Sunday, 30 April 2023

Nation Revisited # 199, May 2023


War in Ukraine

Public opinion in the UK is influenced by the mass media. They see the war in Ukraine as an unprovoked Russian invasion; but this is far from the truth. There are two sides to every story but we are only getting the NATO-approved narrative. The war is actually the result of a coup organised by the CIA that deposed the elected president and installed the current regime.

Volodymyr Zelensky is hailed in the West as a hero. In fact, he is a dictator who has locked up the opposition and made war on his Russian-speaking population. The Pandora papers leaked to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists reveals that he has $1.4 billion in overseas accounts. This was not reported on a pro-Putin website but in the Guardian of October 2021. Now 21-year-old US airman Jack Teixeira has posted classified Pentagon documents showing that Ukraine is losing the war with a seven to one kill ratio in favour of Russia.

This war has devastated Ukraine and damaged the economies of many countries. Sanctions were supposed to hurt Russia but they have done more harm to us. Energy prices have doubled in Europe but self-sufficient Russia has switched her exports to China and India. It's not easy to wage economic war on the largest country in the world when it has almost unlimited natural resources.

Turkey tried to bring about peace talks at the start of the war but this was sabotaged by Boris Johnson who flew to Kiev with promises of arms and money. Now, China has tried to organise a ceasefire but this has been rejected by America. The Western nations are fuelling the fire by sending arms and money to Zelensky, but despite his vainglorious rhetoric, the war will eventually be settled around the conference table.

And when this unnecessary war is over the future of NATO must be considered. NATO was set up after WW2 to counter the Soviet Union. Europe was in ruins and the Red Army was camped in Berlin and Vienna. Britain, together with France, Germany and Italy relied on America for protection and even sustenance. The Marshal Plan saved us from starvation and NATO provided a defensive shield. That was over 70 years ago; today things are completely different. When the Soviet Union was disbanded in December 1991 the West should have responded by disbanding NATO; instead we expanded it into eastern Europe and used it to wage war in the Balkans.

America's hatred of Russia is driven by the Military-Industrial Complex and Cold War propaganda. The threat of Communism no longer exists; Russia is an Orthodox Christian nation with an elected government, and China is capitalist through and through. The Chinese cling to the language of the past as do the British, they have the Chinese Communist Party and we have the Order of the British Empire, and Imperial College.

There's no reason for the West to be hostile to China or Russia. If Donald Trump is re-elected in November 2024 he has promised to restore common sense to international affairs. We must pray that he is successful. 

Five Questions Answered # 24 Frank P Walsh (1925-2020) 

Frank Walsh was old and tired when I asked him to answer my Five Questions, instead, he gave a copy of his book 'The Justicean's Millenia'.   

Who are you?

Frank Walsh was born in Lancashire in 1925 and died in London on 19th November 2020. He was a gentleman, a patriot and a scholar who fought against plutocracy to the bitter end.

Frank's father was badly wounded in the First World War, and as a result he was brought up in a children's home. He joined the Merchant Navy at the age of 14 and volunteered for the army in 1943.

He was known as the King of London's Speaker's Corner where he spoke fearlessly for many years despite a Red ban on patriotic speakers.

His Patriotic People's Power Party attempted to unite the producers, the common people, against the parasites. His unique blog was updated monthly until March 2019, it was a fascinating mixture of graphic art, prose, poetry, and economics.

What do you believe in?

To have the viable maximum fruits of our work. The freedom to say our political opinions. The right to our folk’s brooked cultural ways. The security of our folk’s ruled military against invasion.

If you could direct government policy, what would you do?

Humanity must never again allow itself to be lured to massacre millions for parasite-backed utopian philosophies, such as Socialism and Communism. Anybody with no sympathy for Communism before they are 21 must be heartless and anybody who believes in the possibility of Communism after 24 must be mindless. For they will not accept the obvious truth that humans have variable good and bad traits.

What are you proud of and what do you regret?

I hope this booklet is not utopic and to save Our Folk from extinction there are enough Folk Loyal Free Spirits left with the wits and guts, to win a Folk Fascist economic, military, cultural politic and together keep it. 

How would you like to be remembered?

The (P.P.P.P.) Patriotic People’s Power Party must never be lured sheepish follow the leader “Up and down the Hill”, Baa Baa Big Boss or Low Life Levellers party, that is contrary to its aim to win High Quality Competitive made Equalisers having self-disciplinary critical minds with, Nature or God? Made, race their soul’s religion and democracy its spirit, who freely cooperate to keep their individuality needed to never accept total defeat, always phoenixlike rising to found and uphold with religious fervour, not blind fanaticism, a Folk Democratic society, able to earn their kin citizen’s respect in their elected reps proof thru the tough electoral mill, they truly practice the democratic tenets of equality, reciprocally welcoming, instead of being insular hermits, the best of the world’s folk but never their dross as guests. 

Reparations - Sam Dickson

Hey! I want to know when I will get my reparations as a descendant of French Huguenots. If these blacks are entitled to millions because their ancestors were slaves 7 generations ago. I see no reason why I shouldn't be invited to the Pity Party and get my freebies too.

No one knows how we Huguenot descendants suffer.

