Free Speech
I recently attended a meeting of the Four Club in central London at which David Irving was the guest speaker. Many of his book signings and speeches have been cancelled or disrupted in the past due to organised violence, but this meeting was by invitation only and it went off without incident.
The Four Club is an initiative of the author and peace campaigner James Thring (pictured) and filmaker and historian Michele Renouf. It's named after the Four Virtues of classical Greece; Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance. To read about James' efforts to bring peace to the Middle East visit:
The British tradition of free speech is being undermined by so-called anti-fascists who decide who can speak and on what subject. I must admit that in the old days I used to heckle other people's meetings, but I now realise that this was wrong. People have the right to believe in whatever they like, asking sensible questions is fine but speakers should not be shouted down.
The National Front held some impressive marches in the 1970s that made them known throughout the UK, but they were usually attacked by screaming mobs of anti-fascists. I only attended one NF march, from Victoria to Red Lion Square in 1974. I disagreed with the NF over Europe but I supported them on immigration. Thousands of militants tried to stop the march but they were confronted by the police who did a magnificent job. Unfortunately, one anti-fascist demonstrator was killed and several were wounded.
Our traditional ways of protesting are in need of revision. Marches and demonstrations are a nuisance to the public and a danger to the emergency services who need free access to the roads. Marches, disruptive heckling, and forced cancellations threaten the very idea of free speech.
We don't need new laws to remedy the situation. There are plenty of laws dealing with obstruction and threatening behaviour that could be used. It would require a politicaly neutral police force to enforce them, but our politicised police are committed to the Liberal Consensus. This was clearly demonstrated when police officers 'took the knee' in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. This sounds harmless enough but BLM is not a pacifist civil-rights movement it's an extreme anti-white organisation that goes in for looting, arson, and attacks on the police. Five police officers were shot dead by snipers at a BLM demo in Dallas in July 2006.
We must have black and brown police officers because they represent the British demographic, but 'political correctness' enforced from above causes more harm than good. We can't improve race relations by humiliating the police, and we can't make people respect each other by looting shops, setting fire to businesses, and shooting police officers.
The Law should be applied without fear or favour. It's wrong to discriminate against people because of their creed or colour but it's just as wrong to excuse criminality for the sake of political expediency. Freedom of speech and assembly must be protected.
Too Much Idealism
Many people have told me that the European Union is not the vision slendid of 'Europe a Nation' proclaimed by Oswald Mosley. For arguments sake I will accept that opinion but the fact remains that Oswald Mosley took an active part in the 1975 European Referendum, and his followers celebrated its positive outcome. Mosley was an idealist but he was also a practical man who promoted the European Union from an economic and security perspective.
Political activists of the so-called far-right often have trouble distinguishing between fantasy and reality. The vast majority of Britons want to end mass migration. That's possible, it would only take an act of parliament enforced by a determined border force. We have the means to do it, all that we lack is the courage to overturn almost a century of open door immigration. But the fantasists are not satisfied with stopping the influx, they dream about rounding up millions of people and sending them back to their countries of origin.
And it's the same with capitalism. We need laws to protect us from unfair employers and service providers, but to talk about destroying the capitalist system is nonsense. Attemps to do away with capitalism ended in failure in the Soviet Union and turned into state capitalism in China.
Political idealists always go too far. Most people want a good life for their families; decent food, housing, education, and health care, but few of them are interested in abstract ideas of 'liberty, equality and fraternity'. A benevolent dictator who provides the population with the essentials of life is preferable to an idealistic leader who does not.
Benito Mussolini transformed Italy from feudalism to modernity. He established a comprehensive health and social security system, he improved education and transportation and he enjoyed the adoration of his people; until he tried to recreate the Roman Empire.
North of the Alps, Adolf Hitler did a similar job, he ended unemployment and lifted Germany out of poverty, but his obsession with Race was his downfall. As well as hating the Jews he believed that the Russians were inferior beings who could easily be conquered. That idea perished in the ruins of defeated Germany. The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact between the Third Reich and the Soviet Union was beneficial to both countries, but Hitler's head was full of Wagnerian images of a triumphant master race.
We must defend our culture and improve social conditions but we should beware of too much idealism. Better to have your feet on the ground than your head in the clouds.
Letter From America - Robert Lyons
Bill, Happy to hear your 'weak heart' is behaving itself, hopefully mine will also continue to do the same. Funny you should mention David Irving, I was just thinking about him. Irving used to speak at nearby hotels on a regular basis every couple of years but I haven't seen him on a US tour in at least 4 or 5 years. Irving takes lots of precautions and I've never known any of his speaking tours in this country to be disrupted or even picketed. I usually get their early and he's usually in the lobby , I walk up to him and shake his hand and he would send me off to the meeting room where he would appear after ushering everybody to the correct meeting site. I remember his first meeting years ago, he had this absolutely gorgeous young lady with him who I greatly enjoyed talking to, the last few times I saw him he was all by himself, crammed into a small car with his books along with his suitcases. He's an amazing person, I wonder if he ever finished his Himmler book?
I was re-reading Dr Goebbels' early diaries the other day where he mentions riding around with Himmler on the back of his motorcycle. The National Socialist movement in Germany in the early days was amazing, how they could have built the movement from scratch with nothing else but hard work and dedication leaves me shaking my head and wondering how they could have done it, to have everything click into place like that, sure wish their luck could have continued to the end. Oh well off on my tangents again, as the saying goes: "If ifs and buts were fruit and nuts what a wonderful party we would have." Bob
The LGTB fraternity beleive that people should be allowed to chose their gender instead of being defined by their genitalia. In the same way people of mixed heritage can decide which race or nation they belong to. This will upset the head measurers who worry about such things, but most people accept that we are a multiracial country.
