Hope For The Future
At a recent gathering of old comrades I noted the various opinions around the table. We were all former members or supporters of Oswald Mosley's post-war Union Movement, but there was no 'party line' on the issues of the day.
We were equally divided over the Ukraine conflict. Some of us thought that Russia had been provoked by NATO's eastern expansion, but others supported the Ukrainians; probably because some of them "fought for the Fuhrer" in WW2.
We were also split on the next general election. Some of us dreaded the prospect of a Labour government but others, including me, thought that anything would be better than a Tory regime steeped in bribery and corruption.
Everyone regretted the changes that came about in the sixties; mass migration from the Commonwealth, the rise of crime, drug taking, sexual promiscuity, lack of respect for one's elders, and so on. I generally agreed with them but I suggested that some good things happened in the sixties when the working class started to buy houses, televisions and cars and take foreign holidays. As prime minister Harold Macmillan said at the time: "They never had it so good".
I floated the idea that the Ukraine conflict might be a cunning plan to force Europe to buy American gas. But my idea was dismissed on the grounds that: "America and Germany are on our side".
It's only to be expected that a group of old codgers would have conservative opinions. As we grow older most of us lose our capacity for wine, women, song, and revolutionary politics, but our love of Race and Nation never dies.
Our long campaign to build a better Britain has fallen on deaf ears but our dire economic situation together with political developments in Hungary, France, and Sweden, and the appointment of Georgia Meloni (pictured) as prime minister of Italy gives us hope for the future. The tide is turning.
John Bean's Letters to The Telegraph
Shannon Barnes, John Bean and Carl Harley.
The Daily Telegraph and the Sunday Telegraph are famous for their letters to the Editor from disgruntled Tories, but sometimes they let an old fascist have his say.
Sunday Telegraph 27-02-1994 - When the indigenous working folk are continually told that to oppose immigration must mean that they also support Nazi extermination methods - when they know very well they do not - they eventually say "What the hell" and vote for the extremists, some of whom may be Nazi sympathisers. This happened in last year's by-election in the Isle of Dogs, east London. JE Bean Newmarket, Suffolk
Daily Telegraph 23-02-1999 - The politicians who created the multi-racial society can ignore at their peril the report from the Commission for Racial Equality which stated that more than 230,000 white people said that they had been the victims of a racial offence, compared with 101,000 Asians and 42,000 black people, JE Bean Newmarket, Suffolk
Sunday Telegraph 10-10-1999 - Dr Steve Jones may be an authoritative geneticist, but he seems to ignore mathematics ("One in five Britons has black genes", October 3) If, as he contends, black people were marrying into white families in Britain 400 years ago, then after 15 generations the African genes in any descendant would be 0.0015 per cent, assuming that all descendants only mated with white Britons. Even after only seven generations, ie, from the late 18th century, the 'black' genes would still be only about 0.4 per cent.
Therefore, for Dr Jones to state that "it is inevitable that black and white Britons have the same genes" is a nonsense.
Where is his evidence that there were 15,000 black people living in London by the 18th century? The first national census was not held until 1841. It came about because local censuses before that were notoriously inaccurate.
If there were as many black people in London 200 and 300 years ago, surely observers of the London scene would have commented upon it. Samuel Pepys makes no reference to it for the 17th century. Although Samuel Johnson's manservant was a black man (and was left a fortune by his master), few other references are made by Dr Johnson for the 18th century. For the 19th century that keen observer of London life Charles Dickens refers only to a few "blackamoors" who were servants to the gentry.
I suspect that Dr Jones has been taken in by Trevor Phillips, the socialist would be mayor of London, and his attempt, in his television series Britain's Slave Trade to try to show that Britain was a multi-racial society before the arrival of the Empire Windrush in 1948. JE Bean Newmarket, Suffolk
Daily Telegraph 30-10-2004 - The discovery of the "Hobbit" skeletons east of Java (report, Oct 28) could raise a question mark over the current belief that all human evolution stems from "Lucy", the Homo Habilis fossil found in East Africa.
In 1966, the anthropologist Prof Carleton S Coon, in his work Origin of Races, postulated the theory that humans evolved in five different locations, one of them being Java. For some reason, his theory became unfashionable. Yet "Java Man", discovered in 1891 was, like the "Hobbit", classified as an example of Homo Erectus.
