Nation Revisited
Europe: Solidarity or Division
Three American writers were chiefly responsible for the racial theories that influenced the twentieth century. Economist William Z Ripley divided Europeans into sub races in his 1899 book “The Races of Europe.” Madison Grant, a lawyer, put forward his Master Race theory in his 1916 book “The Passing of the Great Race”. And Carleton S Coon, who was a qualified anthropologist, dismissed most of Grant’s ideas in his 1939 revision of Ripley’s work.
In Germany Professor Hans Gunther impressed the Nazis with his book “Racial Elements of European History” in which he claimed the superiority of the Aryan race. His theories were challenged by the eminent Orientalist Max Muller who insisted that “Aryan” was a linguistic term. He said: “An ethnologist who speaks of Aryan race, Aryan blood, Aryan eyes and hair, is as great a sinner as a linguist who speaks of a dolichocephalic dictionary or a brachycephalic grammar.”
Hans Gunther was motivated by “biological nationalism” but the British scientist Steven Oppenheimer in his 2006 book “The Origins of the British” used DNA evidence to prove that the UK was partially populated from Spain at the end of the Ice Age. This idea was supported by the Roman historian Tacitus who wrote: “The dark complexion of the Silures (South Wales), their usually curly hair, and the fact that Spain is the opposite shore to them, are evidence that Iberians of a former date crossed over and occupied these parts.”
Despite Britain’s partly Iberian ancestry the far-right seized upon the Master Race theory and consequently rejected European Union. Oswald Mosley, who was never a right winger, embraced all of non-communist Europe with his post-war policy. In his book The Alternative he called for “Europe a Nation”, a geopolitical bloc that could feed and defend itself. This seemed unlikely in the dark days of 1947 but within a decade the Treaty of Rome had laid the foundations of the new Europe. Mosley was dismissive of the Soviet Union and shared many of the attitudes of the Cold War period. He predicted the reunification of Germany but he never foresaw the total collapse of the USSR and its replacement with the Russian Federation.
The Nazis had also underestimated the Russians who defended themselves with state of the art T34 tanks, MiG-3 fighters, Katyusha rockets and Kalashnikov rifles. According to Nazi propaganda the Russians were “untermenschen” but they did a spectacular volte-face after the battle of Stalingrad and recruited thousands of anti-communist Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians into the Waffen SS; including the infamous Rona or Kaminski Brigade.
At the start of the war membership of the SS was limited to German and Scandinavian volunteers but following the successful Russian campaigns of the Legion Wallonie under the Belgian Rexist leader Leon Degrelle and the Spanish Division Azul under General Augustin Nunez Grandes the SS was thrown open to the whole of Europe. By the end of the war the majority of the Waffen SS was non-German and the last troops fighting on the Axis side at the Battle of Berlin were remnants of SS Division Charlemagne; founded as the Legion des Volontaires Francais by the fascist leader Jacques Doriot who was killed on active service in February 1945.
In a speech to the NSDAP in October 1941 Hitler acknowledged the multi-national composition of his forces. Referring to the Red Army threat to Europe he said:
“This would have been a second storm of Genghis Khan. That this danger was averted we owe in the first place to the bravery, endurance and sacrifice of the German soldiers, and also the sacrifice of those who marched with us. For the first time something like a European awakening passed through this continent. In the north, Finland is fighting, a true nation of heroes, for in her wide spaces she relies on her own strength, her bravery and tenacity. In the south Romania is fighting. It has recuperated with astonishing speed from one of the most difficult crises that may befall a country and the people are led by a man at once brave and quick to make decisions. This embraces the whole width of the battlefield from the Arctic Ocean to the Black Sea. Our German soldiers are now fighting in these areas and with them in their ranks Finns, Italians, Hungarians, Romanians, Slovaks, Croats and Spaniards are now going into battle. Belgians, Netherlanders, Danes, Norwegians and even Frenchmen have joined.”
The Nazis were full of theories; they talked about industrial partnership but they soon dropped their socialist pretensions when the war started. They denounced the banking system but they bailed out their banks just as modern governments have done. And their racial theories went the same way as their political and economic theories when they were fighting for survival. They realised too late that the only hope for Europe lies in solidarity. If Adolf Hitler had been blessed with the vision of Napoleon Bonaparte he would put a surviving Romanov on the throne of Russia and embraced them as fellow Europeans.
Throughout Europe insularity has been eroded by the invasion of millions of African and Asian immigrants. Fellow Europeans are not so alien when compared to people from vastly different cultures. National differences have diminished with ease of travel and the two million Britons living in Spain and all around the Mediterranean have no problem with the food and wine. We Brits have become much more European and we have lost many of our fears and prejudices. The popular press is still pushing petty nationalism but their circulation is declining and their malevolent influence is waning. People now realise that divisive racial theories are pernicious; they can only help our enemies.
