Thursday, 29 February 2024

Nation Revisited # 209, March 2024

Bernard Franklin

My friend Eric Galati of New York asked me about Bernard Franklin. I regretfully told him that Bernard died in 2022. I don't know his exact details but he was well into his seventies.

I first met Bernard Franklin at a Friends of Mosley social about twenty tears ago. He was a great admirer of Oswald Mosley's pre-war policies.

He used to issue an uncompromising hard copy and Internet blog called The Flame. This had originally been the newspaper of the National Front but Bernard published it independently following his departure from the NF.

Bernard was a parliamentary candidate for the NF, but he fell out with the leadership and stood for the breakaway Constitutional Movement in the 1983 general election.  

A government clampdown on free speech forced nationalists to moderate their language, particularly in regard to the Money Power, but Bernard never minced his words, he wrote what he meant and he was fortunate to escape prosecution.

I salute a gentleman, a patriot and a scholar who never made a penny out of politics but spent his own money to promote the cause he believed in.

Here is an article Bernard Franklin sent me in 2020:

The Good Don't Realise How They Hand Power to Evil

Many Europeans look aghast at the immoral actions of their government, as British and American servicemen, in particular, are sent to attack sovereign countries where we have no right to interfere. In whose interest are these attacks, usurpation of power, and theft of national assets taking place? The answer is the secretive New World Order that wants to rule the world. Are these murderers, corrupters, warmongers, liars, cheats, thieves, destroyers of nations, cultures and civilisations really the kind of people who should be in control of Western governments and, as a result, have the ability to legislate for developing countries? The answer must certainly be no!

There are millions of good Christians who attend church every week to ensure they follow God's laws. These church-going Christians , even collectively, do not posses the power to start wars, put countries in debt or bully nations into acceding to unreasonable demands. Yet, through ignorance, it is good Christians who have voted the evil people into power. There are surprisingly some Christians who feel Satan has got so far with his programme of destruction, that he should be helped along until the situation becomes so terrible that Jesus Christ will have to take over. This makes no sense at all. We know which politicians  are following the Anti-Christ agenda and logically, it can only be those with the ability to make changes that are responsible for the destruction of the white, British nation and other countries.

The drive toward world government has created a situation where power is concentrated in very few hands. By taking charge of the West's armed forces, today's rulers can inflict carnage on a scale unimagined at the time of the English or French revolutions. The saying that "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" is very true. See how Tony Blair, George Bush, Winston Churchill, Obama, Sarkozy, May, Cameron and Boris Johnson having been elected as inappropriate national leaders, and went on to to feel they have a right to act as universal Gods, despite their characters being seriously flawed. 

According to Christian teaching we are put on earth to resist evil temptation. Then why, by voting for the major parties, has the predominately Christian public given an evil army complete control over our lives? One plausible explanation for the sudden attempt to remove certain long-established Arab leaders is that unlike Christian Europeans, they refuse to allow their people to become slaves to the banker's system of usury.

The overall effect in the West has been to pass power to the unelected 1% of greedy manipulators. They have been able to buy up 95% of broadcasting companies around the world, control public thinking, start unnecessary wars, and control world trade, while their banking system has constantly devalued money. With their multi-national corporations they have polluted our planet and been responsible for global warming. They were also the ones who created the greatest single crime in history by making the atom bomb.

Don't Neglect Those Worthy of Our Support

There are many thousands of Great Britons tirelessly working for the community without expecting payment or fame. Many do charitable work, while others try to gain some political say for the British. All of these volunteers give up their time, and spend their own money on what they consider to be vital for our collective wellbeing. If you were to sit down and write a list of what you believe should be government policy, and present it to the Committee of the local Labour, Liberal or Conservative Party, you would likely find them either dismissive or hostile. There are many honest and knowledgeable Britons who could do a far better job than politicians. But none of them would join a political party. I don't know anyone who does. One has to be very brave in Britain today to stand up for the British. Doesn't this tell you that there is something terribly wrong with the political establishment? This is good reason to support those who raise their heads above the parapet for you.

To become a teacher in a comprehensive school today one has to be prepared to instil in white children a loathing for their own race. This teaching is followed up by dangerous race-hate nonsense which suggests that to overcome an illusory racism one should take a black partner. The origin of this anti-white programme can be traced to September 1952, and is recorded in the files of the Canadian Intelligence Service. This non- military warfare states: "We will identify with the races of Asia and Africa in the interest of wiping out racial tensions," (that they created with their immigration programme) "Whites must be forbidden to mate with whites. The white woman must cohabit with members of the dark races, and white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory." Like fools we allow our children at school to be programmed for our own racial suicide. Schools exert too great an influence on young minds to be left in the hands of our enemies. 

1983 NF Manifesto 

I thank Colin Todd the editor of Candour for sending me a copy of the 1983 National Front Manifesto which was largely the work of Andrew Brons.

Forty years ago immigration was the main issue but the Common Market was not far behind. All of the fears and fantasies of the Brexit campaign were imagined and a golden future was promised once we broke away from the "unelected dictatorship."

The NF got carried away on the sovereignty issue:

"In order to guarantee Britain's sovereignty - in other words our control over our own affairs and destiny - we propose to withdraw from all internationalist bodies, including the United Nations, the Common Market, NATO, the International Monetary Fund and other international financial bodies."

We have now broken away from the EU but our promised sovereignty has not materialised. We still follow American foreign policy, our armed forces are under NATO command, and our credit rating is decided by S&P Global. 

