Thursday, 31 December 2020

Nation Revisited # 171 January 2021

Tony Blair's Suicide Note for the British - by Bernard Franklin

For all the Union Jack flag waving, engaged in by the Labour Party during the last election, it is clear that the victorious "New Labour" government is just as committed to the destruction of Britain's Anglo-Saxon-Celtic ethnic unity, cultural identity and national sovereignty as was Old Labour.

Evidence of this was seen in the support which Tony Blair has given to a "Commission on the future of Multi-Ethnic Britain." The Commission was recently set up by the Runnymead Trust, which describes itself as an independent charity concerned with the issues of racial injustice and equality. In reality it is a self appointed organisation which seeks the destruction of European nations and tries to bring in laws to make the genocide of the white race compulsory.

In response to the "Commission" Mr Blair wrote: "Britain is changing fast: old patterns are being replaced by new diversity and it is vital that we modernise our institutions to reflect this changing reality. I would like to encourage groups and individuals to contribute to create a fair and open Multi-Ethnic Britain."

If we British as a people should ever cease to exist as a result of genocide through race-mixing, that trite little message will be seen by historians as the nation's suicide note.

At first sight Blair's message seems nothing more than a vacuous hyperbole of the type that Peter Sellers lampooned in the "All purpose political speech." What are "these old patterns" to which he refers so casually? Are they some unimportant scrap of cultural litter to be confined to the dustbin?

No! What de dismisses so lightly are two thousand years of history, of nation building, of creativity, toil and struggle in every field of human endeavour by a racially homogenous folk whose achievements, generation after generation, have shaped the world to an extent that has never been surpassed.

Ethnic Continuity

What does Blair mean by "new diversity"? The flooding of our island sin ce 1960 with millions of racially alien and culturally dissimilar people who are uncomfortable with, or downright antagonistic to the very concept of the British nation and culture and who are resentful of our history as it stands in comparison to their own. Amazingly Blair talks of "diversity" and "social cohesion" as if they were one and the same when they are complete opposites. For a nation to exist the people must have a common history, a common identity, and a shared vision of the future. The major political parties have no long term plans for a British future, for they are hell bent on destroying the British as a nation. In the strident tone of all tyrannies down the ages, we are told, in this instance, that we must accept a massive foreign invasion, the loss of our country and racial identity. Should we demur too stridently, we face prosecution and imprisonment. This is a fact, but of course it never appeared in any Labour, Liberal, Conservative or communist manifesto.

A second foreword to the "Commission" prospectus was written by the "Chair" of the Runnymead Trust, the black broadcaster, and long term friend of Peter Mandelson, Trevor Phillips. In it he declares: "The question that we are trying to answer is about identity and culture and how we reshape the nation - these are matters of intense interest to the whole nation..." How kind of Mr Phillips to acknowledge that the way in which he and his equally alien cronies plan to "reshape" our nation to be more congenial to himself, should also be of interest to those whose ancestral home is being destroyed.

The Runnymead Trust constantly asserts that it is in business to highlight injustices being inflicted  on ethnic groups. The British are suffering the greatest injustices, which are being aggravated by this particular (Runnymead) kangaroo court.

1) The injustice to the ethnic British people of having a multi-racial society inflicted on them without their permission ever having been sought or given at any time, and in the face of their sustained, if sometimes muted majority opposition.

2) The mass trespass of our country by millions of uninvited aliens. A situation which would lead the white British being outnumbered in our own country by coloured non-Europeans. This is a contrived political programme aimed at the destruction of our nation and culture through multi-racialism. This is definitely a contrived genocidal process, since Britons are being denied the fundamental human right to survive as a distinct ethnic group in their own homeland. It has been made a serious crime even to comment on it.

Tony Blair like so many twerps hell-bent on the destruction of European nations was brainwashed at Oxford University. The reason we are constantly ruled by our enemies is that the Ashkenazi tribe are warmongering Europeans and not Semitic  Jews as they make out. This allows our enemies such as Peter Mandelson, Lord Levy, Theresa May, David Cameron, Keith Joseph, and Boris Johnson to get elected. Because they are Europeans they look like us. To fool the public many of them have changed their names. As a result an ever increasing number of our enemies are taking over Parliament, our shops and industries, They have total control of Oxford University and the LSE, as well as the Stock Exchange. They own 95% of the television broadcasting companies world wide, transmitting what they want us to believe. Since 1939 the Ashkenazi menace has been creating wars  that could have been avoided . See how Parliament still continues to make a big thing out of Remembrance Day. Most of the soldiers who actually fought in the Second World War did their best to forget it. The Ashkenazi tribe are trying to take control of every country to create what they call  "The New World Order". Every country has a right to exist and should unite against them.

Happy New Year

Older NR readers have lived through some terrible times. We remember the humiliation of Suez in 1956 when America ordered us out of Egypt under threat of economic ruin. And twenty years later when our Chancellor of the Exchequer, Denis Healey, was forced to borrow £3.9 billion from the International Monetary Fund to stop our leading bank from defaulting. But nothing compares to the economic crisis facing us today with the Coronavirus pandemic.

Boris Johnson has signed a trade deal with the EU that  satisfies all but the most fanatical anti-Europeans, but our economy is already on life support due to the Coronavirus pandemic. How will he pay back the enormous sums that he has borrowed? The poor can't be taxed anymore because they have no money, and the rich have hidden their ill-gotten gains in trust funds and offshore accounts. That only leaves the working people, the backbone of the nation, who are already ground down by excessive taxation.

Our recovery will depend on how quickly the world gets its act together. China, the US and the EU are big enough to withstand the storm, but we are not so fortunate. Of course, we will recover but it might take some time.

Meanwhile, Boris' chums; the asset strippers, tax avoiders, pension fund robbers, slum landlords, and rent racketeers are destroying our traditional high streets and the multinational corporations are dodging taxes by locating in one country and trading all over the world. The UK has become a crook's paradise under Boris Johnson. The gap between rich and poor is getting wider, our doorways are full of rough sleepers, suicide rates are soaring, and school fees at Eton start at £42,000. Happy New Year.