We have to endure microaggressions all the time. I have to walk past the Basilica of Saint Mary Stella Maris several times a week when I'm at my winter home in Key West, Florida. Right there - displayed for all the world to see, without any concern for my sufferings - is a statue of the Virgin Mary which outrages my eyes.

But no one cares how I feel.

We are depressed, unable to balance our checkbooks, wash the dishes, make up our beds, brush our teeth or mow the grass. We suffer from anxiety attacks thinking we are back in Paris with our martyred ancestors in the midst of the Massacre of Saint Bartholomew's Eve. I can't sleep at night fretting over this.

All of our failures in life can be traced back to the Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve and the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes by Louis X1V. Don't try to tell me that we should get on with our lives, man it up and get to work. Such insensitive statements will be reported to the Hate Control Department of the nearest police force.

Back in the 1680s my ancestors had to flee with nothing but the clothes on their backs, abandoning their shops, farms and gold smelting businesses...for which we have never been paid.

I figure with compound interest I am ENTITLED to many, many millions of dollars from the French taxpayers for what my Huguenot families lost back in the 1680s.

And I assure you, my mood would be greatly improved if I were given reparations in the form, say, of a 24 hour free shopping spree in the Vatican Museum with a couple of dozen grocery carts.

20 or 30 original Rembrandts would work wonders and make me feel good.

And I'll feel even better after I take home my Vatican reparations and when the subject moves on to how much cash the French taxpayers owe me.

All of you need to get to work to right these wrongs and get me what I'm entitled to.

The National Health Service


When the NHS was introduced in 1948 it covered everything connected with health, including eyes and teeth. There was an immediate scramble for spectacles and dentures, but when the Korean War broke out the government decided to privatise optical and dental services to save money.

Right from the start the NHS had a problem finding doctors and nurses. Enoch Powell, who later made his infamous ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech warning of the dangers of immigration, tried to address the problem when he was Minister of Health by recruiting nurses from the West Indies. And prime minister Ted Heath welcomed Indian doctors, dentists, opticians, and pharmacists fleeing from oppression in East Africa.

In recent years we employed a steady stream of medical professionals from Europe but that has been ended by Brexit. So now we have a desperate skilled labour shortage compounded by 12 years of austerity resulting in shortages of hospital beds and equipment.

Prime minister Tony Blair accepted the offers made by international construction companies to build hospitals for next to nothing in return for extended maintenance contracts. This got new hospitals built but we will still be paying for them for generations. 

All political parties insist that they want to keep the NHS free at the point of delivery, but parts of it are being subcontracted to private companies. Medical agencies are supplying doctors and nurses; blood tests, scans, and aftercare, and many surgical procedures are being undertaken by private hospitals. This is in addition to building maintenance, computer and equipment hiring, ambulances, laundry, cleaning, and legal services. The fact is that the NHS is already partly privatised.

We all know that you get what you pay for. If we want an up-to-date NHS, we must be prepared to pay for it with higher taxes. The alternative is to have an American-style system based on private insurance. That's fine if you can afford it, but I believe that a civilized country should provide health care for all, including the poor.

Statistics do not always lie. Those countries that invest in health care enjoy longer and healthier lives than those that allow the poor to perish. The expectation of life in prosperous Switzerland is 84.25 years, and in the desperately poor Central African Republic it's 52.16 years. 

Mosley and the Zinoviev Letter - Terence Pitcher 

The last US presidential election is disputed, and the UK has introduced voter identity checks. But electoral interference is not new; the Zinoviev Letter was a forgery published by the Daily Mail that purported to be from Grigory Zinoviev (pictured), head of the Comintern, to the Communist Party of Great Britain, urging them to work for a Labour victory. 

From 'Comrade' March/April 1999

The recent release of Government papers has revealed that the famous Zinoviev Letter was an MI5 fraud.

For most of this century MI5 has been indulging in 'Reds under the Bed' scares in order to discredit the Labour Government - except in the 1930-40s when it transferred its attention to Mosley's British Union, sharing much responsibility for the incarceration of patriotic and loyal British men and women in prisons and concentration camps.

Yet MI5 itself has produced more traitors and defectors than any other institution in Britain.

The Zinoviev scare during the 1924 General Election had a far greater significance than the defeat of an already doomed Labour Government. For one Labour candidate it had life-long implications.

At Ladywood, Birmingham, Neville Chamberlain, the doyen of the Tory Party, faced a challenge from Oswald Mosley, the idol of Labour's radicals. It was well known that he advocated government take over of the banks and finance houses; a policy that was anathema to the forces of international finance. Had Mosley  won against the national trend of Labour defeat, his political prestige would have risen to paramount heights. The men of caution who surrounded Labour's leaders Ramsay MacDonald and Snowdon would have found it impossible after that to stop his progress in the party.

On election night Mosley took Chamberlain to four counts. First it was 20 in Chamberlain's favour, then 7 and the third Mosley in by 2. The final count was Chamberlain in by 27.

The Zinoviev factor was just sufficient to to give Chamberlain victory in the seat he had previously held with a majority of 3,000.

So the crucial question that Mosley asked - whether Britain should be ruled by the Money Power or an elected government was never put to the people.

Without the Zinoviev Letter forgery by MI5 agents, the course of Mosley's career and British history might have been a completely different story.

Nation Revisited

All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. The editor reserves the right to shorten or otherwise amend articles submitted for publication. We seek reform by lawful means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."