Monday, 31 January 2022

Nation Revisited # 184 February 2022

The Monarchy

Wnen Barbados became a republic in November 2021 the Queen was replaced as head of state by Sandra Mason, a Barbadian woman. This was accepted in the UK without protest. How different it was in 1957 when Lord Altrincham criticised the monarchy and got his face slapped by Philip Burbidge, a veteran of the First World War, a retired Merchant Navy officer, and an active member of the League of Empire Loyalists.

Philip's fine of one pound was immediately given back to him by a member of the public. Today, he would be treated more harshly for striking a peer and standing up for Britain.

The LEL was absorbed into the National Front in 1967 but their magazine Candour is still published by the AK Chesterton Trust under the editorship of Colin Todd, their website is managed by Rob Black. 

Most Britons support the monarchy, but I find myself in the same camp as Charles Maurras of Action Francaise. He was an agnostic and a republican but his movement strongly supported the Catholic Church and the monarchy because he thought they were good for France. I have my doubts about the Church of England and the House of Windsor but they are pillars of stability in an ever-changing world.

Unfortunately, the antics of Prince Andrew have tarnished the Royal image. The Queen is still popular but she is 95 years-old and when she dies the future of the dynasty will be in doubt, 

The latest YouGov poll on 8 and 9 March 2021 showed that 63% of those surveyed accross the UK wanted to keep the monarchy, while 25% preferred an elected head of state.

Plus ca Change 

In1974 the UK was in turmoil following the stock market crash of 1973. This resulted in two general elections. In March of that year I listed five objectives in my duplicated newsletter 'Nation'. Forty-eight years later we are going through another economic crisis and I still have the same objectives, except for the point about quitting the United Nations. I now think we need an international forum to disguss global issues such as the refugee crisis, and we should take advantage of our seat on the UN Security Council.

(1) Link all overseas aid (£300 million in 1973, £14.5 billion in 2020) to repatriation. If they want our money they must co-operate with the resettlement of their people.

(2) Tax the really rich. Tax them until it hurts. Tax them into exile. The old Tory lie that we need the super-rich has worn threadbare with the telling. Make them pay through the nose.

(3) Rethink the whole mess of state handouts; Arts Council grants to mediocre theatre companies, the futile Race Relation industry, and improvement grants to millionaire landlords.

(4) Abolish the Civil List. Most Britons support the monarchy, fair enough, but the Royal family are amongst the richest people in the world, must the institution cost us millions a year?

(5) Quit the United Nations and all its bankrupt offshoots. So far, the UN has given Eastern Europe to the Soviets, lost a war in Korea, started a war in the Congo, and run away at the first sign of trouble in the Middle East.

It's no good Ted Heath or Harold Wilson telling the people to tighten their belts while they spend money as fast as they can issue it. Let austerity start at the top, it will filter down soon enough.

Dying For Democracy

(When Eddy Morrison ran the National Front website he occasionally reprinted  articles from Nation Revisited. The following piece wich appeared in 2010 warned of the folly of our intervention in Afghanistan. Now, eleven years later, the Taliban have won and imposed their medieval regime on the whole country. For no good reason we wasted the lives of 456 British servicemen in Afghanistan and suffered hundreds wounded in body and mind).

Politicians of all parties support the Afghan war and accept the slaughter of British and Allied soldiers. As each young man is killed they say: "He died doing the job he loved" and "He was helping to make Afghanistan a better place." But the warmongers cannot convince us that there is any point in this aggression.

Britain's new top general Sir David Richards has predicted that we will be in Afghanistan for thirty or forty years. And NATO's Lieutenant General Stanley McChristal has called for more men.

The general praised the UK's 8,000 plus force and said more would be welcome. He told the BBC, "I don't know a general who would not like to see more troops, particularly forces as good as the British." (Daily Mirror 13/06/09)

We can therefore expect to sustain heavy losses in a war that we will eventually quit just as we did in Iraq. But before we pull out we will kill thousands of Afghans and risk bloody retaliation on the streets of our major cities. Far from ensuring domestic security we are endangering ourselves by declaring war on Muslims after letting millions of them into our country.

Once again a blinkered government has gone to war without a plan. They imported cheap labour and created alien ghettos without thinking of the consequences. Their foreign policy consists of following America and their economic policy is tied to 'free markets' and 'open borders'.

City Minister Lord Myners and London Mayor Boris Johnson have attacked EU plans to outlaw hedge funds (Guardian 21/07/09). And Home Sectetary Alan Johnson says that he doesn't lay awake at night worrying about the population hitting 70 million (Daily Mail 16/07/09).

We are fighting to impose our failed system on a country that has never done us any harm. The 9/11 terrorists were not Afghans, they were Arabs who trained and plotted in the United States. We are waging war to prop up Hamid Karzai's corrupt regime of misogynists, warlords and drug dealers who are no better than the Taliban. This war is as pointless as the Iraqi catastrophe and it will end in the same humiliating withdrawal.

To All Friends of Willis Carto - Elizabeth Carto

Attacked daily 
by most of the mainstream media, it is no wonder that ,millions of patriotic Americans stick to their guns so to speak, and refuse to kneel and beg forgiveness for being born white.  The word racist has been applied to anyone who does not walk or riot with Antifa or BLM. This has actually brought out more courageous voters to take a stand as the recent election in Virginia proves. Parents objecting to the teaching of the Critical Race Theories by left wing school boards were threatened  with FBI investigations, The source of all the trouble can be placed on the Teacher's Union left wing activists. 