Julian Assange

The campaigning Australian editor and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is awaiting extradition from the UK to the US where he faces a possible 175 years imprisonment for revealing details of the United States' invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. He is being held in London's Belmarsh Prison and his hearing will be held on January 4th 2021.

Support him by visiting Crowd Justice:

Poverty in Britain

Jacob Rees-Mogg, the fabulously wealthy MP for North Somerset, is upset that Unicef has donated money to relieve poverty in Britain. But poverty is a reality in many parts of our unequal country. It will not go away because the Tories are embarrassed by it. The social Metrics Commission estimates that there are 4.5 million people in Britain living in 'deep poverty'. 

Mark Webb writes from South London.

Those on low pay, benefits, pensions, and students, unemployed graduates, and others are facing crippling debt. Those without these issues just cannot grasp what's happening. I hear middle class women in Camberwell  saying that those on benefits are "swimming in cash". Right wing, liberal, green or socialist in nature, they are all under exactly the same impression that we do not have poverty here, that there is no hardship and people are not going without.

I know three young women in their late teens, early twenties, all living and working in Camberwell. One is working in a shop, one in a supermarket, and one in a restaurant. All three are on low pay and sharing digs with others. They were not born locally so they are trying to return home to see their parents at Christmas. One needs to get down to the West Coast, one to the North of England, and another to Denmark. Between their rent, travel and cost of living they are all borrowing, using credit cards and taking loans. They are all getting help from their parents. All of them are very bright and should be working in industry or business, and yet they are stuck in dead end jobs.

The current set-up in society is soul crushing for younger people. These young women are hard workers, all are good natured and yet their futures are very unstable. One may not be able to work or even to live here due to Brexit. One is facing the sack if building plans for the centre of Camberwell go ahead. The other wants to return to college but this is in doubt due to the Coronavirus. 

Sadly a factor in the mix is that they have been raised to be weak. They are the 'snowflake' generation, they cannot fight, they cannot look after themselves in conflict situations. Underneath their outwardly happy demeanour, I sense fear, weakness and a feeling of hopelessness. None of these women know one another, but they all live in close proximity. London is a big but lonely city. All three girls are very attractive but none of them are dating. Between work, study and sleeping there's not much time for a social life, let alone a love life. They live and work in London but none of them have seen its sights, been to a show or been out for a meal in the West End. They have been conditioned to lack ambition.  All three are still working despite the current pandemic regulations. They are getting by on tips, freebies at work, staff discounts and the like. It's heart breaking to see bright talented people just wasting their lives and living in fear of everything.

Richard Edmonds RIP

Veteran nationalist Richard Edmonds was born 10th March 1943 and died 23rd December 2020. He joined the National Front in 1972, but he was not a narrow nationalist, he spoke Russian, French and German and he was a member of the Swiss-based Europaeisch Aktion which stands for European Confederation.  See his tribute in Heritage and Destiny:

Churchill, The Jews And The Second World War - Richard Edmonds  

Why are white people so demoralised? Only a really demoralised people would tolerate so dumbly the massive and heartless betrayal committed against them by the vicious, shameless and useless party-politicians. Clearly it is the two world wars that have knocked the stuffing out of the White race. Look at all the British names on war-memorials from one end of this country to the other. The names of those men who marched away from every town, city and village in this country never to return. When you look at modern Britain, you know that those men died for nothing. They were betrayed by the party-politicians.

The dedication to the Fallen of the two world wars inscribed on the War-memorial at Cleckheaton, West Yorkshire reads:
"We gave our todays, so that you might have a tomorrow." But we who come after, we know that our Tomorrows have become a nightmare, a multi-racial, multi-criminal nightmare, where we are becoming a minority in our own cities, and where white children, under-age girls are raped, sexually abused, and sold into prostitution: crimes committed with impunity for years and years right across the North of England by the vile Asian grooming gangs, and in the full knowledge of the authorities.

Question: So how then did we get a Second World War just twenty years after the First, when the majority of British folk most certainly did not want another war? Who then did want a second war? Who schemed and who agitated and who got a second war just twenty years after the first mindless bloodbath?  Almost a million British soldiers were killed in the First World War: a wicked waste of good men's lives. Two million German soldiers, a million French soldiers, several million Russian soldiers and hundreds of thousands of American soldiers; all good white men ; and nobody can give you a justification for that first murderous war.

First off: the only prominent politician who wanted a second war was Winston Churchill. Churchill was almost unique amongst British politicians at that time in campaigning for a Second World War. But Churchill was not alone in wanting the destruction of Adolf Hitler and his Germany. Out of sight to most people, were powerful and wealthy Jewish individuals who saw war as a means to destroy the Germany that they hated. These powerful and wealthy Jews saw Churchill as the man to bring about the war against Adolf Hitler that they so desired.

In those years before the Second World War, effectively nobody in Britain wanted a second war, nobody in Europe or the USA, and nobody in Russia outside of the sinister Bolshevik-Communist clique around Joseph Stalin. Churchill in the 1930s was politically and socially isolated, but he found backers and supporters he needed in wealthy and powerful Jews. David Irving in his book, Churchill's War Part 1, writes of Churchill that "he sold his soul to a syndicate of politicians and financiers." Irving then proceeds to name those to whom Churchill sold his soul: Sir Robert Waley-Cohen, chairman of the Shell oil company and vice chair of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, donated fifty thousand pounds to Churchill's campaigning for a repeat war against Germany. Irvin writes of Churchill receiving substantial Jewish funds, and gives the example of Sir Henry Strakosh, a Jewish gold-mining industrialist based in South Africa, who "lent" Churchill twenty thousand pounds. These were colossal sums of money. At the height 1930s world-wide economic slump, a man who was lucky enough to be in full-time employment might be earning two pound a week, the pound having a much greater purchasing power then.

