation.
Another speaker, a former BNP councillor from Liverpool, managed to cram several conspiracy theories into a half-hour speech. It was the Full Monty; the Protocols, the Frankfurt School, Cultural Marxism, and the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. He ran out of time but not conspiracies.
I agree with Joe Owens on conspiracy theories, he says even if they are true, we should avoid them. Professional conspiracy theorists, like David Icke, can fill stadiums and sell books but his followers are a tiny minority. Normal people do not think that the Queen is a shape-shifting reptile.
The use of the word "they", as in "that's what they want you to think" is important. It's "they" who are stealing our culture and our agriculture. It's "they" who are flooding the country with immigrants, and it's "they" who are responsible for all our misfortunes.
We await the results of the Grenfell Tower inquiry but the conspiracy theorists have already decided that the disaster was caused by criminal negligence. And some of them speculate that the fire was started deliberately to get rid of council tenants who are occupying valuable real estate. It is, after all, the sort of thing that "they" would do.
Conspiracy theory can be a social handicap like Aspergers. Saying "that's what they want you to think" to a group of normal people is as embarrassing as shouting obscenities at a vicarage tea party. It is also a progressive affliction. Conspiracy theorists rarely stop at 9/11, or the Kennedy assassination, they invariably go on to harder things, like the 'murder' of Princess Diana, or the terrible truth about Prince Charles' overcoat. Eventually, they are snubbed by polite society and forced to seek the company of fellow sufferers.
According to a leading nationalist, the EU is a “genocidal tyranny” that is destroying the White Race as instructed by the Coudenhove-Kalergi Foundation. Count Coudenhove-Kalergi was an Austrian aristocrat who founded the Pan Europa movement in 1922. He was well connected to the statesmen and financiers of Europe and he is regarded as one of the founding fathers of the European Union. Being half Japanese, on his mother’s side, he was naturally tolerant of race mixing. In his 1925 book Practical Idealism he wrote the following:
“The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.
Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that these people that escaped Ghetto-Prison developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore, a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation."“The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.
This was his own philosophy, based on his Freemasonic beliefs. It is not part of the manifesto of Pan Europa and has never been the policy of the European Union. The Count’s followers set up a foundation in his memory and they award prizes to individuals who have furthered the cause of European unity. But that does not mean that the recipients are committed to race mixing. Anyone can set up a foundation and dish out medals, it does not mean that they are in charge of anything.
Mass migration started in the UK in 1948 and by the time we joined the old Common Market in 1973 we already had millions of Third World immigrants. This obviously had nothing to do with Coudenhove-Kalergi or his obscure book. The Third World invasion was driven by economics and promoted by Tory and Labour politicians.
Margaret Thatcher, who was elected in 1979, famously said that she understood people’s fears of being “swamped.” Her words helped to destroy the National Front but she did very little to control immigration.
Margaret Thatcher, who was elected in 1979, famously said that she understood people’s fears of being “swamped.” Her words helped to destroy the National Front but she did very little to control immigration.
The Euro Referendum campaign was dominated by immigration. The popular Press convinced a gullible public that it was a European problem. In fact, the majority of our immigrants come from outside Europe and have nothing to do with the EU.
Mass migration is welcomed by big business because it provides cheap labour. Employers have no interest in Race, they are only concerned with productivity. They are motivated by profit and our politicians are motivated by self-preservation. They are just as pleased with Black or Asian votes as those from native Brits. The Coudenhove-Kalergi nightmare is just another conspiracy theory; an attempt by sincere but confused people to make sense of the world.
Brave New World
The BBC documentary series Panorama recently covered the latest developments in genetic engineering. "Medicine's Big Breakthrough" is available on iPlayer.
Medical research continues to unravel the secrets of DNA and scientists are finding ways of treating genetic abnormalities, not only in the patient but in his progeny. Defective genes that are passed down through families can be edited out, and it's even possible that conditions such as addiction can be eliminated.
