Wednesday, 31 January 2024

Nation Revisited # 208 February 2024

Brexit Predictions

I exchanged emails with John Bean (pictured) for many years, particularly about Europe, but I couldn't understand why he supported Brexit when he advocated a "Confederation of European States", which is surely what the EU is.

In March 2016 I questioned a statistic JB had quoted in the BNP magazine 'Identity' which he edited.


I have looked hard at the Oxford University Migrant Observatory website but I can't find the figures you quote for non-Europeans from the EU in 2010. If some of them were Nigerians with Nigerian passports they would be counted as such, even if they arrived from the EU. But if they were German or French citizens of Nigerian origin they would be classed as German or French. I don't doubt that you have seen a figure of 141,000 but I can't find it. The only significant group of non-Europeans from the EU that I found were Cypriots from Turkish Northern Cyprus. The Cypriots claim them as their citizens but so do the Turks. But they only amount to a few thousand. There is a similar situation with Moldovans who are entitled to Romanian passports, and Russian-speaking citizens of the Baltic republics who the Russians consider to belong to them. Again, the numbers of these people are tiny.

If there are meaningful developments in the refugee crisis you may want to edit your article. I think that Angela Merkel and Dave Cameron will promise the Turks anything to halt the influx and help them at the polls. That's the trouble with trying to be topical - things change and it's hard to keep up with events. The refugee crisis was manna from Heaven for UKIP but if it appears to be under control the punters will forget all about it.

I think that this referendum is about immigration and Dave Cameron. Most people have no interest in Europe one way or another, but they can be wound up by populist newspapers and politicians. One of the unforeseen consequences of the Out campaign is that it really would be 'Little England' because Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales are likely to vote to stay in. It's all very well for Boris to promise that the British Government will pay farming subsidies equal to the CAP but few people believe him.

We have got another four months of propaganda before we ask people to make a decision. The question should be: Do you want to be an independent sovereign state totally controlled by global capitalism - or do you want to be part of the EU and totally controlled by global capitalism? The people must decide.

Best wishes Bill

Hello Bill,

I have checked the quote from the Oxford University Migration Observatory and I see that it came from a Philip Johnson writing in the Daily Telegraph 21.10.14. He said it came from the Oxford report "several years back". So this could have been any time from 2000 to 2005 or 6. I just made a stab at it being 2010, but the message was informative.

I agree 100 percent with your paragraphs 3 & 4.

Regards John.

It Happened Here: The experiences of a British political prisoner in British Prisons and Concentration Camps during the Fifth Column panic of 1940/1 - Charlie Watts

An extract from 'Comrade' June 1986

If the boys can take it...

Right from the start I was, to say the least, very displeased and disgusted to find that OM was expected to to keep his own cell clean etc. It amused me to see other people on the Pot Parade , but with the leader, my reaction went the other way. But he took it like the great man he is. I determined to try and make his prison life as easy as possible so offered my services as a sort of 'batman'. These were immediately refused. He said "I may be the leader outside  but here I am one of the boys, and if the Boys can take it - so can I." I persisted day after day and several times incurred his displeasure and annoyance. I would wait until his back was turned and then nip into his cell and tidy up a bit, or fetch a jug of water or something like that.

So must I !

One morning, as soon as my door was opened, I followed the Screw round the landing , and as soon as he opened OM's door, I nipped in, grabbed his jerry and got his own crack back at him while he was still in bed. "You may be the leader outside but in here you're one of the boys and I'm emptying the bloody thing this morning."

He looked astonished and I expected a real mouthful when I returned the empty, but found him highly amused. This served to break down his resistance and from then onward I'm happy in the knowledge that I made his life just a little easier for him.

Ancient Tribal Hatreds

According to the Bible Abraham had two sons, Ishmael, his first born, with his Palestinian handmaiden Hagar, and Isaac with his Jewish wife Sarah. When Isaac was born Abraham disowned Hagar and Ishmael and banished them to Mecca, where Ishmael became the father of the Arab nation. I relate these Bible stories merely to show their antiquity. Genesis dates back 3,400 years, that's how long the Israelis and the Palestinians have been divided.

We all know the story of Samson and Delilah. Samson, the last Judge of Israel, was known for his long hair and great strength. He was betrayed by his lover Delilah who cut off his hair and handed him over to the Philistines (Palestinians). They took him to Gaza where they blinded him and made him a slave, but he pulled down the Philistine Temple and perished with them. 

I cried as a boy when I saw the 1949 film of Samson and Delilah. I thought it was wicked to blind Samson and unforgivable for Delilah to betray him. Of course the Biblical account was written by the Jews so we only have their word for what happened. Things are not much different today. Gaza is once again a place of murder and cruelty driven by ancient tribal hatreds, and once again we are only hearing one side of the story.

Israel is an American protectorate that will last as long as America provides the arms and money for her defence. The Israelis are brave soldiers, but bravery alone does not win wars, as the Ukrainians are proving. Wars are won by having the resources, the equipment and the manpower. 

America and Britain have entered the war between Israel and Palestine by attacking the Houthi rebels that are trying to prevent arms and ammunition reaching Israel. This is not surprising. Prime minister Rishi Sunak, his foreign minister Dave Cameron and opposition leader Keir Starmer are Zionists. Rishi Sunak is loyal to his former employer Goldman Sachs, Dave Cameron's great great grandfather was the German banker Emile Levita, and Keir Starmer is naturally sympathetic to his Jewish wife Lady Victoria.