This backing of Winston Churchill was, of course, a closely guarded secret only revealed decades later by the researches of David Irving and others. But in parallel other powerful Jews openly called for war: within a few weeks of Adolf Hitler being appointed German Chancellor, the wealthy American Jew, Samuel Untermeyer, organised a campaign which the British Daily Express newspaper (of 24 March 1933) reported with its notorious headline: "Jews of the world declare war on Germany."

A full year before the outbreak of war, in June 1938, the Jewish publication, The American Hebrew, made this prediction:

"The forces against Adolf Hitler's Germany are being mobilised (that's our soldiers they are talking about). A combination of England, France and Russia (Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union) will oppose the crazed Fuhrer. Either by accident or design, a Jew has come to the position of foremost importance in each of these nations, England, France and Russia. In the hands on non-Aryans lie the very lives of millions (Gentiles)." The American Hebrew concludes: "When the smoke of battle clears away and the man who played God, the swastikered Christus, is buried in a hole in the ground, then a trio of non-Aryans will intone a requiem, standing proud, militant and aggressive, "Elie, Elie, Elie."

This quote can be found in Arnold Leese's book, "The Jewish War of Survival."

Nation Revisited and European Outlook

Nation Revisited is published monthly, our sister blog European Outlook is published less often. Both blogs seek reform by legal means. All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. We uphold the United Nations' Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."

Sunday, 29 November 2020

Nation Revisited # 170 December 2020

Lest We Forget

The Cenotaph in Whitehall, London was established in 1920 to commemorate the British Empire dead of the First World War. It subsequently embraced those who fell in the Second World War and various conflicts since.  Edward Lutyens, the architect, avoided any reference to specific battles or regiments and no national or religious symbols are carved in its stone. It commemorates all who died for Britain, whatever their nationality, ethnic origin, religion, gender or sexual orientation. Members of the Black Lives Matter movement and Gay Pride are wrong to regard it as racist or sexist monument.

There is no need for separate memorials for different people and there is no need for movements such as Black Lives Matter. All lives matter, not just black ones. Another nonsense is Black History. Black people are part of the human race and therefore share their history with the rest of us. If we are to live in peace with each other our studies and institutions must be inclusive. It would be illegal to found a White Policeman's Union and it must be just as unacceptable to have a Black Policeman's Union. Racism is just as bad from the Blacks as it is from the Whites.

The Nazis made the Jews wear yellow stars. In order to persecuted them they first had to know who they were. That experiment ended in disaster and so will the current obsession with race and sexual orientation. Let us judge people by the way they conduct themselves. I believe in European solidarity and I am opposed to mass migration but I don't look down on people from Africa and Asia, and I do not presume to tell people who they should be attracted to. 

The Zebra Killers - Mark Webb

This current period of racial tensions and hate/race related crimes in the US is not a new state of affairs and indeed some would argue that it has been going on since the Pilgrim Fathers encountered the First Nations people. One period of serious racial tension that took place in the early - mid 1970s is almost forgotten and is very rarely mentioned. However it's a history that should be recalled as it is relevant to 2020. 

In San Francisco from 1973 until 1974 police were baffled by a string of racist murders. White couples or lone white people were being attacked by four black men, sometimes acting together, or in pairs, or alone. They would run up to their victim/target and using either.32 cal revolvers or .32 cal automatic pistols, they would shoot the chosen victim repeatedly, without warning, then they would run off. Several times women were abducted, raped, tortured and hacked to death with machetes and shot with .32 cal bullets.

Some victims were just women carrying their shopping home. One victim was talking on a public phone, others were waiting at bus stops, one victim was folding her clothes in a laundry. Two victims were members of the Salvation Army handing out leaflets. The ages of the victims ranged from 15 to 81. They were made up of students, a janitor, an office worker, a sailor on leave, a homeless person etc. One was a community worker who survived the shooting and later became mayor. One of the white women shot and killed was the girlfriend of a black drug dealer who offered a huge amount of drugs or money as a reward to anyone finding her killers. At the height of the murders no one was walking the streets of SF at night. At one point there was almost a race war.

The police had three clues; all the victims were white, all the suspects were black males, and they always used the same .32 cal weapons with the same brand of ammo. Not much to go on.

The attackers did little to hide their faces and witnesses and survivors sat down with police sketch artists to create likenesses of the attackers. One man, Tony Harris, recognised himself on a police wanted poster. He was on the fringe of things and knew the killers. He did a deal with the police to supply information in return from immunity from prosecution and witness protection.

He told the detectives in charge of the case about four men; Manuel Moore, Larry Green, Jessie Lee Cooks, and JCX Simon. All members of the Nation of Islam and a group called The Death Angels. They had a simple plan, to kill 'blue eyed devils. Each man was to kill nine whites, murdering them at random, execution style. They would meet up after work and kill before 11 o'clock so they could be back at work the next day. Harris admitted that he had witnessed some of the killings but swore he was not one of the killers.

The four men in question were arrested in short order. They were all charged with murder, attempted murder, and conspiracy to murder. In 1976 the longest trial in Californian state history ended with the conviction of the Zebra killers. All four were found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. Two have since died in jail due to illness or old age, the other two are still locked up. In total the Death Angels officially murdered fifteen people and wounded ten (putting three of the wounded in wheelchairs for life). However, it is widely held that they, and others mixed up with the cult, have murdered seventy-three people from the late 60s until 1974. These killings took place up and down the coast, homeless white people were often targetted (all listed as unsolved cases). A large number of .32 cal gunshot woundings with the same MO as the Zebra killings also took place, but these were not linked at the time. Random stabbings of white taxi drivers and drive by shootings at police stations also took place in this period.

The lessons from this case should be remembered today. The police had a special radio band that was only to be used in matters relating to the killings. It was called 'Band Z' Zebra). The police stopped, searched and questioned around five thousand young black men aged between 25-35. in relation to the killings during 1973-4. Each time the men were checked out as OK. The police gave them a special card, called a Z card (which could not be duplicated). The men would show these pocket size cards to the police to prove that they had already been questioned, if they were stopped again. A task force was formed and a dragnet was imposed across the city. Tens of thousands of wanted posters were put up and leaflets were posted to every home in the city. Ultimately the police operation was a success, but huge questions remained unanswered. The Nation of Islam claimed to have no part in the killings, but they paid for the suspects' legal defence. None of the men convicted have spoken much about the events. There is no public memorial to the victims or services of remembrance.