For many years environmental conditioning has been held responsible for human behaviour but the latest research is restoring the traditional belief in inheritance. Some families produce children that graduate unfailingly from reformed school to prison. Members of the criminal underclass randomly father children, mistreat women, abuse drugs and alcohol, and sponge on the State. Social Workers tell us that they can be rehabilitated with large sums of money, but our common sense tells us that they are wasters who will never be any good. Now, it may be possible to correct their criminal behaviour by genetic engineering. Where the social reformers have failed the scientist might succeed.
At present most DNA is a mystery but we are making progress and we may soon be able rid humanity of inherited defects both physical and mental.
The so-called 'mercy killings' carried out by German National Socialists, and Swedish Social Democrats, in the forties, are not the same thing. They were playing at God by killing human beings but we would simply be mixing chemicals in a laboratory. Of course, once the science is perfected it's difficult to believe that we would not use genetic engineering to produce the healthiest and brightest babies. This may be interfering with nature but it could be seen as part of the evolutionary process.
Aldous Huxley described a world devoted to genetic engineering in his 1931 novel 'Brave New World'. It was seen as a critique of authoritarianism but GK Chesterton took a different view:
"After the Age of Utopias came what we may call the American Age, lasting as long as the boom. Men like Ford or Mond seemed to many to have solved the social riddle and made capitalism the common good. But it was not native to us; it went with buoyant, not to say blatant optimism, which is not our negligent or negative optimism. Much more than Victorian righteousness, or even Victorian self-righteousness, that optimism has driven people into pessimism. For the Slump brought, even more, disillusionment than the War. A new bitterness and a new bewilderment ran through social life and was reflected in all literature and art. It was contemptuous, not only of Capitalism but of the old Socialism. Brave New World is more a reaction against Utopia than against Victoria."
Whatever we think about genetic engineering it's here to stay. We cannot put scientific knowledge back in the box, but we can use it to our advantage.
Patriotism and Nationalism - Last Refuge of the Charlatans by Eddy Morrison, Aryan Unity Dec 2001
The editor of this e-zine started off his political life as a "patriot" and a "British Nationalist" - way back in 1967. Since that time I have evolved my philosophy and worldview so that I have gradually and gladly thrown false plastic British patriotism and Nationalism overboard - and replaced it with the much bigger view. That view? National Socialism and Pan-Aryanism.
To quote Lincoln Rockwell on the subject: (from In Hoc Signo Vinces) "What, in the name of the most elementary reason, is the difference whether Bartholomew Buckingham is born near the Thames, Hans Schmidt on the Rhine, Pierre Dubois on the Seine, Per Olafson in Stockholm, Eric Erasmus in Durban, Joe Doaks in Pondok, Ohio, or John Smith in Auckland, New Zealand, compared to the question of "Shall there be any more Bartholomews, Hanses, Pers, Erics, Joes or Johns?"
All over the Aryan World, Parties (not Movements!) are raising their heads and trotting out the tried-before-and-failed policies of "respectability", "populism" and tactics and strategy which drop principles on the grounds that "they are vote losers", whilst at the same time these groups look upon themselves as oh so clever in that they are disguising themselves as moderates and distancing themselves from us "crank nutzies" (and I quote one of their "Leaders" referring to me.
Dropping one's principles for the very dubious reward of gathering votes from the wrong people and gaining new members - members who are attracted by the watered down policies. Members who wear underclothes with their national flag on, or shop with Union Flag carrier bags stuffed with imported foreign goods. People who shed a crocodile nationalist tear when the State structured "Last Night at the Proms" (in the UK) lets them be openly "patriotic" for two hours once a year!
We have seen this before. The moment the chips are down and the Zionist controlled media start screaming "Nazi" and "Fascist" then these new members and voters will disappear like the March Violets they are. The soft sneaky way to victory is not the way of the Aryan. We have always faced the enemy head on and accepted the risks. To quote Rockwell again: "The only thing to which I can be loyal with any deep conviction - the only loyalty that makes any sense - is my racial, and therefore cultural brotherhood with my own people, no matter where they happen to have been born!"