Although still somewhat quietly, the average American is finally waking up to the  subversive movements in our school system from first graders to college students as it was planned and executed since the 1960s.

When President Trump was cheated out of his second term in office, that outrage alerted many citizens to the fact that subversive elements were taking over not only this last election but planned the same for the future. It is so easy to do with computer manipulations among other things. However, the left will now find more opposition than anticipated in most states, even with all the media control and their lies the Internet cannot  be completely silenced,

Willis Carto spent 60 years of his life fighting subversion. He published hundreds of books and periodicals . Many authors relied on him to have their books published at all. Book censorship never ceased, this is evident today.

Please read the words from Willis's introduction to Imperium by Francis Parker Yockey:

I believe that the Western world can survive. It all hinges on faith, faith in our future, faith in our superiority and survival. Skepicism, sophistication, cosmopolitanism, cynicism have destroyed the old faith and it has not been replaced by a new one. But faith is and always will remain the essential ingredient in every historical force, Only a unifying faith can provide the common motivation for survival - the just and deep conviction of our right to live and spark the single-minded and intolerant power which can clean and redeem our fast-decaying, rotting milieu. Very simple: the imperative of inspiring that faith is the central problem of our time. November 1962

In the September 1964 issue of Western Destiny, Willis reprinted a letter written to Lyndon Johnson written by Carlton Putnam, the founder of Delta Airlines. He was a New York native, a graduate of Princeton and Columbia universities. The subject was school desegregation. He had written the book Race and Reason, a Yankee View, which became a bestseller at the time.

Quoting from the letter to Johnson:

Throughout the world, in our foreign policy as well as such matters as the Supreme Court's decision of 1954 and the current Civil Rights Bill, we are dealing with a problem in which it is essential to realize that genetic racial differences due to evolutionary grade will not be changed by changing environments, and that instead of the average Negro's nature and performance being the result of the White man's prejudices, the White man's prejudices are the result of the average Negro's nature and performance. The evidence is overwhelming.

We Are Still British

When I was a lad I had a paper round. I would report to the newsagent early in the morning, and while I was waiting for him to pack my bag of newspapers a constant stream of men would come in on their way to work. Each man would buy a newspaper, usually the Daily Mirror or the Daily Express, and he would buy cigarettes, or tobacco, and a box of matches. Today, few people buy newspapers, they get their news online, few of them still smoke, and we don't make matches anymore.

In those days most men had served in the armed forces and were used to discipline. Working men wore work clothes and overalls during the week but at weekends they would polish their shoes and dress up in a suit and tie just to go to the pub on the corner.

Women wore headscarves and always carried a shopping bag. They spent hours queuing at the local shops for rationed food because there were no supermarkets and very few refrigerators. 

Fruit was unobtainable except for apples and pears, and when the first bananas were imported we didn't know how to eat them. For some unknown reason we had pomegranates from Palestine, which contained thousands of seeds that we kids used to spit at each other.

There were a few West Indians driving buses or working in hospitals but the mass migration from the Commonwealth had only just started. Most British people today boast of their tolerance and lack of prejudice but that was not the case years ago when all foreigners were resented. Those were the days when we used to touch black people for luck, and some boarding houses displayed signs saying "No Blacks, No Dogs and No Irish."

We had one black boy at my school, a lad from British Guiana who grew up to be a TV star. In those days he was regarded as an exotic curiosity, but today that same school is overwhelmingly black.

The local Roman Catholic school was in the same position but now there are plenty of white children from the Polish and Portuguese communities.

There have been so many changes. People make me laugh when they talk about "getting our country back." The country that I knew has gone forever, but I like to think that we are still the same people that conquered half the world. We no longer have eight halfcrowns to the pound, or eight pints to the gallon but such things are unimportant, we still have our fighting spirit and sense of duty. 

We are going through a period of self-inflicted suffering. We have elected a government of crooks and liars, but nothing lasts forever and we will eventually emerge from the chaos of Brexit. Our racial make up has changed, along with our currency and weights and measures, but we are still British.

The UK is 14% non-white and 86% white. We are a Christian country, if only nominally, Muslims are only two percent of our population and the Jews are only one percent. Politicians are overstating their arguments. Black Lives Matter should stop feeling sorry for themselves, and the far-right should heed the words of a prayer with which I am familiar: "God give us the grace to change those things we can change, to acceot those things that we cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Mass migration is bad for the receiving country because it holds down wages, and it's bad for the sending country because it robs them of valuable workers, but if we stop now and bring in sensible immigration controls we can still build a better Britain. 

Michael Woodbridge writes:

Dear Bill, Thanks once again for your ever thought-provoking Nation Revisited. We live in very interesting times. But, because of this, very dangerous times.

You mention National Action as a "dangerous" organisation but a man of your experience will no doubt understand that the danger lies not through its alleged threat to the government but to its own adherents who have become used as scapegoats by a ruthless establishment.

I've involved myself with several ex-National Action activists by attending their trials and am astonished how they've been alloted long prison sentences for nothing worse than Thought Crime. You may have seen my article about Oliver Bel in Heritage and Destiny? The latest outrage is the 8-year prison sentence passed on Ben Raymond, a young man with a one-year-old daughter.

The conclusion I've reached is that, whatever reservations you or I may have about the presentation or veracity of their National Action ideology, National Action were absolutely right to challenge the status quo, because by doing so they've further exposed our despicably corrupt establishment.

Nation Revisited

All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. We seek reform by legal means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."






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