Hate crime doesn't have a colour bar. Racism is not unique to any one race. It's vile regardless of whoever does it.

Other Californian killers, like the Manson Family, the Zodiak Killer, the Hillside Stranglers, and the Night Stalker, have been the subjects of many books, films and documentaries. There is no movie about the Zebra Killers, it's just too hot a topic! Those in charge really want this case to go away; it was left unfinished, justice was not served.

The ''Universal Aspects of Fascism' and 'Fascism' by James Strachey Barnes

This is two books published as one volume, The Universal Aspects of Fascism, and Fascism, both by James Strachey Barnes. Published by the Reconquista Press. 

It's difficult to review works that were topical nearly a hundred years old. Benito Mussolini's preface to the first book blames Fascism's poor reputation on bad journalism - false news, as Donald Trump might say today. The author's preface, and Robert Fiore's foreword both focus on Catholicism, but this was only part of a mixture of populism, nationalism and liberalism sprung from the First World War. Italy was a new country recently freed from Austrian control, and Fascism was an attempt at national unity.

Strachey Barnes, who was an Old Etonian, compared Fascism to the British Public School system. Both were based on military discipline, patriotism and Christianity.  In modern times Fascism has become a dirty word that is often used in conjunction with 'racism'. In fact, Fascism was not a racial movement until Italy introduced the Manifesto of Race in 1938. This was aimed at the Jews and designed to appease Adolf Hitler. When Italian troops invaded Ethiopia in 1935 they came across a little black girl lost in the desert. They immediately adopted her and the song Faccetta Nera (little black face) became the anthem of the Italian Expeditionary Force. There was nothing racist about it. 

When James Strachey Barnes was writing these books the economic catastrophe of 1929 was yet to happen. The Fascist Revolution was in full swing; roads, railways, homes, schools and hospitals were being constructed, the unemployed were being put to work and the enormous task of post-war reconstruction was being undertaken. This was the Golden Age of National Reconstruction, expressed in the United States as The New Deal and in Italy as Fascism. But it was not to last.

The second book 'Fascism' concentrates on  the offices of the State. Most of these structures were in place before the March on Rome. Syndicalism was supposed to be backbone of the system but industry and agriculture continued to be run on capitalist lines. When the Italian Social Republic was founded in September 1943, Syndicalism was given its proper place, but by then it was too late.

All political systems start out with good intentions. Fascism wasn't perfect but it was no worse than its competitors. Italian Fascism's reputation for violence was overstated. When Violet Gibson tried to assassinate Benito Mussolini in Rome in 1926, she fired her revolver at point blank rage but only grazed his nose. Mussolini declined to bring charges, she was treated gently and sent back to England, where she spent the rest of her life in a mental hospital. So much for Fascist brutality.

Fascism is rejected by those who do not understand it. It is respectable to be a Socialist in Europe but not in the United States. Nationalism used to be out of favour but it has been reclaimed by Donald Trump's Make America Great movement - a crude form of Fascism lacking any social conscience. Political slogans come and go but ideas persist. And the idea of a State dedicated to social advancement and above market capitalism is as valid now as ir was in 1922.

Frank P Walsh RIP

This photo was taken by Frank's devoted friend Lynne Capocciamo last Christmas when she took him his lunch.

Frank Walsh was born in Lancashire in 1925 and died in London on 19th November this year. He was a gentleman, a patriot and a scholar who fought against plutocracy to the bitter end.

Frank's father was badly wounded in the First World War and he was brought up in a children's home. He joined the Merchant Navy at the age of 14 and volunteered for the army in 1943.

He was known as the King of London's Speaker's Corner where he spoke fearlessly for many years despite a Red ban on patriotic speakers.

His Patriotic People's Power Party attempted to unite the  producers, the common people, against the parasites. His unique blog was updated monthly until March 2019, it was a fascinating mixture of graphic art, prose, poetry, and Social Credit.

We do not know what arrangements Frank made for his archives. He certainly had many boxes of magazines and correspondence. When my old friend Carl Harley died earlier this year, without leaving a will, he was buried by the local authority and his books and magazines were disposed of. If you are an old fascist with one foot in the grave, like myself, I urge you to leave clear instructions of your treasured collection will end up in a skip.

Rest in peace old comrade. I shall miss your stoicism, your coffee and your conversation, and your sparkling eyes.


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Nation Revisited and European Outlook

Nation Revisited is published monthly, European Outlook is published less often. Both blogs seek reform by legal means. All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. We uphold the United Nations' Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."




Friday, 16 October 2020

Nation Revisited # 169 November 2020

Mystery Solved

Last month I reported the delivery of an empty package. It turns out that it contained a book until it came open during sorting. It was simply a postal malfunction.

Looking Ahead

The UK is afflicted with a viral pandemic and we are about to exit the EU Customs Union and the Single Market. We will eventually recover but we face a challenging future.

Post-pandemic children will need a health and welfare system to look after them for a lifetime. They will need an educational system from nursery school to university. They will need jobs with pensions, and they will need homes that they can afford. To provide these services we will need a government committed to social equality. Boris Johnson has promised 95% mortgages but the banks will not offer mortgages to the unemployed.

In Britain today nursery care is patchy and expensive. Less than half of school pupils go to university and those that do have to pay for it. Jobs worth having are hard to find, pensions are inadequate, and housing is far too expensive.

The Tories are spending money like water during the current pandemic but when we get back to normal they will revert to scrimping on health and education in order to spend more on defence. They are deliberately provoking Russia by sending British troops on exercises to Ukraine. And they take great pride in our new aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth. Defence experts doubt the value of 'Big Lizzie' without a full compliment of aircraft or the necessary back up ships. But she shows the flag in foreign parts and that's all the Tories are worried about. 