Immigration from the Third World was a serious problem forty years ago but now it has increased beyond our worst nightmares. In 2023 we took in over a million people. These included Asian and African workers, refugees from Ukraine, overseas students, and Hong Kong Chinese. The last category was covered by the NF Manifesto of 1983:

"We do not believe there is any real advantage in keeping Hong British. We do not see any benefit to Britain in taking on responsibility for the inhabitants of Hong Kong when the present lease expires and the colony reverts to China. The inhabitants are almost exclusively of non-British stock. As far as we are concerned China is welcome to it."

Our membership of the old Common Market and immigration were always conflated by the NF. While it's true that we signed up to free movement of labour within the EU, we always had the right to limit Commonwealth immigration. Indeed, the latest figures show that the vast majority of immigrants came from Asia and Africa - and this is still the case.

But apart from Europe and immigration the 1983 NF Manifesto is a credit to Andrew Brons who was the NF leader at the time; a comprehensive document covering housing, education, defence, and economics. 

One of its better proposals was to use the foreign aid budget to repatriate coloured immigrants to their countries of origin.

It supported the monarchy but criticised Prince Charles who is now the King. It also called for the abolition of the House of Lords and reform of the honours system.

It opposed referendums. This was no doubt influenced by the 1975 referendum on our continued membership of the EEC which resulted in a landslide victory for the Remainers. In 1975 the mass media was pro-European but by 2016 they had changed their mind.

Unfortunately, this manifesto was issued just before a disastrous split from which the NF never really recovered. This carefully thought out document was the work of talented men whose efforts were confounded by the fatal tendency of the far-right to engage in faction fighting.

Since the demise of the old NF we have seen the rise and fall of the British National Party. This, sadly, was a repeat of the NF saga involving many of the same characters.

When there's a serious incident involving the government they appoint a court of enquiry which usually concludes that "Lessons must be learned."  The same goes for the current cohort of nationalist parties

Copies of 'Let Britain Live' the 1983 NF Manifesto are available from BM Candour London WC1N 3XX UK at £5.00 per copy.

Britain, My Nation

A new patriotic magazine called Britain, my Nation is published by Robert Baggs a former NHS manager from Wiltshire. The Feb/March issue offers 21 pages of information and comment on the nationalist scene.

"The Editor's letter outlines the need for Nationalists to unite for there to be any chance of making any ground in the political arena. Currently there are at least 16 racial and civic (often referred to as populists) nationalist parties available for us to join (there may be more so if we have missed any I am sure readers will let us know). Over the next few issues of Britain, My Nation we will look at these parties (in alphabetical order), provide social media and contact details and will compare the   policy platforms on which they stand. In this issue we will be providing a very brief history together with details of the main players in each party. I also invite the leadership of all parties listed to write to me with contributions that might help convince the readers  of this magazine that their party is the one to join."  

At a time of rising postage and printing costs a hard-copy magazine is a challenge that deserves your support.


Five Questions Answered # 26 Robert Baggs

Who are you?

I am Robert Baggs, 64 years old and retired, ex-NHS and civil service manager currently politically homeless but having been involved to varying degrees, for over 30 years in Nationalist politics, largely with the British National Party.

What do you believe in?

I believe in the British people, that they are the greatest race to have walked this planet and that despite the efforts of the seemingly ever-increasing number of those who wish to destroy us, we can be great again and openly take pride in what we have achieved and what we will achieve in the future.

If you could direct government policy, what would you do?

I would ensure that, from the earliest days in school, our people were taught about the greatness of the British people. As they progressed through all of the educational institutions, we would teach them to take pride and respect in themselves. The current brain-washing trend to belittle us in so many ways as instigated by the left, would be eradicated and we would ensure our own people were put first in all things. I would look to regenerating British industry to make our society as self-sufficient as possible. Immigration would cease and measures taken to create a workforce from our own people by increasing incentives and removing unnecessary dis-incentives. I would introduce a form of national service for 16-18 year olds that ensure that if they did not wish to follow an academic route they would gain work experience within a service that would benefit the nation e.g. the NHS.

What are you proud of and what do you regret?

Politically I am most proud of the work I was involved in with the BNP and helping, in my small way, to increase the public profile ensuring the BNP became a household name and votes for us increased. One particular highlight was acting as Master of Ceremonies at several Red, White and Blue events and addressing an audience of over 500 in a circus big top. Personally I am most proud of having raised a family with children and grandchildren for whom I want to see a safe and prosperous country and thereby ensuring their happiness.

My main regret is that I have not been as consistently active in Nationalism as I could have or should have been. I let the destruction of the BNP, at a time when we could have been riding high, affect me deeply to the extent that my trust in the Nationalist party network was shattered, not wishing to go through the same feelings of betrayal that the BNP debacle had caused.

How would you like to be remembered?

Simply by having stood up to be counted and playing my part in trying to save our country from those who despise everything British and for making a success of my latest venture into publishing a hard-copy magazine with the aim of creating some unity within the many Nationalist groups currently in existence. 

Rober Baggs, Editor of 'Britain, My Nation' magazine. Email: 

Keep it Real

Too many nationalists get carried away with theoretical nonsense. They want to demolish the Bank of England and ban interest payments. But banks, nationalised or not, must charge interest to stay in business.

They also talk about deporting millions of coloured people who have settled here since the war. But the fact is that we don't have enough police or troops to round them up; we don't have enough ships or planes to carry them; and we don't have the political, military or economic power to do so.

Another of their unachievable ambitions is to massively increase the size of our military. It's almost impossible to recruit and equip modern armed forces in peacetime because the taxpayers will not stand for it.

Parties of the so-called far-right should offer the electorate simple but achievable and affordable policies. We should promise them strict control of the banking system, much tighter immigration laws, and armed forces capable of defending our islands. They have heard enough false promises from the Old Gang parties. We should not add to their misery.

European Outlook - 

Nation Revisited

All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. The editor reserves the right to shorten or otherwise amend articles submitted for publication. We seek reform by lawful means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."