Fishponds Road
Mark Cotterill, the editor of 'Heritage and Destiny' magazine, asked me about Fishponds Road which was the last address of Action Society and its journal 'Action'.
It all started in 1931 when Oswald Mosley founded the New Party with 'Action' as its newspaper. Following disappointing results in the 1931 general election the party was disbanded, but it was replaced by the British Union of Fascists in 1932, The movement published 'The Blackshirt' which was edited by AK Chesterton, and 'Action' which was edited by Alexander Raven Thomson from 1939 until it was closed down under Defence Regulation 18B in 1940.
Oswald Mosley published 'The Alternative' in 1947. The BUF believed in Imperial Preference but the Second World War had destroyed the Empire and Mosley realised that our future was with Europe. Union Movement was founded in 1948 with 'Union' as its newspaper. 'Union' was edited by Alexander Raven Thomson. He died in 1955 and 'Union' was replaced in 1956 by 'Action' edited by Robert Row. Mosley died in 1981 and the paper's financial position was reported in 'Action' of July 1981:
"By the end of June 'Action' had survived six months since the death of Sir Oswald Mosley, which was not only a grievous personal loss to us, but also deprived us of the quarterly fee he was paying us for research and secretarial services we provided for him. This aggravated our already grave financial problems."
'Action' of November 1983 was published form its new address, Nash House, Fishponds Road, Tooting, London SW17. This served as the headquarters for Action Society until May 1992. The post-war publication of 'Action' began in 1956, when it replaced 'Union', edited by Robert Row. It ended in November 1992 following the death of Jeffrey Hamm, the leader of Action Society.
The Friends of Mosley organisation was founded in 1982 and 'Comrade' was published as their in-house journal in 1986 under the editorship of professional journalist and press photographer John Warburton. He died in 2004 but 'Comrade' continued to be published until 2017.
There's no longer a hard copy journal dedicated to Oswald Mosley's ideas but they are propagated by the Friends of Mosley website:
The Good Don't Realise How They Hand Power To Evil - Bernard Franklin
Many Europeans look aghast at the immoral actions of their government, as British and American servicemen, in particular, are sent to attack sovereign countries where we have no right to interfere. In whose interest are these attacks, usurpation of power, and theft of national assets taking place? The answer is the secretive New World Order that wants to rule the world. Are these murderers, corrupters, scaremongers, liars, cheats, thieves, destroyers of nations, cultures and civilisations really the kind of people who should be in charge of Western governments and as a result, have the ability to legislate for developing countries? The answer must certainly be no!
There are millions of good Christians who attend church every week ro ensure they follow God's laws. These churchgoing Christians, even collectively, do not possess the power to start warts, put countries in debt, or bully nations into acceding to unreasonable demands. Yet, through ignorance, it is good Christians who have voted the evil people into power. There are surprisingly some Christians who feel Satan has got so far with his programme of destruction, that he should be helped along until the situation becomes so terrible that Jesus Christ will have to take over. This makes no sense at all. We know which politicians are following the Anti-Christ agenda and logically, it can only be those with the ability to make changes that are responsible for the destruction of the white British nation and other countries.
The drive towards world government has created a situation where power is concentrated in very few hands. By taking charge of the West's armed forces, today's rulers, can inflict carnage on a scale unimagined at the time of the English or French revolutions. The saying that "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" is very true. See how Tony Blair, George Bush, Winston Churchill, Obama, Sarkozy, May, Cameron and Boris Johnson having been elected as inappropriate national leaders, and went on to feel they have a right to act as universal Gods, despite their characters being seriously flawed.
According to Christian teaching we are put on earth to resist evil temptation. Then why, by voting for the major parties, has the predominately Christian public give an evil army complete control over our lives? One possible explanation for the sudden attempt o remove certain long established Arab leaders is that unlike Christian Europeans, they refuse to allow their people to become slaves to the bankers' system of usury.
The overall effect in the West has been to pass power to the unelected 1% of greedy manipulators. They have been able to buy up 95% of broadcasting companies around the world and control public thinking, start unnecessary wars, and control world trade, while their banking system has constantly devalued money. With their multinational corporations they have polluted our planet and been responsible for global warming. They are also the ones who committed the greatest single crime in history by making the atomic bomb.
Don't Neglect Those Worthy of our Support
There are many thousands of great Britons tirelessly working for the community without expecting payment or fame. Many do charitable work, while others try to gain some political say for the British. All of these volunteers give up their time, and spend their own money on what they consider to be vital for our collective welbeing. If you were to sit down and write a list of what you believe should be government policy, and present it to the Committee of the local Labour, Liberal or Conservative Party, you would find them either dismissive or hostile. There are many honest and knowledgeable Britons who could do a far better job than politicians. But none of them would join a political party. I don't know anyone who belongs to a political party. One has to be very brave in Britain today to stand up for the British. Doesn't this tell you that there is something terribly wrong with the political establishment? This is good reason to support those who raise their heads above the parapet for you.
To become a teacher in a comprehensive school today one has to be prepared to instil in white children a loathing of their own race. This teaching is followed up by dangerous race hate nonsense which suggests that to overcome an illusory racism one should take a black partner. The origin of the anti white programme can be traced to September 1952, and is recorded in the files of the Canadian Intelligence Service. This non military warfare states: "We will identify with the races of Asia and Africa... In the interest of wiping out racial tensions (that they created with their immigration programme) whites must be forbidden from mating with whites. The white women must cohabit with members of the dark races, and white men with black women. Thus, the white race will disappear, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory." Like fools we allow our children at school to be programmed for our own racial suicide. Schools exert too great an influence on young minds to be left in the hands of our enemies.
