The Patriotic Spectrum
The UK has a host of far-right parties ranging from the Traditional Britain Group which is conservative, to British Movement which is openly National Socialist, and from the British Democratic Party which believes in parliamentary democracy, to the New British Union which is unashamedly neo-fascist.
They are all opposed to the European Union; even the League of St George, which sprang from Union Movement, follows the insular nationalism of the Daily Mail. Their position is based on the dream of an Imperial Federation, an idea that was proposed but never fully adopted at the Imperial Conference in London in 1937.
As the wartime generation dies out the percentages for 'Leave' and 'Remain' will reverse and a majority will want to re-join the EU. Economic nationalism makes no sense in a country that imports half of its fuel and food. The diehard Brexiteers are stuck in their ways, but as our economy shrinks, they will have to adopt a more realistic policy toward Europe.
The solidarity of the patriotic press has been upset by the wars in Ukraine and Palestine. Heritage and Destiny is solidly pro-Ukrainian, but Candour favours a negotiated peace with Russia.
The invasion of Gaza is another bone of contention. National Socialist Outlook states: "BM does not support Israel under any circumstances and is also totally opposed to Hamas and all forms of jihadist and militant Islamism."
On the other hand the Springbok Club Newsletter ends its editorial in defence of Israel with the words: "Victory to the IDF!"
Another great issue is repatriation. When it was proposed by Union Movement in the 1950s there were only a quarter of a million non-whites in the UK. And when 'Spearhead' published an article entitled 'Repatriation; How it Can be Done', in 1969, there were still only two million, but now there are more than ten million. The fact is that we lack the ships, the planes, the manpower, the money, the military clout, and the will, to mount such an operation.
Nick Griffin may have been a crook and a charlatan but he recognised demographic reality when John Tyndall was still living in a world of fantasy. We should certainly deport alien criminals and illegal immigrants, but John Tyndall's dream of mass deportation is out of the question.
My old mate John Bean used to say that politics is the art of the possible. He was right and I urge the whole patriotic spectrum to heed his words and drop outdated and unworkable policies. When the unnecessary war in Ukraine is over it's likely that America will withdraw from Europe and force a total rethink of the NATO concept. Then, the UK can reach a realistic political, economic, and military accommodation with the EU and the Russian Federation.
Mass migration can only be controlled by co-operation between the rich countries of the north and the poor countries of the south. It will not be solved by cramming asylum seekers onto barges, or flying them to Rwanda.
Modern technology and artificial intelligence are changing the world beyond recognition. We are near to harnessing nuclear fusion to provide unlimited cheap energy. Problems that are insurmountable today will be solved and obsolete systems will be updated, but first we must face reality and stop believing in unicorns.
The British People's Rally
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I thought that I knew all there was to know about John Bean and his long journey from Union Movement to the British Democratic Party. But now a distinguished political researcher has unearthed documents that show that JB was involved in a 1953 breakaway from UM called the British People's Rally.
The above picture shows members of the BPR in the town centre of Datchet, near Windsor. Standing from left, Tom Etter, unknown, Vic Burgess, John Bean, Carl Harley, Pat Dunigan, Vic Cook. Kneeling, Ivy Hapgood, unknown.
John Bean does not mention the BPR in his autobiography 'Many Shades of Black,' but the following press cuttings prove its existence.
South London Press 14/04/1953
Mosley Men Stage Second Breakaway
'Frustrated', they say
Frustrated by inactivity and alleged "cloak and dagger dictatorship", a number of prominent South London members of Mosley's Union Movement have broken away to form a new organisation, the British People's Rally.
The revolt is the sequel to months of growing restlessness among members. There have been resignations and expulsions in South London branches. Some of the members have been accused of disloyalty.
Sponsors of the new organisation have decided to make a completely fresh start with the rank and file being offered the opportunity of voicing its opinion on policy.
Although the number of resignations from Union Movement's branches in South London - estimated to be 300-500 strong - has been small so far, the sponsors of the Rally say "a big proportion" have clear-cut sympathies with them.
One of the leaders of the new organisation is Patrick Dunnigan, a cabinet maker of 89 Wells Park Road, Sydenham, who is a former leader of the Lewisham branch of Union Movement and stood in Brixton as a Union Movement candidate at the last LCC elections.
He is a former member of Mosley's Propaganda Advisory Committee.
Another sponsor is Sidney Cook, old age pensioner, who also lives in Lewisham and has been associated with Mosley for nearly twenty years.
In post-war years he has been chairman of the Mosley Propaganda Advisory Committee.
Mr Cook told the South London Press: "I resigned because since Sir Oswald Mosley's virtual disappearance from the scene, the Party has been controlled by a clique of people who decide matters of policy and organisation entirely on their own.
"Many members, like myself, are tired of the inactivity, the lack of organisation, and the spasmodic policies.
For example, the clique suddenly decided to make the "Keep Brixton White" campaign part of the policy in Brixton despite the fact many members share my abhorrence of racialism. But we were unable to do anything about it.
When Sir Oswald used to visit branches there was a chance of ventilating our opinion to him. Now every report on no matter what subject must go through the hands of those in control."
Another prominent member in the new organisation is Victor Burgess, an active Mosley Party speaker who was expelled for disloyalty after calling a meeting of Union Movement members and suggesting the formation of a pressure group.