As this variant of mankind evolved more than a million years ago, how did it travel from Africa to Indonesia without recourse to any land bridges? JE Bean Newmarket, Suffolk
Fascism Defined
The election of Georgia Meloni as prime minister of Italy has revived worldwide interest in fascism. But what exactly is fascism? Neil Nugent offered his conclusion in 'British Fascism' edited by Kenneth Lunn and Richard Thurlow, published by Croom Helm 1980.
"As we have seen there are innumerable problems in attempting to define fascism. However, unless words and concepts are to lose all meaning, an attempt must be made to define terms and toward that end a working model of fascism was suggested. From there we proceed to examine the ideological nature of the extreme right in Britain since the war with a view to establishing whether sections of it may legitimately be regarded as being in the fascist tradition.
The conclusions may be summarised as follows: In the first period the two main organisations - the LEL (League of Empire Loyalists) and the UM (Union Movement), especially the latter - did indeed display fascist characteristics. Overall however it is hardly legitimate to view them as pure fascists. In the case of the LEL, the whole manner and style smacked of reactionism, overlain with anti-Semitism, rather than fascism. With the UM, many policies and ideas were consciously designed to distance it from fascism, with particular emphasis being given to commitment to basic democratic principles. The movement can thus only be regarded as fascist if its public persona is to be seen as a complete pose, a guise to be discarded at the first opportune moment. Many of its opponents did of course take precisely this view.
Between 1958 and 1967 the situation is much clearer. Authoritarianism became explicit and the participants themselves frequently displayed their fascist and Nazi sympathies in a quite open manner.
With the National Front too there is much in its ideology that is strikingly similar to fascism as defined. Furthermore, much of it clearly draws directly on ideas, sentiments and prejudices expressed both before and after the war by self-confessed British fascist movements. There has naturally been an adaptation to circumstances, notably with regard to the presence, since the late 1950s, of a large black population, and some elements receive a different emphasis than they did from forerunners. On the whole however the essential of fascist ideology are all present. The only reservation concerns the extent of the party's authoritarianism and it is because there are doubts in this area that neo-fascist may be the most appropriate description."
'British Fascism' doesn't cover the rise and fall of the contemporary British National Party, but Neil Nugent's description of the NF fits all subsequent parties of the far-right. UM was the only patriotic movement with a post-imperial worldview. The others clung to policies that make no sense since the collapse of the British Empire. The present crisis shows that Britain cannot go-it-alone. Talk of 'sovereignty' is meaningless when we can do nothing about the price of gas and other essential commodities.
Union Movement has been gone for over 40 years but its policy is still the only answer.
Five Questions Answered # 21 Gary Raikes
The Five Questions are: Who are you? What do you believe in? If you could direct government policy, what would you do? What are you proud of and what do you regret? How would you like to be remembered. So far 21 replies have been received from across the patriotic spectrum. Send your answers to: nationrevisited@gmail.com
Who are you?
My name is Gary Raikes, I was born in Bristol way back in 1958 growing up in a family of nine.
What do you believe in?
I believe in good old family values and treating people how you would like them to treat you. I am a British Mosleyite Fascist.
If you could direct government policy, what would you do?
If I was directing Government I would introduce the Corporate State, stop all immigration and begin mass deportation of all illegal immigrants. Rebuild the armed forces, re-educate Judges, bring back hanging and roll back all the PC rubbish inflicted on us by decades of liberalism.
What are you proud of and what do you regret?
I am proud of my daughter above all else. Also the fact that I have remained true to my political beliefs since leaving school at 15 and of course all the officers and members of the New British Union.
I bitterly regret the collapse of the BNP just when we were on the very edge of real success.
How would you like to be remembered?
I'm not really concerned with how I will be remembered, maybe as a good dad and someone who stood up to be counted.
Nation Revisited: The NBU is not the first openly fascist party since the war. The following extract is from 'Violent London' by Clive Bloom:
"Soon after their activities in Notting Hill in 1958, racist elements targeted Brixton as a likely site for aggressive action, especially at election time. For the 1962 local council elections, the National Union of Fascists (NUF), a breakaway group of Union Movement, put up a candidate from Clapham Road, Keith Goodall, a founder of the NUF, polled enough to come last. This was hardly surprising as his supporters dressed in full Blackshirt uniform, and at least one, Alan Whereat, had been arrested and charged with wearing a political uniform. After his appearance in court, where the case was dropped, he gave a Nazi salute and his supporters pinned a Union badge onto the black shirt he had worn for the hearing!"
