Marches and Meetings
In the 1950s Mosley's Union Movement held successful marches, as did the National Front in the 1970s. Marches numbering hundreds of members are demonstrations of strength, but token marches are not so impressive. Successful marches and demos require adequate manpower, and meetings are difficult because of local council boycotts and anti-fascist hostility.
The mass media is restricted to the Old Gang parties, but the Internet is generally available to us. We can't compete with the mainstream press which is financed by advertising, but magazines like Heritage and Destiny, Candour, League Sentinel, and Broadsword, are still published despite ever increasing printing and postal costs.
Nobody would argue with the Online Safety Bill that's supposed to protect children from racism and pornography, but it will be used to silence us, just like the Public Order Act and the Anti-Terrorism Act. We are not racists, paedophiles, or terrorists, but we shall have to choose our words more carefully in the future.
With food inflation running at 19% those of us preaching economic reform to an affluent and disinterested audience might now get our message across. When the great British public runs out of money for beer, bingo and betting they might start listening.
Our election results are disappointing but putting up candidates is good for morale, fund raising, and publicity. Traditional meetings and marches are difficult but we still have the Internet, the spoken word, and our hard copy magazines. It's important that we subscribe to our publications, post our ideas on social media platforms, visit and circulate blogs of interest, leave comments where possible, and speak to our friends, workmates, and neighbours. While we still have a voice we must use it.
It Takes All Sorts
Readers of Nation Revisited and European Outlook agree about the need to stop non-European immigration and regulate capitalism, but all other issues are in contention.
Brexit was supposed to restore our sovereignty and stop immigration, but the Liz Truss fiasco showed that we are totally at the mercy of the the Market, and over half a million immigrants give the lie to securing our borders.
The Holocaust death count may be exaggerated but there's no doubt that great numbers of Jews were rounded up and sent to camps where they died of disease, starvation and deliberate cruelty. There's no justification for mass murder. The Jews are powerful, particularly in the USA, but the idea that they run the world is far-fetched, especially when one considers the power of China, where Jews are very thin on the ground. The Jews prosper because they marry within their religion and they stick together. Jews like Robert Maxwell and Bernie Madoff were crooks but so was Al Capone who was an entrepreneurial Catholic.
I have always opposed unlimited immigration, but I'm not obsessed with race and I don't believe in the 'Master Race'. We are defined by race, religion, language, culture, nationality, and education.
The majority of nationalists support NATO and the corrupt Zelensky regime, but others, including me, want the war to be ended by negotiation. This conflict is a re-run of the post-war dispute between Francis Parker Yockey and Oswald Mosley. Yockey saw the US as the enemy of Europe, but Mosley was opposed to the Soviet Union. Today, both ideas are outdated.
The monarchy is another bone of contention. Should we support the monarchy as a British tradition, or dump it as a waste of money?
My blogs try to counter the petty nationalists who crave splendid isolation, and the conspiracy theorists who think that the banks make money out of nothing; but never wonder why Lehman Brothers went bust, instead of just creating some more money? The fact is that if banks overtrade they go broke, unless they are rescued by national governments.
Liberal democracy is riddled with corruption, but that can be put right with common sense, courage and morality. So please keep sending your emails and posting your comments. Free speech is under attack all over the world. Let's make the most of it while we still can.
Nothing Different About Obama
President Barack Obama, son of a Kenyan father and an American mother, was expected to champion the poor and take on big-business. He failed to do either. The US is still run by what another president, Dwight Eisenhower, called 'The Military Industrial Complex'. Presidents as left-wing as Jimmy Carter and as right-wing as Donald Trump have come and gone, but the MIC is still in charge, and they are still promoting wars all over the world. My following piece was posted on Eddy Morrison's National Front News website in 2009.
The world post G20 looks just the same. America and Britain are still broke and trying to persuade the rest of the world to print more money. President Obama has lost interest in Iraq but he is still chasing Taliban insurgents around the Northwest Frontier. This old-fashioned colonial war is intended to provide security to America and Europe. Destroying villages with missiles is supposed to stop the unemployed sons of immigrants from cooking up explosives in their mother's kitchens. And getting our servicemen killed or mutilated by roadside mines is meant to stop Saudi and Egyptian suicide pilots from crashing airliners into American skyscrapers. Barack Obama and Gordon Brown need to explain how this works.
The Obamas are an attractive family that delight crowds and provide media cameramen with first class footage. They are exactly what the public relations industry ordered; well dressed, well presented, and as an added bonus they are non-white and therefore infinitely marketable to the Third World. But there it ends. There is nothing different about Barack Obama; he is just another big-business nominee who follows the same agenda as his demented predecessor George Bush.