Reject the purely geographical notion of "Nationalism" and embrace Racial-Nationalism and Pan-Aryanism which knows no borders. United the Aryan Folk can survive the New World Order Holocaust which is planned for us - but whilst we play the game of being respectable and wave our bits of coloured National Flags and ignore the great world struggle between the Aryan activists and the New World Order, then we are fooling ourselves, our people and we are wasting criminally valuable time that we do not have!
President Donald Trump
The President of the United States should not concern us in the UK. We are Europeans with our own problems to worry about. But we are so tied to the US politically that we cannot ignore the man in the White House. Before he took office in January 2017 Donald Trump made a series of promises to the American people. He said that he would improve relations with Russia, disengage from the Middle East, abolish 'Obamacare', and build a wall on the Mexican border.
So far, he has imposed economic sanctions on Venezuela, Russia, Iran and North Korea, he is still involved in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, he failed to get his medical insurance reforms adopted and has made no noticeable progress on the Mexican Wall.
Failed promises are well known to us in the UK. Our prime minister vowed to control immigration, build more houses, and balance the budget. But we don't expect her to do any of those things.
We live under a mad system where politicians spend millions of pounds, or dollars, to get elected, with no intention of making good on their promises. There is no control over them. They can promise what they like because they will never be held to account. There are no trading standards to protect voters. Makers of soap powder are not allowed to make false statements about their product but politicians are free to tell lies.
Donald Trump promised to get out of the Middle East when he was campaigning for president but he has increased America's military presence. He commands formidable armed forces and Theresa May is his loyal and obedient servant. If he decides to invade Iran in defence of Israel we will be with him all the way. Having destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan it seems inevitable that we will destroy Iran.
The American industrial-military complex needs another lucrative war but Russia, China and North Korea are far too powerful. Trump will probably go for Iran, and if he does Britain will be with him. We may not be able to afford our National Health Service but we will find a few billion pounds to kill Iranians. They have never done us any harm but they are the enemy of Saudi Arabia - one of our best customers.
The UK has been tied to the United States since the Second World War. Our only attempt at an independent foreign policy was thwarted in 1956 when British and French forces were ordered out of Egypt by President Dwight D Eisenhower. Our currency was tied to the dollar by the Bretton Woods Agreement until the Nixon Shock of 1971. Since then the pound has floated but oil and other essential commodities are traded in dollars. Our armed forces are under NATO command, and our Trident missiles are made by Lockheed Martin and kept at King's Bay Georgia. So much for national independence.
The German Election
Angela Merkel's CDU has won the German election with 33% of the vote, the Social Democrats were second with 21% and the AFD party was third with 13%. Angela Merkel has been punished for letting in the Syrian refugees in 2015. There has been trouble involving immigrants and refugees in several German cities leading to the rise of the nationalist AFD.
Angela Merkel did not let in the refugees as part of a dark conspiracy but because she is a compassionate woman. As a girl, she belonged to the East German youth movement but so did every one of her generation. She is not a Communist she is a Christian Democrat.
With Russian help, Bashir al Assad is winning the war in Syria and refugees are beginning to return. When the war is finally over Syria will need manpower to rebuild the country and a great return of refugees will be required
The refugee crisis was the result of EU dithering. Europe should have acted promptly and not allowed the situation to degenerate into chaos. Hopefully, lessons have been learned. Refugees are fleeing from war, famine and poverty from all over Africa and Asia. The Italians have reduced the seaborn influx from Libya to a trickle by arming and training the Libyan defence forces. But a joint European effort is required to defend our continent from invasion.
European Outlook
Our sister blog is posted on
Brave New World
The BBC documentary series Panorama recently covered the latest developments in genetic engineering. "Medicine's Big Breakthrough" is available on iPlayer.