Reply to Robbie the Robot's Comment
John Tyndall and Roland Kerr-Ritchie in 1962.
Why do I think that John Tyndall would probably have been convicted of inciting racial hatred, if he had stood trial, when Nick Griffin and Mark Collett were acquitted on appeal? Check out his invective against the Jews' (page 13) in 'The Authoritarian State':
"The Jew knows that only within a state governed according to his self-proclaimed theories of Liberalism and "Freedom" will he be permitted to continue, unhampered, the activities by which he has corrupted every nation that has opened its doors to him. When he unceasingly propagates, through his vast media of propaganda the doctrines of "Democracy" and the "Rights of Man" he has little desire to extend those rights to the ordinary nationals of the state in which he lives. What he really wants are "rights" for himself to lie and deceive those nationals while he grows fat on the results of their ignorance.
When he finally establishes his Communist state, as he has done in Russia and a great part of the East, he will discard immediately all the "freedoms" he so ardently advocates here today. Because then he will be complete master and can only stand to lose by any extension of freedom to the people he dominates.
As he testifies only too clearly in his PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION, the document in which is contained his blueprint for world power:
"Political freedom is an idea but not a fact. This idea one must know how to apply whenever it appears necessary to use it as a bait to attract the masters of people to one's party for the purpose of crushing another who is in authority. This task is rendered easier if the opponent has himself been infected with the idea of "freedom", so-called Liberalism, and for the sake of an idea, is willing to yield some of his power."
Under his Communist system the Jew carries the principles of totalitarian dictatorship to the very extreme, treating like so many inhuman cattle the subjects under his command. Once firmly ensconced in power, he laughs at the slogans with which he bemused them on his way there. His police-state exceeds in tyranny and brutality all the so-called "police- states" of the Gentiles which he has attacked in the past."
John Tyndall's relentless anti-Semitism would surely have been enough to put him behind bars if he had not taken his case to a higher court.
David Myatt
'Anonymous' comments that the writer David Myatt is not associated with the Occult, as reported by the late Eddie Morrison in Nation Revisited # 122. During his long philosophical journey Myatt has been a National Socialist and a Muslim, but in 2010 he publicly rejected both beliefs.
European Outlook
Our sister blog is posted at: https://europeanoutlook.blogspot.com
Nation Revisited
Would the final legal assaulters on John Tyndall have had access to his super scarce youthful work "The Authoritarian State"?
Gary Raikes, always the cuckoo in the nest, using other people's platforms because he fails to achieve his own; not for want of trying. In this case David Icke and Piers Corbyn who are diametrically opposed to Gary Raikes's views.
In yet more convoluted reasoning, John Tyndall would NOT have been convicted.
Nick Griffin/Mark Collet's views in various publications were irrrelevant to the the trial. Likewise, John Tyndall's tedious rambling would not have been introduced and considered as evidence. Just as Candour was not mentioned when its alcoholic editor was convicted and imprisoned for a drunken brawl.
Nonetheless, I am quite sure this blog, should it be circulated, will save our country from those who wish to restrict free speech.
Damn, I had to tick a box saying "I'm not a Robot" to get this comment published, but I am one.
Try this. What's more, don't hijack other people's protests Raike, organise your own.
Another cuckoo in the nest is Colin Todd, who commandeered the NF Remembrance annual parade to the Cenotaph the previous couple of occasions. The pisshead editor would not have attempted this coup were Richard Edmonds still alive.
Oh my, A.K. Chesterton, Rosine de Bounevialle, Colin Todd. Proof if any were needed to disprove the theory of evolution. We as a race, are devolving.
Glad not to be part of the human race, but a robot.
The only association the writer, philosopher and former Catholic monk, David Myatt has ever had with the Occult is to convert people he knew were involved to a more morally upright position, initially to an Ethical (Non-Racist) form of National-Socialism, then Islam, and latterly The Numinous Way.
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