The 'Anglo-Saxon' economies are founded on debt and sustained by credit. But our creditors are calling in the loans and we will be forced to abandon lifestyles that are beyond our means. The United States is almost self-sufficient and can recover from recession, but it will take Britain a long time to get out of debt. Borrowing even more money cannot be the answer. We will have to scale down government spending and make a determined effort to pay off our debts. We will certainly have to look at our defence budget and ask ourselves if we really need a new fleet of aircraft carriers and an updated version of the Trident missile system.
Our armed forces are committed to NATO and designed to protect Europe from the Soviet Union. But the old communist empire has been replaced by a democratic Russian Federation and there is no justification for American troops to be stationed here. The use of NATO in Afghanistan is a new departure. Afghanistan does not threaten Europe and it makes no difference to us if one tribal despot or another runs it. The opium excuse cannot be taken seriously. If we really wanted to stop the drug trade we would start arresting drug dealers instead of turning a blind eye for the sake of political expediency.
So long as we cling to the 'special relationship' with America we will be part of their economic and military empire. We will always be linked to America by ties of blood, language and history, just as we are to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. But until we assert ourselves politically any sort of independence will remain an unfulfilled dream. It's ironic that most of those who crave national independence are content for us to remain an American dependency.
Look on the Bright Side
Originally published in League Sentinel No 132 Winter 2022
We are constantly reminded that the white race is under threat and that our days are numbered, but there's no need to get depressed or even suicidal. This pessimism was spread by German philosophers such as Friedrich Nietzsche and Oswald Spengler. Nietzsche concluded that God was dead, and Spengler was so despondent that he wrote: "Only dreamers believe that there is a way out. Optimism is Cowardice."
The thoughts of these great men have so impressed themselves on nationalist thinkers that they never question them. In fact, there are more white people in the world today than at any time before. The worldwide movement of people from the southern to the northern hemisphere is a serious problem, but it can be solved by international co-operation.
Not so long ago the leading nations of the world were trying to destroy each other. But today, apart from a glorified border dispute in Ukraine, we are at peace. We are still suffering economic problems caused by political corruption and inefficiency, but most people are better off than they were in the great days of Empire.
We dissidents will never convert the masses by preaching a message of Gloom and Doom. We must give them some hope for the future by being positive. Medical science has wiped out smallpox and controlled many infectious diseases. The average expectation of life has risen from 70 to 80 years, and infant mortality has dropped. We no longer have a great world empire but the average person is much better off.
Our mission must be to control immigration, spread the wealth of the nation, achieve greater self-sufficiency, and reform a greedy banking system. But we will achieve nothing by engaging in self-pity, or by adopting mystical concepts such as 'Kali Yuga'. This belief in historical cycles comes from India where they worship sacred cows and burn widows. We are Europeans who look to science for solutions.
We have the technology, the resources, and the experience to build a better Britain, but we must look on the bright side of Life.
British History
It's not true that Britain has always been a multiracial country. The British Isles were re-populated after the Ice Age when hunter-gatherers from the Iberian peninsular followed reindeer herds across land bridges from the European mainland.
When the Romans invaded in 55 AD they brought with them legionnaires and camp followers from Syria and North Africa, but they were Mediterranean Whites.
A few black servants were brought to Britain in the 18th century, mostly by American plantation owners, but slaves were not imported in significant numbers because it was cheaper to employ impoverished Whites who worked for practically nothing. Television programs showing great numbers of Blacks in the UK before the British Nationality Act of 1948 are nonsense. Black workers were first recruited by Minister of Health Enoch Powell in the 1950s. He later realised his mistake and made his infamous "Rivers of Blood" speech.
Our government is so obsessed with cheap labour that they export manufacturing to China and import labour from India and Africa. They pay no attention to the social problems resulting from mass migration, and they certainly don't care about preserving our native stock.
The UK population is now 10-15 percent Afro-Asian. We don't know the exact numbers because we haven't got identity cards and racial data is not made available. If we assimilate all of them we will get slightly browner, but if we continue to import millions of Afro-Asians our race and culture will be obliterated.
If these exotic incomers were English-speaking Christians they would be easier to assimilate, but most of them speak their own languages and practice their own religions. Our race and nation have been enriched by successive invasions of Celts, Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Danes, Normans, and Huguenots. They were all Europeans but the current wave of invaders are something else.
The Establishment celebrates diversity but the rest of us are forced to accept it by government diktat. It's actually illegal to say "Keep Britain British." Time will tell if our dogmatic legislators have made the right decisions.
European Outlook
Nation Revisited