They would like to return to the 'good old days' when Britannia ruled the waves and the workers doffed their caps to their lords and masters.

Years ago we had a run of working class Tory prime ministers. Ted Heath went to his local grammar school, Margaret Thatcher was a grocers daughter, and John Major was a Brixton boy who made good. But those days have gone, Britain is now ruled by Boris Johnson, a multi-millionaire who presides over a wealthy Cabinet. Their slogan "we are all in this together" is a hollow mockery, and those disgruntled Labour Party supporters who voted for them have only themselves to blame.

But there is light at the end of the tunnel. We are due a general election in 2024. By then we should be over the Coronavirus pandemic and our economy should have adjusted to life outside the European Union. The great British public will have another chance to choose a government and we can only hope that they give the matter a little more thought than they did in 2019.    

George Orwell's 1940 Review of Hitler's Mein Kampf

(Amazon have banned Mein Kampf but it continues to sell well all over the world).

It is a sign of the speed at which events are moving that Hurd and Blackett's unexpurgated edition of Mein Kampf, published only a year ago, is edited from a pro-Hitler angle. The obvious intention of the translator's preface and notes is to tone down the book's ferocity and present Hitler in as kindly a light as possible. For at that date Hitler was still respectable. He had c rushed the German labour movement and for that the property-owning classes were willing to forgive him almost anything. Both Left and Right concurred in the very shallow notion that National Socialism was merely a version of Conservatism.

Then suddenly it turned out that Hitler was not respectable after all. As one result of this, Hurst and Blackett's edition was reissued in a new jacket explaining that all profits would be devoted to the Red Cross. Nevertheless, simply on the internal evidence of Mein Kampf, it is difficult to believe that any real change had taken place in Hitler's aims and opinions. When one compares his utterances of a year or so ago with those made fifteen years earlier, a thing that strikes one is the rigidity of his mind, the way in which his worldview doesn't develop. It is the fixed vision of a monomaniac and not likely to be much affected by the temporary manoeuvres of power politics. Probably, in Hitler's own mind, the Russo-German Pact represents no more than an alteration of time-table. The plan laid down in Mein Kampf was to smash Russia first with the implied intention of smashing England afterwards. Now, as it has turned out, England has got to be dealt with first because Russia was the more easily bribed of the two. But Russia's turn will come when England is out of the picture - that, no doubt, is how Hitler sees it . Whether it will turn out that way is of course a different question.

Suppose that Hitler's programme could be put into effect. What he envisages, a hundred years hence, is a continuous state of 250 million Germans with plenty of "living room" (ie stretching to Afghanistan or thereabouts ) a horrible brainless empire in which essentially, nothing ever happens except the training of young men for war and the endless breeding of fresh cannon-fodder. How was it that he was able to put this monstrous vision across? It is easy to say that at one stage of his career he was financed by the heavy industrialists, who saw in him the man who would smash the Socialists and Communists. They would not have backed him, however, if he had not talked a great movement into existence already. Again, the situation in Germany with its seven million unemployed was obviously favourable for demagogues. But Hitler could not have succeeded against his many rivals if it had not been for the attraction of his own personality, which one can feel even in the clumsy writing of Mein Kampf, and which is no doubt overwhelming when one hears his speeches... The fact is that there is something deeply appealing about him. One feels it again when one sees his photographs - and I recommend especially the photograph at the beginning of  Hurst and Blackett's edition, which shows Hitler in his early Brownshirt days. It is a pathetic, dog like face, the face of a man suffering under intolerable wrongs. In a rather more manly way it reproduces the expression of innumerable pictures of Christ crucified, and there is little doubt that is how Hitler sees himself. The initial personal cause of his grievance against the universe can only be guessed at: but at any rate the grievance is here. He is the martyr, the victim. Prometheus  chained to the rock, the self-sacrificing hero who fights single-handed against impossible odds. If he were killing a mouse he would know how to make it seem like a dragon. One feels, as with Napoleon, that he is fighting against destiny, that he can't win, and yet he somehow deserves to. The attraction of such a pose is of course enormous; half the films one sees turn upon some such theme.

Also he has grasped the falsity of the hedonistic attitude to life. Nearly all western thought since the last war, certainly all "progressive" thought has assumed tacitly that human beings desire nothing beyond ease, security and avoidance of pain. In such a view of life there is no room, for instance, for patriotism and the military virtues. The Socialist who finds his children playing with soldiers is usually upset, but he is never able to think of a substitute for the tin soldiers; tin pacifists somehow won't do. Hitler, because in his own joyless mind he feels it with exceptional strength, knows that human beings don't only want comfort, safety, short working hours, hygiene, birth-control and in general common sense, they also, at least intermittently, want struggle and self-sacrifice, not to mention drums, flags and loyalty parades. However they may be as economic theories, Fascism and Nazism are psychologically far sounder than any hedonistic conception of life. The same is probably true of Stalin's militarised version of Socialism. All three of the great dictators have enhanced their power by imposing intolerable burdens on their peoples. Whereas Socialism, and even capitalism in a more grudging way, have said to the people "I offer you a good time." Hitler has said to them "I offer you struggle, danger and death," and as a result a whole nation flings itself at his feet. Perhaps later on they will get sick of it and change their minds, as at the end of the last war. After a few years of slaughter and starvation "Greatest happiness of the greatest number" is a good slogan, but at this moment "Better an end with horror than a horror without end" is a winner. Now that we are fighting against the man who coined it, we ought not to underrate its emotional appeal. 

Telling Lies and Acting The Fool

Frankie Howerd used to remind us that "it's wicked to mock the afflicted," but they are so numerous and vocal that one can hardly help it. We are beset by flat-earthers, climate change deniers, multiple conspiracy theorists, historical revisionists, separatists, vaccination refusers and poor demented souls who think that Bill Gates is responsible for the current pandemic.

These paranoid campaigners are not just people with alternative opinions. They are, in the words of Dave Cameron, "fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists." There is absolutely no point in arguing with people who  believe that the Royal family are lizards. Or that it's a good idea to break away from a successful trading bloc on our doorstep. It would be like arguing with a drunk.