Medical research continues to unravel the secrets of DNA and scientists are finding ways of treating genetic abnormalities, not only in the patient but in his progeny. Defective genes that are passed down through families can be edited out, and it's even possible that conditions such as addiction can be eliminated.
For many years environmental conditioning has been held responsible for human behaviour but the latest research is restoring the traditional belief in inheritance. Some families produce children that graduate unfailingly from reformed school to prison. Members of the criminal underclass randomly father children, mistreat women, abuse drugs and alcohol, and sponge on the State. Social Workers tell us that they can be rehabilitated with large sums of money, but our common sense tells us that they are wasters who will never be any good. Now, it may be possible to correct their criminal behaviour by genetic engineering. Where the social reformers have failed the scientist might succeed.
At present most DNA is a mystery but we are making progress and we may soon be able rid humanity of inherited defects both physical and mental.
The so-called 'mercy killings' carried out by German National Socialists, and Swedish Social Democrats, in the forties, are not the same thing. They were playing at God by killing human beings but we would simply be mixing chemicals in a laboratory. Of course, once the science is perfected it's difficult to believe that we would not use genetic engineering to produce the healthiest and brightest babies. This may be interfering with nature but it could be seen as part of the evolutionary process.
Aldous Huxley described a world devoted to genetic engineering in his 1931 novel 'Brave New World'. It was seen as a critique of authoritarianism but GK Chesterton took a different view:
"After the Age of Utopias came what we may call the American Age, lasting as long as the boom. Men like Ford or Mond seemed to many to have solved the social riddle and made capitalism the common good. But it was not native to us; it went with buoyant, not to say blatant optimism, which is not our negligent or negative optimism. Much more than Victorian righteousness, or even Victorian self-righteousness, that optimism has driven people into pessimism. For the Slump brought, even more, disillusionment than the War. A new bitterness and a new bewilderment ran through social life and was reflected in all literature and art. It was contemptuous, not only of Capitalism but of the old Socialism. Brave New World is more a reaction against Utopia than against Victoria."
Whatever we think about genetic engineering it's here to stay. We cannot put scientific knowledge back in the box, but we can use it to our advantage.
Patriotism and Nationalism - Last Refuge of the Charlatans by Eddy Morrison, Aryan Unity Dec 2001
The editor of this e-zine started off his political life as a "patriot" and a "British Nationalist" - way back in 1967. Since that time I have evolved my philosophy and worldview so that I have gradually and gladly thrown false plastic British patriotism and Nationalism overboard - and replaced it with the much bigger view. That view? National Socialism and Pan-Aryanism.
To quote Lincoln Rockwell on the subject: (from In Hoc Signo Vinces) "What, in the name of the most elementary reason, is the difference whether Bartholomew Buckingham is born near the Thames, Hans Schmidt on the Rhine, Pierre Dubois on the Seine, Per Olafson in Stockholm, Eric Erasmus in Durban, Joe Doaks in Pondok, Ohio, or John Smith in Auckland, New Zealand, compared to the question of "Shall there be any more Bartholomews, Hanses, Pers, Erics, Joes or Johns?"
All over the Aryan World, Parties (not Movements!) are raising their heads and trotting out the tried-before-and-failed policies of "respectability", "populism" and tactics and strategy which drop principles on the grounds that "they are vote losers", whilst at the same time these groups look upon themselves as oh so clever in that they are disguising themselves as moderates and distancing themselves from us "crank nutzies" (and I quote one of their "Leaders" referring to me.
Dropping one's principles for the very dubious reward of gathering votes from the wrong people and gaining new members - members who are attracted by the watered down policies. Members who wear underclothes with their national flag on, or shop with Union Flag carrier bags stuffed with imported foreign goods. People who shed a crocodile nationalist tear when the State structured "Last Night at the Proms" (in the UK) lets them be openly "patriotic" for two hours once a year!