Making Money
In the Fifties Radio Luxembourg carried advertisements for Horace Bachelor of Keynsham, Bristol. He invented the “Infra-Draw Method”, a betting system that would ensure a win on the football pools. As a kid I used to wonder why he bothered running a business when he knew how to win a fortune. Years later when I heard that bankers make money out of nothing I wondered again why they didn’t keep the money they made instead of running banks?
The Fractional Banking system currently allows banks to lend 25 times what they hold in deposits. The difference is supposed to be covered by assets, repayments and dividends. But if too many customers take their money out at the same time the bank is broken. That’s what happened to Northern Rock and Lehman Brothers; and it’s why banking regulations are being tightened to stop overtrading.
People, countries and banks are granted loans according to their status and collateral. This may seem unfair but it’s the way that capitalism works. At some time in the future we will hopefully break away from deficit spending and dollar dependency and start issuing money based on productivity. But for the time being we are stuck with the Rothschild model.
The banks make money by charging interest on loans but people stop buying cars, furniture and houses during recessions and the banks have to be bailed out by the state. The government can’t let them go broke because people would lose their savings, their homes and their pensions.
A viable banking system must be maintained. But first we need a sustainable economy. Britain only produces 60% of her food and 40% of her gas and oil. Within a genuinely united Europe we would be self-sufficient because Danish bacon, Norwegian gas, German cars, French wine and Italian fridges and washing machines would all be part of an internal market. But if a go-it-alone Britain tried to restrict imports we would break the rules of the World Trade Organization and our exports would be blocked. A country that depends on imported fuel and food is in no position to start a trade war.
Most currencies are backed by gold and dollar reserves. The UK holds $130 billion and the Eurozone holds $883 billion. The US also maintains gold and foreign exchange reserves but their currency is effectively backed by oil. Since the US came off the Gold Standard in 1971 the dollar has been exclusively used to buy oil under the petrodollar agreement with OPEC. The dollar accounts for two thirds of all official foreign exchange transactions and half of all the world exports are denominated in dollars. This arrangement gives the US a massive commercial advantage over the rest of the world. It was challenged when Iran started selling oil for euros in 2003, and seriously threatened when she abandoned the dollar altogether in 2009. This is the driving force behind American foreign policy. The status of the greenback as a world reserve currency depends on its tie to oil. They do not want Iran, or any other oil producer to break their monopoly. This is the global system that our politicians are committed to. It’s what NATO is all about. It’s what we pay our taxes for and it’s why our boys are fighting and dying in Afghanistan. Forget about the “War on Terror” and Iran’s controversial nuclear programme. There is nothing complicated about US foreign policy. It’s not a conspiracy by ‘hidden forces,’ it’s about maximizing profits for the giant corporations; the same old-fashioned commercial imperialism that sustained the British Empire.
The Government that We Deserve
The UK opinion polls show the Labour Party ahead of the Tories. The last Labour government borrowed more money and let in more immigrants than ever before. They also got us into two major conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. By the time they were voted out of office we were broke and Labour comedian Liam Byrne left a note saying “all the money has gone.” But only two years later the public has forgotten all about Tony Blair and Gordon Brown and look like voting Labour at the next election.
The public has the memory span of a goldfish and the collective intelligence of a pack of lemmings. They are mostly interested in TV talent shows, gratuitous violence, gambling, sport and pornography. The unemployable underclass has got a vote just as valid as the middle class who work hard and pay their taxes. And somebody who has studied the manifestos of all the parties and arrived at a considered opinion can be cancelled out by a drug-raddled illiterate with no idea what he is voting for.
In the good old days candidates bribed the voters with free beer and buxom whores, while hired thugs beat up the opposition. At least they enjoyed themselves and there is no evidence that bribery and violence produced a less worthy parliament.
When Dave Cameron makes a point in the House of Commons his front benchers nod their heads vigorously like little toy dogs. And when one of them brays like a donkey they all join in while the Speaker tries to keep order. Children would behave with more dignity than the 650 overpaid politicians at Westminster. Perhaps it is true that we get the government that we deserve. We should not be surprised that a thoughtless, selfish, ignorant, weak, criminal and spiteful electorate returns a government in its own image.