David Kurton is the leader of the Heritage Party. His father was Jamaican but he is a true-blue Englishman with distinctly nationalistic opinions. He is by no means our first dusky patriot.
Otto Abbeysakera was an active member of Union Movement in the1950s. I used to drink with him and a group of National Front supporters in the 1970s, and there was never a problem with his Sri Lankan ancestry.
Michael Johnson was elected to the local council in Blackburn for the England First Party in 2006. He had an African grandfather but he is a proud British ex-serviceman.
Sharon Ebanks was the Birmingham organiser of the British National Party. She won a council seat in 2006 but the result was overturned. The Birmingham Mail reported that she had a Jamaican father but she denied it.
Jack Sen is an Anglo-Indian who was expelled from Ukip for making anti-Semetic remarks, and from the BNP for challenging the leader. He currently runs the European Knights Project.
Claire Khaw is a writer and thinker of Malaysian origin who acheived notoriety as a member of the BNP. She promotes a patriachal philosphy with her website the Voice of Reason.
These people are genuine patriots who have stood for their beliefs; Otto Abbeysekara fought the Reds on the streets, Michael Johnson risked his livelyhood by standing for the EFP, Sharon Ebanks faced crippling legal fees when she contested her election result, and Jack Sen's heritage was exposed on national TV.
The hard-liners of the far-right think that Race is everything, but identity is mainly determined by culture. Even the Nazis acknowledged this fact. When Field Marshal Erhard Mich was accused of being Jewish by the Gestapo, Herman Goring came to his defence, saying: "I decide who is a Jew in the Luftwaffe."
Identity is all about acceptance. During the Apartheid era in South Africa people were classified by race but if there was any doubt about it their acceptance by the community was taken into account. When the Nationalists came to power in 1948, any Whites married to Cape Coloureds were classified as 'Coloureds'. Of course, it's easy to tell a European from a black African but the Cape Coloureds can be anything from black to white. Even Jan van Riebeeck, the father of White South Africa, was reputed to have a Malay mother.
I am not advocating race mixing. I have opposed non-European immigration all my life, but it's too late to do anything about it now. We should defend our culture, deport illegals, stop any further influx, and encourage repatriation, but those incomers legally settled here must be assimilited.
Count Potocki
If he was still alive Count Geoffrey Potocki would have taken a keen interest in Ukraine, which was one of his realms. He styled himself Count Geoffrey Wladislas Vaile Potocki de Montalk, King of Poland, Hungary and Bohemia, Grand Duke of Lithuania, Silesia and the Ukraine, Hospodar of Moldova and High Priest of the Sun.
He was a New Zealand born printer, poet, pagan, and pornographer who was sentenced to six months in Wormwood Scrubbs Prison in 1932 for publishing a collection of erotic poems entitled 'The Lament of Sir John Penis'. In court he took an oath to Apollo while giving the fascist salute. The judge warned the jury that the case was "paricularly filthy."
Before the war he printed literature for William Joyce's National Socialist League. In 1943 he was the first to accuse the Soviets of committing the Katyn Forest Massacre. After the war he printed leaflets for Sevitri Devi which she distributed in occupied Germany. And in the 1960s he printed literature for Colin Jordan's National Socialist Movement. He published his 'Right Review' throughout the war but he was not interned; perhaps because of his Royal connections?
He always wore a red velvet cloak, shoulder length hair and sandals. Terry Cooper, who was Francoise Dior's teenage lover, reported that when Count Potocki met Sevitri Devi he was wearing his usual regalia and she was dressed in a traditional Indian sari. He said: "I am the KIng of Poland", and she said: "I am a Hindu princess."
He was born in New Zealand in1903 and died in France in 1997. He was a colourful character who despised liberal democracy and bourgeoise morality. In today's conformist and homogenised world we could do with more people like him.
Enduring the Unendurable
When Hirohito the Emperor of Japan broadcasted to the nation in 1945 his people expected him to call for the ultimate sacrifice. They had been brought up and indoctrinated to fight to the finish and they were prepared to do so. So they could hardly believe it when their Emperor asked them to "endure the unendurable" and surrender.
When people have been brainwashed into believing in a cause over many years it's almost impossible for them to change their minds. Only the atomic devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the fire-bombing of Tokyo, made the Japanese people accept their fate.
The same torment is being felt by the Brexiteers who have campaigned fanatically for over forty years to get Britain out of the European Union. They have achieved their objective and we are now suffering the consequences of their folly. Everything dismissed as 'project fear' during the referendum campaign has come to pass; chaos at Dover, economic decline, labour shortages, increased Third World immigration, and the crisis in Northern Ireland.
They must now endure the unendurable and admit that they were wrong. Most of them will claim that they were misinformed, a few will admit their mistake, but the diehards will carry on fighting like Japanese soldiers in the jungle.
When a dedicated anti-European like Lord Hannan states that Britain would have been better off to stay in the single market, and the Daily Mail and the Daily Express begin to question Brexit, it's as traumatic to the Brexiteers as Hirohito's broadcast was to the Japanese people. They should take heart from the Emperor's loyal subjects who did endure the unendurable and went on to achieve unprecedented stability and prosperity.
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