Education might help them. They wouldn't cling to the flat earth theory if they were taught geography; they wouldn't preach 'economic nationalism' in a country like Britain which imports half of its fuel and food, if they were taught basic economics. And they wouldn't think that Elizabeth Windsor is a lizard if they were taught biology. But, unfortunately, their brains are damaged beyond repair.

None of this applies to Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson. He is a clever man who had an expensive education. He only jumped on the Brexit bandwagon to be prime minister of a country brainwashed by the Tory press. His cunning plan worked but he didn't know that a viral pandemic was waiting in the wings. We don't know how much damage the pandemic will do to our economy but it has already taken its toll. Whatever plans Boris had for us will have to be abandoned. His vision of a 'global Britain' striking trade deals with the rest of the world is now a remote possibility.

But whatever happens 'good old Boris' will not get the blame. His devoted followers will blame all our troubles on a revengeful EU. And Boris himself will carry on telling lies and acting the fool.

Max Hastings said of him:

"I have known Johnson since the 1980s when I was editor of the Daily Telegraph and he was our flamboyant Brussels correspondent. I have argued for a decade that, while he is a brilliant entertainer who made a popular maitre d' for London as its mayor, he is unfit for national office, because it seems he cares for no interest save his own fame and gratification." 

The Truth About Israel

The signing of the Abraham Accord between Israel and the Gulf States in August 2020 follows peace agreements with Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994. Saudi Arabia is supposed to be Israel's main enemy but crown prince Mohamed bin Salman is firmly committed to American foreign policy which supports the Zionist state. In the Middle East only Iran and Syria remain opposed to Israel. But Iran is crippled by US sanctions and Syria is recovering from a devastating civil war. The Palestinians have effectively been abandoned by most of their neighbours.

Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States are major oil producers with plenty of money available to help the Palestinians. They give to the Red Crescent and other charities but they have done little or nothing diplomatically or militarily to alleviate the suffering of the occupied Palestinians. 

In the West the parties of the far-right pay lip service to the Palestinian cause but some of them actually support Israel, and others worry about what would happen to six million Jewish refugees if Israel was destroyed. America would get most of them but the UK would be next in line. 

The truth is that Zionists are so powerful that most people are frightened to condemn Israel's cruel occupation of Palestine. Resolutions are passed at the United Nations and statements are made by world leaders, but the IDF continues to shoot children on the orders of 'Bibi' Netanyahu (pictured) who faces charges of fraud, bribery and breach of faith.

Adolf Hitler predicted in Mein Kampf: 

"The Jews domination in the state seems so assured that now not only can he call himself a Jew again, but he ruthlessly admits his ultimate national and political designs. A section of his race openly owns itself to be a foreign people, yet even here they lie. For while the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn't even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organisation for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks."

But nothing lasts forever. China is set to become the biggest economy in the world, and the Chinese don't suffer from guilt about the Holocaust like the Christian nations. When the European Jews were being rounded up and killed by the Nazis the Chinese were being slaughtered by the Japanese. 

Also, many Jews around the world are speaking out against Israeli atrocities.

When I lived in South Africa in the late 1960s it was unthinkable that the country would ever be ruled by the majority, but that's exactly what happened. The same thing will happen to Israel. Eventually there will be one state for Jews and Arabs with equal rights for all. There will be no Carthaginian settlement in the Middle East. Israel will not be driven into the sea and the Palestinians will not be expelled. The non-Jewish population of Israel now stands at twenty percent and the country is dependent on them for labour. Israel's future will be decided by economics and demographics, not by rhetoric.

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We post links to friendly websites on a reciprocal basis, but we do not necessarily agree with them.


Use the facility at the end of this blog to leave comments and read what other have to say. But please don't post ad hominem attacks, we are interested in ideas not personalities.

Nation Revisited

This blog seeks reform by legal means. All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. We uphold the United Nations' Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."




Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Nation Revisited # 168 October 2020

A Mystery.

Last Saturday I received an empty A4 envelope addressed to Nation Revisited. I contacted Royal Mail Customer Services but they are too busy to answer my query. This is a mystery. If it was opened by Special Branch they would have resealed it and sent it on. And if it was delivered to the wrong address, why would anyone post the empty envelope through my  letterbox? If you sent it please get in touch.

Fragments of History

British troops evacuated from Dunkirk, War Office photo

People interpret history according to their prejudices. John Tyndall in his book 'The Eleventh Hour' says that the Germans allowed Allied troops to escape from Dunkirk on Hitler's orders. It's more likely that the Germans relied on their magnetic mines to stop our ships from getting through. They didn't know that the Royal Navy was equipped with 'degaussing' gear which enabled them to penetrate the minefields. At the same time, the Germans were kept out of the Dunkirk pocket by fierce resistance from our troops; there was nothing magnanimous about it.

They could not invade Britain following the Dunkirk evacuation because they could not defeat the RAF or the Royal Navy. They only had flat-bottomed Rhine barges for transport across the Channel. These would have been sunk by gunfire from planes, ships and shore batteries. Hitler did not cancel the invasion because he wanted peace with Britain, but because he knew that it would end in disaster.

John Tyndall blamed the German defeat at Stalingrad on the weather, but it was just as cold for the Russians. The Axis forces fought bravely but they couldn't match the Red Army for manpower and equipment. German propaganda denigrated the Russians but they had one of the best battlefield tanks in the Second World War, the formidable T34, and arguably the best fighter plane, the Yak 3. Soviet weapons were cheap to produce and easy to maintain. German tanks and planes were much better engineered but too few in number.

John Tyndall took his prejudices with him when he died but there are still plenty of apologists for Adolf Hitler and his bid for world domination. It's a pity that the early achievements of the Third Reich have been forgotten. The Nazis restored Germany to greatness, ended unemployment and built a welfare state, but their economy depended on rearmament and their racial theories underestimated their enemies.

The recovery package agreed by the European Union shows how far we have come from those dark days. Britain is leaving the EU but we are still a European country and solidarity is very much in our interest. We are currently negotiating a trade agreement with our neighbours but 75 years ago we were killing each other.