The last UK general election was predicted by the pollsters and so were the French and Greek elections. Modern technology enables us to gauge public opinion without actually having elections. The system was designed when people lived in remote villages and had to travel miles to cast their votes. Nowadays we have instant communications and we could have a monthly referendum by text or e-mail. We don’t need politicians to decide how much tax we pay or at what age we retire. It’s time we dispensed with them and introduced modern methods. Let them go the same way as town criers and lamplighters: redundant relics of the past who should be consigned to the dustbin of history.
Troy Southgate
“Are we really supposed to believe that Julian Assange is campaigning for freedom of speech when, in 2009, Wikileaks revealed names and addresses belonging to thousands of British National Party members? I certainly support the BNP in no way, shape or form, but Assange and his cronies put a lot of ordinary people and their families in danger. With Assange now on his way to Ecuador, no doubt a lot of genuine opponents of global tyranny will continue to hand over information to this character in good faith. One thinks of Emmanuel Goldstein in Orwell’s famous novel, Nineteen-Eighty-Four.” (Troy Southgate posting on Facebook)
Troy is an accomplished musician, writer and political activist who represents the National Anarchists. The word “anarchist” evokes “the pungent odour of nitro-glycerin”. But Troy Southgate is not an assassin; he is a genuine libertarian who has fought long and hard for his principles. He describes his philosophy thus:
“Much of what we do has to be covert, because the groups that direct the anti-Capitalist movement are usually controlled by Left-wing dogmatists who believe that we National-Anarchists are trying to subvert anarchism for our own sinister ends. But this is false. As we’ve said elsewhere time and time again, we are not ‘racists’ or ‘supremacists’ with some kind of secret agenda, we are seeking our own space in which to live according to our own principles. Sadly, however, most people on the Left want more than that and will not rest until they can organize every minute aspect of people’s lives….The Left, just like the totalitarian Right, refuses to tolerate anyone who tries to opt out of its vision of an inclusive society. Some of us however, want no part of this and will only be ‘socialists’ among ourselves and with our own kind.”
Political labels no longer have the same meaning in a society dominated by consumerism. The parties that used to represent capital and labour now pursue similar policies. But the general public is indifferent and those that still vote do so strictly on tribal lines. The established Right is multinational and pro-Zionist. The liberal-Left accepts global capitalism and the extreme Left are hopelessly divided. The parties that used to be anti-Semitic are now obsessed with Islam. And educated liberals at Hampstead dinner parties are frequently anti-Zionist. In this state of confusion National Anarchism deserves a hearing. Visit the NA website:
Wish lists and policies
If the success of a political party depends on the popularity of its policies it should promise free beer for all the workers. We are in a desperate situation with mounting debts and a shrinking economy. Any prime minister who told the truth and promised us a hard time would be voted out of office. When Winston Churchill came to power in 1940 he shamelessly stole Giuseppe Garibaldi’s historic speech of 1849 by promising nothing but “blood, toil, tears and sweat.” He received a standing ovation from Parliament but at the first opportunity the electorate threw him out in the general election of 1945.
Politicians know that telling the truth only upsets the public. They therefore offer wishes rather than policies. And those parties furthest from power have the best wishes. The major parties have to be careful because they might be elected but minor parties, like the BNP, can promise to quit the EU, ban foreign imports, tear up the Human Rights Act, round up millions of immigrants, strengthen the armed forces, defend the National Health Service and improve education. If they ever came to power the economy would collapse and we would be reduced to poverty. But it’s not going to happen so they can say what they like.
Union Movement has been gone for over thirty years but its core policy of ‘Europe a Nation’ is still valid. South Africa and Rhodesia are lost to us and Canada, Australia and New Zealand have tied their economies to local markets. The Soviet Union has passed into history but the Russian Federation can now be welcomed into the new Europe. The formidable economic and military resources of Europe and Russia combined would be capable of feeding and defending our civilization and putting right the mistakes of the past. The proximity of Russian oil and gas to European industry will ensure a self-sufficient political entity stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific. This is not a dream it’s a work in progress. It’s the anti-Europeans who are dreaming; dreaming of a lost empire.
BNP Manifesto
The BNP are known for their opposition to immigration and their dislike of the EU. But their manifesto has contained some strange policies. At one time they wanted to keep American bases in the UK to defend us against the Germans. They also wanted to bring back conscription and issue assault rifles to the public. Their latest brainwave is to establish a penal station for hardened and repeat criminals on the British island of South Georgia.
This practically uninhabited island is manned by 25 scientists of the British Antarctic Survey who are there to protect its unique ecosystem from outside contamination. This is why the Falkland Islands’ government forbids settlement of the territory. The only ship visiting the island was HMS Endurance but since she was damaged in 2008 the BAS has been serviced by a hired Norwegian icebreaker.