The Richmond and Twickenham Times, 02/05/1953.
Every year at this time, as the local elections draw near, I cannot help deploring the fact that the number of true independent candidates gets smaller each year.
No doubt many of the candidates from the established political parties when first elected to the local councils take their seats with every intention of concentrating on the duties they are elected to perform: but how soon do we see the Council Chamber turned into a cheap imitation of the Westminster circus with its placing of the party line before all other interests? I am not interested in the respective merits of Socialist or Tory plumbing, consequently my belief is "Keep party politics out of local affairs."
May I add that as West London organiser of the "British People's Rally," any true independent candidate for the coming election can count on our support. JE Bean, 35 Cowley Road, SW14.
Duke Pile
My friend Alan Wells, who used to write for the Friends of Mosley magazine 'Comrade' under the name Terence Pitcher, asked me what I knew about Duke Pile. I have trawled the Internet and spoken to many old comrades but after all this time there are very few that remember him.
The National Archives simply states;
Bertrand Duke Pile was active in the British Union movement and other fascist groups from 1934 onwards. He was interned under Defence Regulation 18B in 1940.
The Friends of Mosley website has Pile listed on the 18B Detainees Register as Bertram Duke Pile - Limehouse.
At the historic meeting at the Memorial Hall, Farringdon St on 15th April 1947, when Union Movement was founded, he made the following statement:
Sir Oswald, I and my friends of East London could have, speaking in the parlance of the East End, could have 'chucked up the sponge', we never chucked up the sponge, we were inspired by the voice of the past, of the greatest living Englishman, Oswald Mosley. Come back and lead us: come back and lead England.
But three years later he left Union Movement. The Jewish Telegraph reported on March 27th 1950:
Two anti-Semites were yesterday acquitted by a jury here of charges of having caused a public disturbance last month by throwing smoke bombs during the showing of the American-made film "Sword in the Desert," which depicts the fight between the Jews and the British in Palestine prior to the establishment of Israel. The film was subsequently banned in London.
One of the defendants, Bertram Duke Pile, is a notorious London street corner speaker against Jews. He has been arrested several times on charges of disturbing the peace and is at present on probation. He was a member of Sir Oswald Mosley's Union Movement but told the court that he left the fascist movement because he wanted it to be more aggressively anti-Jewish. The other defendant, John Cook, told the court he too had been a member of Union Movement . He added that he was anti-Jewish but "not Violently."
After the war Union Movement made a conscious effort to play down anti-Semitism but some of the old members, particularly in East London, couldn't forget that they had been attacked by Jewish 'anti-fascists' in the old days.
I don't know when Duke Pile was born or when he died. If he was in his twenties in 1934 when he joined the BUF, he was probably born about 1914. Anyone with better information please contact me.
With John Bean and comrades in Brussels circa 1974.
I spent more than half a century debating politics with John Bean. We agreed on the basics but we argued endlessly about the details. These exchanges were usually serious but sometimes tongue in cheek.
The following emails from September 2015 are typical.
From Bill Baillie to John Bean
A Nationalist Writes
The lazy Greeks have been rescued by hard-working Northern Europeans but the Jewish plot to destroy Europe by flooding it with Moslems is well under way. Led by the Marxist-trained Angela Merkel, the hated European Union is destroying the sovereignty of member states by imposing an unelected dictatorship. Marxist-inspired laws to promote homosexuality are already in force and the traditional Christian family is under threat. Poor confused pensioners forced to use the hated Centigrade system are sweating in their overcoats at thirty degrees as the unelected Marxist/Islamic commissars of Brussels abolish our much-loved weights and measures. The independent think tank 'Bollocks to Europe' estimates that the EU is costing us trillions of pounds and the great Tory patriot Sir Algernon Bumpton-Frumpton has demanded a rebate.
(At this point our tired and emotional nationalist contributor collapsed across the bar of the Jolly Hedge Fund Manager in the unspoilt Cotswold village of Much Moaning).
John Bean to Bill Baillie
Dear Sir,
If you will pardon my vulgarity I consider your recent statement a load of bollocks, with the possible exception of sentences 2 and 3 which both carry a grain of truth.
If you are up to using Twitter no doubt you will take exception to the tweet of yesterday from John Bean @ Federal Europe who does not mention Britain in his tweet on the immigrant flood. Four Tweeters have already repeated his latest Tweet, but three of them have fiendish foreign names, possibly Germans or Spaniards.
Bill Baillie to John Bean
The circulation list for "A Nationalist Writes" was limited to three people because few of my friends are blessed with a sense of humour. Jeff Wallder, aka Gordon Beckwell, is an excellent writer and the mainstay of the Friends of Mosley group, Kumiko Oumae is a gifted young Japanese writer and musician who is the only one I can relate to at Majority Rights, and you my old friend are capable of occasional flashes of brilliance. Being the only nationalist that supports the EU is a lonely existence. Roy Chester said it was difficult being a fascist-anarchist, and I know how he felt.
From John Bean to Bill Baillie
My attempt at humour in response to "A Nationalist Writes" was a roundabout way of drawing your attention to my Tweet (as Federal Europe) informing Frau Merkel that 3rd World immigration unchecked will lead to 3rd World Europe and does not make the immigrants New Europeans. It's been retweeted four times already. Thought you might like it.
European Outlook -
Nation Revisited