We have seen this before. The moment the chips are down and the Zionist controlled media start screaming "Nazi" and "Fascist" then these new members and voters will disappear like the March Violets they are. The soft sneaky way to victory is not the way of the Aryan. We have always faced the enemy head on and accepted the risks. To quote Rockwell again: "The only thing to which I can be loyal with any deep conviction - the only loyalty that makes any sense - is my racial, and therefore cultural brotherhood with my own people, no matter where they happen to have been born!"
Reject the purely geographical notion of "Nationalism" and embrace Racial-Nationalism and Pan-Aryanism which knows no borders. United the Aryan Folk can survive the New World Order Holocaust which is planned for us - but whilst we play the game of being respectable and wave our bits of coloured National Flags and ignore the great world struggle between the Aryan activists and the New World Order, then we are fooling ourselves, our people and we are wasting criminally valuable time that we do not have!
President Donald Trump
The President of the United States should not concern us in the UK. We are Europeans with our own problems to worry about. But we are so tied to the US politically that we cannot ignore the man in the White House. Before he took office in January 2017 Donald Trump made a series of promises to the American people. He said that he would improve relations with Russia, disengage from the Middle East, abolish 'Obamacare', and build a wall on the Mexican border.
So far, he has imposed economic sanctions on Venezuela, Russia, Iran and North Korea, he is still involved in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, he failed to get his medical insurance reforms adopted and has made no noticeable progress on the Mexican Wall.
Failed promises are well known to us in the UK. Our prime minister vowed to control immigration, build more houses, and balance the budget. But we don't expect her to do any of those things.
We live under a mad system where politicians spend millions of pounds, or dollars, to get elected, with no intention of making good on their promises. There is no control over them. They can promise what they like because they will never be held to account. There are no trading standards to protect voters. Makers of soap powder are not allowed to make false statements about their product but politicians are free to tell lies.
Donald Trump promised to get out of the Middle East when he was campaigning for president but he has increased America's military presence. He commands formidable armed forces and Theresa May is his loyal and obedient servant. If he decides to invade Iran in defence of Israel we will be with him all the way. Having destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan it seems inevitable that we will destroy Iran.
The American industrial-military complex needs another lucrative war but Russia, China and North Korea are far too powerful. Trump will probably go for Iran, and if he does Britain will be with him. We may not be able to afford our National Health Service but we will find a few billion pounds to kill Iranians. They have never done us any harm but they are the enemy of Saudi Arabia - one of our best customers.
The UK has been tied to the United States since the Second World War. Our only attempt at an independent foreign policy was thwarted in 1956 when British and French forces were ordered out of Egypt by President Dwight D Eisenhower. Our currency was tied to the dollar by the Bretton Woods Agreement until the Nixon Shock of 1971. Since then the pound has floated but oil and other essential commodities are traded in dollars. Our armed forces are under NATO command, and our Trident missiles are made by Lockheed Martin and kept at King's Bay Georgia. So much for national independence.
The German Election
Angela Merkel's CDU has won the German election with 33% of the vote, the Social Democrats were second with 21% and the AFD party was third with 13%. Angela Merkel has been punished for letting in the Syrian refugees in 2015. There has been trouble involving immigrants and refugees in several German cities leading to the rise of the nationalist AFD.
Angela Merkel did not let in the refugees as part of a dark conspiracy but because she is a compassionate woman. As a girl, she belonged to the East German youth movement but so did every one of her generation. She is not a Communist she is a Christian Democrat.
With Russian help, Bashir al Assad is winning the war in Syria and refugees are beginning to return. When the war is finally over Syria will need manpower to rebuild the country and a great return of refugees will be required
The refugee crisis was the result of EU dithering. Europe should have acted promptly and not allowed the situation to degenerate into chaos. Hopefully, lessons have been learned. Refugees are fleeing from war, famine and poverty from all over Africa and Asia. The Italians have reduced the seaborn influx from Libya to a trickle by arming and training the Libyan defence forces. But a joint European effort is required to defend our continent from invasion.
European Outlook
Our sister blog is posted on
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