Childhood Memories

One of my jobs as a boy was to take a rechargeable battery to the local hardware shop. This powered our radio, which was known as 'the wireless'. Later on, I hot-wired a speaker to the British Relay cable system used by our next door neighbour. The only trouble was that you had to listen to whatever program he was listening to. The choice was, the BBC Home Service, the BBC Light Program, and Radio Luxembourg. On Saturday night my sister and I would listen to 'The Hit Parade' hosted by Alan Freeman. If you could guess what would be top of the Hit Parade next week, you won the star prize - a taxi ride round the West End with Donald Peers. Oh happy days.

Before we had mains electricity we used gaslight, and another of my jobs was to go to the same oil shop for gas mantles. They were little gauze caps that glowed with the gas. Every so often they would burst and had to be replaced. But at least, the gaslight helped to warm the house.

When we got connected to the electricity it was only a ring main for lighting, but with the help of bayonet adaptors we ran a fridge and my mother was able to use an electric iron. As she ironed the clothes, with the iron plugged into the light socket, sparks flew in all directions and the lights went on and off. But she pressed on regardless.

Washing was done in a boiler in what was known as the skullery. This was also used to boil Christmas puddings which my mother started preparing about October. The whole family was involved in peeling fruit, shelling almonds, grinding nutmegs, and finally stirring the mixture in a great earthenware dish and making a wish as we did so.

Washing day was Monday and it took all day. Mother piled everything into the copper and filled the skullery with soapsuds and bubbles, while me and my sister operated an ancient wringer with wooden rollers and a great iron spring on the top. On Mondays it was always bubble and squeak for tea; cabbage and potatoes fried up with meat left over from Sunday.

The other thing that sticks in my mind is that I had an army greatcoat on my bed, and so did all of my mates. I thought that this was standard kit for all bedrooms.

Shopping was a nightmare. You had to wait in line at the Co-Op, or wherever you were registered, and hand over your ration book with each purchase. Other items, such as cigarettes, were got from the little shop across the road. I would be sent with a note and told to say "mum says please put in on the book."

Fruit was hard to come by, except for apples, but for some strange reason we had plenty of pomegranates which were full of seeds that we spat all over the place.

I went to St Marks Church of England School which was run by MIss Hatfield, a staunchly patriotic woman who had us marching round the playground and saluting the flag. It's no wonder that I ended up as an Empire Loyalist. We went to St Mark's Church where hymns were sung as loudly as possible, especially Onward Christian Soldiers.

My political awakening started in 1956 when I was 11 years-old. The Russians invaded Hungary and Britain and France invaded Egypt. I was all for the Hungarians for fighting for their independence but unsympathetic to the Egyptians for doing the same thing. I was outraged when we were ordered to pull out of Egypt by the Americans. I realised for the first time that we were no longer a world power. Times were hard but I still think of them as the good old days.

A History of Violence - Mark Webb

I have written this rather long complex story, but I've time jumped to shorten it. I think it's current in the light of recent and ongoing BLM / NFAC violence in the US and the way the US Police are handling that violence.

The story begins in Miracle Valley, Cochise County, Arizona. It was a huge farming area with lush, good growing land. A preacher by the name of AA Allen had a mobile tent Evangelist thing going on in the 50s and 60s. He was a white guy, but he ordained some 10,000 people as preachers, both black and white alike. A farmer from the Valley saw one of Allen's 'shows' and donated a big piece of land to the church so that they could have a full time home. They built a huge domed church, had mass meetings and got on well with the locals. Allen died in 1970 (death by alcohol misuse it was said) and the church was given to a faction inside the movement.

An Allen preacher called Frances Thomas from Chicago was spoken to by God and she moved herself and all of her followers from Chicago to land she had purchased opposite the old Allen church and set up a community settlement called 'Frontsight'. A religious, pro-gun, Pentecostal, all black church and 'village'. Hundreds of urban black Christians moved into an all white, rural community. At first things were ok, several years of peaceful coexisting and then an incident at a local school between black teens, white teens and the local police turned nasty. Word got back to Frontsight and several dozen of the faithful headed, unarmed, to the school. They turned on the local police and a fist fight broke out. The black people left in a running battle, followed by the police and as they entered, Frontsight cars pulled in front of the entrance and that stopped the police gaining access. Tensions in the local community started rising. Another church / cult member was arrested in town (Sierra Visa) on the 10th September 1981 and the people at Frontsight drove a twelve seater van packed with bombs on board made from dynamite.

They drove towards town, followed by a car load of armed 'Commandos for Christ', cult members carrying rifles, shotguns, pistols, and knives. The plan was to blow up cars in town and then in the chaos, hit the jail house and free the prisoner. However, one of the bombs exploded in the van killing Brother Stevie (the bomb was in his lap when it exploded), wrecking the van, wounding the others on board and covering them in his gore. Things in the community went up another notch . A TV crew turned up to film Frontsight and twenty women , some middle aged and older came out and attacked the film crew with claw hammers. Bashing them and throwing the hammers at them again and again. It was filmed by another TV crew. This was April of 1982.

The locals and local police had by now had enough and a police raid was planned to arrest several cult members on failure to attend court and some other minor charges. Warrants at the ready, a small scale police operation was planned. So on the 22nd October 1982 the police entered the compound in several vehicles, it was mid-morning on a weekday. They started knocking on doors. No-one answered. Then from inside the main hall (the healing centre and church) and from other houses scores of cult members appeared and approached the police , they had been expecting the police to arrive and had gathered together and armed themselves the night before. The police disarmed one man who was carrying a metal pipe. He was handcuffed and placed inside a police car.