To build a prison on South Georgia it would first be necessary to refit the docks and build roads to the construction site. Plant and materials would have to be imported. Construction workers would have to be recruited and housed in temporary encampments. Power plants would have to be built together with batching plants, oil storage tanks, water filtration plants, sewage treatment works, communications, quartermaster’s stores, airstrips and hospital facilities. Construction costs would be prohibitive and so would the employment of prison officers and nursing staff. Not to mention the secure transport of prisoners from the UK.
If such a difficult logistical project was ever completed it would probably contravene the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Article 5 states: “No one shall be subject to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” Detaining prisoners thousands of miles from their friends and families would surely fit this description. It might also contravene Article 9: “No one shall be subject to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.”
They also call for the construction of a vast magnetic levitation rail network to replace the current system. This is another unaffordable fantasy. The government is struggling to find the money to electrify the conventional East Midlands and West Coast lines. Replacing the entire rail system with experimental technology would be completely beyond our technical and financial resources. We are already subsidizing the railways but this would be a step too far.
The BNP are not worried about the UN Declaration of Human Rights because they intend to abandon our commitment to international justice. And the cost wouldn’t bother them because they think that the banks create money out of nothing and they intend to do the same. Their populist policies defy common sense but all things are possible if we ignore reality. Free of such constraints we can cancel the national debt, break away from Europe, impose import tariffs, round up and deport millions of immigrants, expand and upgrade our armed forces, improve our National Health Service, provide free university education, replace the entire rail network and build a prison camp in the Antarctic. All we have to do is elect a BNP government and install Nick Griffin in Downing Street.
It’s true that minor points of policy are not important but they indicate a basic lack of commonsense. The number one issue for the BNP must be immigration. People are increasingly opposed to immigration; including established immigrants. The EU is still an issue but after nearly forty years of membership most people know that we are never going to leave it. And the failure of Ukip to get a single MP elected shows that there is no future in bashing the EU. Parties like the BNP never do well under Tory governments because people think that they will do something about immigration. But this is a myth. The Tories have been just as bad as the Labour Party when it comes to flooding the country with Third World immigrants. Dave Cameron will be no different.
The NR Interview
We asked readers and contributors to answer five questions: Who are you? What do you believe in? If you could direct government policy what would you do? What are you proud of and what do you regret? How would you like to be remembered?
So far we have had replies from John Bean, in # 76, Robert Edwards in # 77, me (Bill Baillie) in # 78, and now Michael Woodbrige: a veteran of the National Front and the BNP. Your replies are eagerly awaited and will be posted as we receive them.
Who are you?
My name is Michael Woodbridge and I was born just after the end of the 2nd World War at Woodford Green, Essex. Throughout my childhood I was entertained by family stories about the Blitz, as my parents had been brought up in Hackney and suffered many adventures due to the German bombing. A son of mine has recently delved into family history and discovered that our family roots go back into East London as far as the 18th century. After three serious relationships, two of them marriages, I have seven children and two granddaughters. I’m very proud of my offspring and somewhat relieved that as individuals they tend to be calmer and better adjusted than I was when younger.
What do you believe in?
I believe in Divine Providence to which we owe our existence. As a result we are honour bound to live lives which are honest, creative and courageous.
In honouring Divine Providence we must acknowledge and learn from the natural world. It’s from the natural world that we should seek morality and truth. What we can verify through our own observation and personal experience is paramount. Established religion and political considerations are important factors in our understanding of the world but should always be subject to honest scrutiny and never accepted second hand.
My political beliefs stem from the social need to enhance what is best in our race and culture. We need to replace a plutocratic, mercantile society, beholden to the money power, with a society which honours all that’s most noble, beautiful and altruistic. This has nothing to do with Christian sentimentality, or what one bishop recently described as, “Swimming in chocolate.” I’ve been advised that my ideology could best be described as “Racial Socialism.” One of the most formative books I’ve read is Anna Bramwell’s, “Hitler’s Green Party,” in which she described the life and thinking of Walther Darré and his influence on German National Socialism.
If you could direct government policy what would you do?
My first and most important government directive would have to be a halt to all further non-European immigration and the protection of our genetic inheritance. This policy would be implemented as the first stage of a much more comprehensive plan to elevate our people to a higher consciousness and state of being.
What are you proud of and what do you regret?
A close friend once said to me that we don’t regret those decisions we take in life, only the ones we don’t take; and that seems to be truer than ever. There have been plenty of decisions I haven’t taken in life but amongst those decisions I will still take, is to work harder on my talent, such as it is, for painting.
How would you like to be remembered?
I’d like to be remembered as someone who gave inspiration and happiness to those he cared about.