To all Friends of Willis Carto - Elizabeth Carto

The world is collapsing all around us, at least it appears as such. It is impossible to find rational thought in today's news media. (In times of disaster one had to tolerate that Fox was always there to bring us the worst). Amazingly, the current upheaval in the Middle East put all their talking heads on full speed. They went overboard in detailing the demise of thousands of people, including Jews. All my favourite talkers spoke as one voice. They knew nothing except that their masters in the Holy Land and New York City needed them desperately to condemn the outrage committed by the Palestinians. Hannity stood on his head; he went literally insane for a while. With admirers and followers, joining him in the eternal damnation trip against the poor Palestinian people, he raised money for the Israeli Defense Forces. Why not raise money for his American brethren, walking our streets for one more pay for their hard work at GM and other auto makers who could easily move factories to Mexico? But as they say: The worm turns. After a short time of caterwauling, we find that even "normal" people finally were feeling the need to at least listen to the other side. I never thought I would applaud the four Muslim Congresswomen; they had the guts to be honest with their convictions. I hope that is not transitory.

Studying the history of Israel one must first check out the same for Palestine. After all, it was their country for thousands of years. A minority of Jews are of biblical significance today. Books have been written by Jews proving that at the most 2% of today's Jews in Israel are actually of desirable ancestry. The majority arrived from Russia and Eastern Europe; they are of Khazar ancestry, not Jewish by birth right. Perhaps they had faith that with the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 the waving of a wand would turn them all into biblical Jews. The misguided Christians of today still believe it. We have all been paying the price for those illusions ever since.

The Palestinians were ruled by the Ottoman Empire for over four centuries. During WW1, Ben Gurion contemplated wearing a Turkish uniform to join the Turkish army. They had joined Germany in WW1 to fight off the British. Ben Gurion was just about to become part of the Turkish army but then WW1 and Turkey did not require his services. He was an honest man and wrote amusingly about these matters.

At the end it was Perfidious Albion who sold out the Palestinians. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 sounded the death knell for the Middle East; peace had only been fleeting. The British, as so often, put their mortgages out to the highest bidder.

During those years wealthy titled landowners in England had mortgaged their properties to the hilt, including the Churchills. The Bank of England and its auxiliaries were the entities acquiring properties by arranging intermarriages with Jewish moneyed princesses and buying out others cheaply. WW1 pauperised England and it went to the highest bidders. Today, Wall Street luminaries have been replaced with cheap Hollywood trash and cheating fly-by-night investment houses. Those left in New York City have to barricade themselves in their hideouts. But if all else fails there is always Palestine up for grabs, but at least they will be with their Jewish brethren.

Israeli author Shlomo Sand in 2009 wrote the book The Invention of the Jewish People which I highly recommend. The facts he covers cannot be disputed easily. He was Emeritus at Tel Aviv University, To quote:

"while acknowledging "the affinity between the Jews and the Holy Land," Sand has said that "I don't think the religious affinity to the land gives you historic right." Still, he supports Israel's existence "not because of historic right, but because of the fact that it exists today and any effort to destroy it will bring new tragedies." He explained that he does not call himself a Zionist, but "a post-Zionist and non-Zionist, because the justification of this land is not historical right."

Comparing the Palestinians to children of rape, Sand has said that Israel "raped a population. And not only a population - we destroyed this society, in constructing the Israeli state." He opposes the Law of Return and the right of return. Still, "Israel has to be the state of Israelis. That is the only way  we can continue to live in the Middle East." He argues that before Hitler, Jews were overwhelmingly against Zionism, and the concept of "Eratz Israel" was not about an earthly homeland but about something more spiritual . He also opposes the one-state solution because, while "very popular in leftist circles" it is "not serious" because Israelis, being "one of the most racist societies in the western world," will never accept it. Thus he supports a "two state solution on the borders of '67, taking out most of the settlers. I don't think it will be a big problem." His position on the formation of a national identity extends to Palestinians, who did not in his view, exist as a people before the rise of Zionism.

The simple truth is that Israel cannot maintain its occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank without US aid.


Those nations that support American foreign policy are rewarded with trade deals and foreign aid, but those states that do not are punished with sanctions and threats of military intervention. 

Sanctions are just one step removed from actual warfare. in between the two Gulf Wars 1990-1991 and 2003-2011, Iraq was subjected to twelve years of sanctions that included food and medicines. By the time American forces invaded in 2003, in search of 'weapons of mass destruction', the country was bankrupt, hungry and practically defenceless, but that didn't stop President George W Bush from bombing the civilian population and ordering the killing of President Saddam Hussein. 

A previous American sanctions campaign ended in total war when President FD Roosevelt enforced sanctions against Japan for invading China. Deprived of oil and rubber Japan had no choice but to go to war with America. The resulting Pacific War ended when President Harry Truman dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

American sanctions against Russia and China are just as dangerous, unless they think that they could win a nuclear war.

Political Prisoners

Michael Woodbridge, Bill Baillie, John Bean, Jez Turner at Newmarket Circa 2015

We like to think that Britain is a land of free speech but our prisons contain a growing number of political prisoners. Veteran nationalist Michael Woodbridge gives support and encouragement to these dissidents through his organisation The Link.

I received the following email from him on 2nd Jan 2024.

Dear Bill

it may interest you to know that I'm proud to be a personal friend of 'Sven' and am due to visit him in HMP Berwyn this coming Thursday. I'm also hoping to visit James Costello, another dissident whose trial I attended and was also found guilty of Speak Crime.

Kind regards, Michael

European Outlook - 

Nation Revisited

All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. The editor reserves the right to shorten or otherwise amend articles submitted for publication. We seek reform by lawful means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."



1 comment:

JohnBeattie said...

I CONSIDER IT AN HONOUR TO HAVE BEEN AND STILL AM on BILL's MAILING LIST here across the pond. His hard hard work over the decades has my utmost respect.