This was the trigger! A huge melee then broke out. Cult members armed with rocks, sticks, baseball bats, lengths of rebar and such laid into the police, who called for backup. Shots (rifle and shotgun) rang out from inside the houses and one cult member was shot in the back with a .22 bullet that paralysed him for life from the waist down. Someone blasted a police jeep with a shotgun wounding the officer inside. The police used batons but were reluctant to draw their firearms as the cultists had formed a tactic of having women at the front of the fighting. The cops did not want to hurt them. Police reinforcements arrived and now thirty six officers faced around two hundred cult members plus more inside the homes, shooting out of the windows). One officer was hit in the arm with a metal bar and his arm shattered with bones protruding through his skin. Another officer was struck in the face with a rock that was thrown, and knocked out. Another was hit in the head with a wooden floor board, he fell to the ground and was struck in the chest with a five foot metal pipe and he later died. A boy armed with a .22 pistol approached the police and raised the gun, an officer drew his gun and the boy dropped the .22 pistol and ran off. Bottles were thrown. A man armed with nunchucks swung them at another officer and that officer drew his gun and threatened to shoot him, he ran off. More rounds were fired at the police from inside the houses. Rounds struck the police cars, bullets hissed overhead. A boy walked towards the police with a copy of an 1894 Winchester lever action rifle in .30-.30 (like a 303 round). He cocked it and aimed it at an officer, the officer was armed with a mini-Ruger 14, he fired first and from the hip, at a range of about 40 yards, putting four 5.56mm rounds in the boy's chest. The boy dropped dead. A man ran out and grabbed up the rifle, again aiming it at the officer, the same officer fired another four round burst, all the rounds hit the man in the chest and he fell dead. The fighting suddenly stopped (it had been raging for 15 minutes). 25 policeman were very badly injured, 7 critically wounded, shot with birdshot, some suffering with broken bones, teeth knocked out and skull fractures. Dozens of cultists were hurt, heads whacked with batons and many had bullet / pellet wounds from friendly fire. The final death toll was two dead cult members and one dead officer. In the aftermath Cochise County could not afford a trial so all charges were dropped against 22 cultists charged with murder, attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon etc.

A judge dismissed all of the cases with prejudice, so the defendants could not face charges in the future. Frances Thomas took everyone back to Chicago and the site was abandoned.

Lessons: Black radical groups with guns on one side and the police on the other side don't mix. What is past is prologue, such events are destined to happen in the future as reasonable debate and calm discussion are simply not on the agenda. This type of clash has happened throughout the history of the USA, with Blacks, Irish, Native Indians, Mexicans, Chinese immigrants, poor Whites etc. America and American culture is full of violence and that violence spreads like a cancer. People see what goes on in America and then protest about it here. Why, I do not know or understand. It is a mystery to me? Once in a group, and if armed, these people seem to feel that they are above the law and as we have seen again and again they attack the police. From the 19th century until now there have been more than six hundred major incidents of revolt and civil unrest in the United States.

Natural Selection

The Coronavirus pandemic hit the big cities the hardest. Viruses prefer dense centres of population where they infect the maximum number of victims. The trend all over the world is for the big cities to grow as people leave the countryside in search of work. Some affluent members of the middle classes are going in the opposite direction - fleeing the cities for the wide open spaces, often to escape from Third World immigration. But the great migration from country to town continues, and with it grows the risk of a devastating future pandemic. 

Countries with health services and access to credit can withstand millions of deaths but the poorest countries in Africa and Asia face oblivion. When the rich northern hemisphere runs out of money the poor south will be the first to feel it. Foreign aid will dry up and and expensive medicines will be reserved for those who can afford them. The extinction will not be based on race, but the vast majority of its victims will be Africans, Asians and South Americans.

The current pandemic has been fought by national governments according to the advice of their scientists. Such methods as 'lockdown' and 'testing' have helped to slow down the virus but in the end it will run its course, just like the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918. Coronavirus might kill several million people worldwide but those deaths hardly register against the relentless increase in population.

It would take a lethal and highly infectious virus to make an impression on the world population. But with the continued growth of our big cities, and the decline in the world economy, we could find ourselves in such a position. The first to go would be the old and the sick, followed by the working population. As they died the economy would collapse leading to general starvation and even more fatalities. But humanity will find a way to survive, even if millions perish.

We don't know how many people died in the Black Death of the 14th century, estimates vary but fifty percent seems about right. It caused a labour shortage that ended feudalism and drove entire populations across oceans, deserts and mountains. The world was changed forever and we can expect it to change again.

The US Election

The 2020 US presidential election will not matter much to us in the UK. Whatever differences there are between Trump and Biden are domestic. When it comes to foreign policy they follow the same strict Israel First policy. Both major parties in the US are dominated by Zionists who support what Dwight D Eisenhower called the 'military industrial complex'. Whoever wins the coming election will pursue the same policies; countries that follow US orders will be allowed to prosper and those that don't will be undermined by economic warfare.

We must thank the Founding Fathers of the American Constitution for designing the system of checks and balances that holds the US together. It's popularly believed that the US military are gung-ho warmongers but that is not so. The 2011 film 'Thirteen Days', starring Kevin Costner, showed the American generals involved in the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis to be sane and rational men. We hope that the current chiefs of staff are just as sensible. The President might be suffering from senile dementia but his generals will keep his finger off the button.

The retirement age for airline pilots is 65 but most pilots all over the world are under 60. The same restrictions should apply to presidents. Both Trump and Biden are in their seventies and showing clear signs of senility. 

Common sense restrains the military and commerce restrains the politicians. Trump might think it's a good idea for the worlds biggest economy to engage in a trade war with the world's second biggest economy, but commercial reality will ensure that Americans with dollars to spend will buy goods and services from China. The US is big enough, and rich enough, to fend for herself, but America is so much a part of the global economy that the dream of economic nationalism will never be realised.

The era of gas-guzzling cars from Detroit and coal-fired power plants is coming to an end. New eco-friendly industries will eventually take their place, but in the short term Trump's promises to the coal miners and the auto workers will not be kept. The challenge of the future is not to 'make America Great', but to share the wealth.  

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Use the facility at the end of this blog to leave comments and read what other have to say. But please don't post ad hominem attacks, we are interested in ideas not personalities.

Nation Revisited

This blog seeks reform by legal means. All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. We uphold the United Nations' Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."