Eustace Mullins
The speech mentioned by Bernard Franklin was given by Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich to a meeting of the Emergency Council of European Jews in Budapest in 1952. The Jews denied that the speech had been made, just as they denied the 'Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion'.
The 'Protocols' appeared in Tsarist Russia in 1903. They were investigated by The Times newspaper and declared to be a forgery, but the great American industrialist Henry Ford was so impressed by them that he had half a million copies printed and distributed. He said: "The only statement I care to make about The Protocols is that they fir in with what is going on."
Eustace Mullins (1923-2010) obtained a copy of 'Our Race Will Rule the World Undisputed' from a Bulgarian diplomat who defected to the United States. It was published by several right wing journals including the Canadian Intelligence Service which was published by the Canadian League of Rights.
Eustace Mullins was a prolific writer on the Money Power and the Holocaust. He was convinced that the Federal Reserve was controlled by the Rothschilds. He campaigned for banking reform and contributed to James Madole's National Renaissance Party and Matt Koehl's American Nazi Party.
He was a disciple of the modernist poet Ezra Pound who was confined to a mental hospital by a vengeful American government for broadcasting from Italy during World War Two.
His books include; The Secret of the Federal Reserve, That Difficult Individual Ezra Pound, The Federal Reserve Conspiracy, The World Order, and Our Secret Rulers.
Like many anti-Zionists, Mullins never tried to justify what the Nazis had done to the Jews, he simply denied the whole thing.
The Eustace Mullins website is at:
How Many People Actually Entered The Cabinet Building? -Sam Dickson
According to USA Today the day after the tempest in a teapot, "several dozen" Trump supporters entered the Capitol.
On the front page was a huge glaring headline saying "Pro-Trump Mobs Attack Capitol."
(One mob was not enough. It has to be mobs, plural. I couldn't figure out where the different mobs came from.)
The front page was full of shocking accounts of what transpired - in generalities. Lots of "wide brush" tactics. "Trump demonstrators looted the Capitol." Things like that.
But when you turned to Page 2, the story began to shrink and shrink as the facts sifted out from the hyperbole and hysteria.
Instead of "mobs " storming into the Capitol as asserted on Page 1, the reader learned that "several dozen" Trump supporters entered the building. (it wasn't expressly stated but the pictures made it clear that many thousands of Trump supporter demonstrators did NOT attempt to enter the Capitol but simply stood on the steps and street in front of the Capitol with their protest signs and flags.) Somehow, all of them are guilty.
Please remember that demonstrations take place on the Capitol steps ALL THE TIME. I personally have witnessed around 10 such demonstrations when I have walked past the Capitol on trips to DC. The last one was a demonstration by Sarah Brady's people in support of gun confiscation. So it is absolutely NOT a crime or anything out of the ordinary for demonstrations to take place there.
As one continued to read USA Today, one saw lots of pictures and stories about the "several dozen" illegal entrants.
Of course, there were the ubiquitous pictures of the guy holding the podium (this was the only picture of any looting but the Media labels all the Trump supporters as "looters,") or the guy with his feet on Pelosi's desk, the guy with the only Confederate flag in view (this has become mass displays of Confederate flags according to media like National Public Radio on its "All Things Considered") and the guy repelling from the balcony into the House Chamber.
So that's 4 out of the "several dozen."
The rest of the illegal entrants appear in pictures answering questions from journalists, walking around the hall carrying a sign or a flag. etc.
Please also remember that incidents like this one are commonplace,
You will remember that during the tense hearings on the shocking and breath-taking issue of whether or not Kavanaugh came on to a woman 37 years ago, when he was 17 rears old and a drunk 11th grader, the hearings were several times interrupted by organised groups of feminists standing up and shouting down the hearings before being dragged out by the police. Nothing to be upset about there!
This is an elaborately feigned morality fit.
An academy award should be given to Shoomuh, Pelosi and the others for their acting in the drama.
The End of an Era
Donald J Trump has finally left the White House after four flamboyant years. His populist regime was supported by half the American electorate, but Joe Biden won the race to be president. One geriatric Zionist has been replaced by another. Both of them serve what President Eisenhower called "the military industrial complex."
President Donald Trump masqueraded as a businessman but he turned out to be just another bandwagon jumper who would do anything to stay in power. He started to build a wall to keep the Mexicans out, but he employed them on his construction sites. He banned Muslims from entering the US, except for those shopping for military hardware with which to attack their neighbours. He didn't start any new wars but he provoked a trade war with China, despite China's massive ownership of American bonds. And he quit the Paris agreement on climate change and the World Health Organisation.
As far as the UK is concerned, we will slavishly follow whoever is in charge of the US. Boris Johnson and his motley crew are obsessed with 'sovereignty' but they cherish the 'special relationship' between the UK and the US. In fact, their only special relationship is with Israel. America came to our aid in both world wars, and we speak the same language, but American foreign policy has always put America first.
The Coronavirus pandemic has severely damaged the American economy, but no nation is better placed to recover. The US is self sufficient in gas and oil and has almost unlimited industrial potential. A resurgent America would revitalise Europe and the UK. We live in a global economy where the success of one nation does not depend on the failure of another. When America booms the whole world booms. We therefore pray for the success of the Biden government.
Nation Revisited and European Outlook