Thieves are robbing people at cashpoints by distracting them, and Rishi Sunak is using the same tactic to take the public's mind off roaring inflation, industrial unrest, uncontrolled immigration and half empty supermarket shelves.
Last year 500,000 legal immigrants arrived in the UK on scheduled airlines, but all we heard about was 45,000 illegal immigrants who crossed the Channel in inflatable dinghies.
Many of these boat people are Albanians. According to the Daily Mail all Albanians are criminals. One who is not a criminal is Anthony Albanese the Australian prime minister. He is of Italian descent but the name Albanese indicates an Albanian origin.
It's convenient for the Daily Mail that Albanians are Europeans, and therefore fair game for a fanatical Faragist rag. In fact, the UK has an agreement with the Albanian authorities to return unwanted immigrants, but we have no such agreement with African and Asian nations.
Of the legal entrants, over 100,000 are refugees from Ukraine. The Daily Mail dare not demonise them because they are fleeing from "Putin's illegal invasion". It's ironic that the Brexiteers won their referendum with a hate campaign against the Poles, and an entirely imaginary threat from Turkey, but they now obliged to welcome Ukrainians.
For once the Daily Mail has got it right: we should welcome the Ukrainians as fellow Europeans.
So as not to appear to be racists, the Tories have put brown-skinned people in charge of immigration. Rishi Sunak and Suella Braverman were born in the UK but their parents were immigrants, and they are naturally sympathetic to their kinfolk.
When Boris Johnson (pictured) went to India seeking a trade deal, the Modi government made no secret of the fact that they wanted access to the UK for their citizens in return for such a deal. It's a well known principle that people follow goods across borders.
We have got an open door policy for Indians and Hong Kong Chinese but it suits the Tories to make a big issue out of the boat people. They are a distraction.
We are told that the two nuclear power stations being built by the French company EDF in Somerset, in the west of England, and Suffolk, in the east, will provide clean energy for a generation. These huge structures are made of steel and concrete and connected to the grid by copper cables, all of which emit carbon during manufacture. All workers and materials are brought to site by air-polluting motor vehicles and erected by craftsmen using diesel-powered fork lifts, cranes, hoists, pumps, and compressors. Nuclear power stations might be eco-friendly in operation but they are major sources of pollution during construction, and eventually during decommissioning and demolition.
The same constraints apply to wind turbines and solar panels that are made of steel and glass, connected by copper cables and erected by machinery.
The energy producers conceal the true cost of these projects. The nuclear plants are expected to cost about £30 billion each, but this does not include land purchase, bank charges, insurance, legal fees, inspection, and safe storage of spent fuel. And when things go wrong; as they did at Windscale, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima, the cost in lives and treasure is incalculable.
Polluting the atmosphere is a bad idea, but the UK is no longer a major industrial power and our carbon emissions are negligible compared with countries like China and India. We should use our reserves of fossil fuels to generate power and reduce any damage to the environment by scrubbing chimney gases and planting trees.
It would be even better if we could find a way of removing carbon when generating electricity, but 'carbon capture' is not a commercial proposition. Politicians and journalists might talk about it but it has never been done.
International treaties such as the Climate Change Agreement and the Refugee Convention are not cast in stone. As circumstances change they must be revised. A greener future is desirable but our pensioners and underpaid workers simply can't afford it.
Transgender Issues - Mark Webb
There's an increasing trend both here and in the US, it's been going on for a while, but it's becoming very widespread and the cases increasingly disturbing.
Men in male prisons are claiming to be transgender and being sent to women's prisons where they then rape the female prisoners.
Recently one male prisoner, called Adam Graham, in Scotland claimed to be a trans woman called Isla Brown and was transferred from a male prison to a female one. He then raped two female inmates. During his/her trial Graham claimed to be a victim of hormones and a victim in general. He was given 8 years in a male prison. Just one of a recorded 167 male transgender prison rapes of females in the UK.
Such insane situations are coming about because of the outcome of Woke and SJW culture. Gender rights has become a very real social nightmare of male and female shared public toilets, drag queens teaching children about gender in primary schools and social workers with a cultural Marxist agenda pushing children into wanting gender reassignment.
Liberal courts are making a mockery of justice. Look at the LA case of Hannah Tubbs (a man of 17) who, after molesting a 10 year old girl, claimed to be a transgender teenager and was sentenced to incarceration in a unit for juvenile girls. As a social offender he then had sexual relations, both willing and unwilling, with the teenage residents. How can the State lock up a paedophile with children? Talk about putting the fox in the hen house.
The legal precedents have been put in place and the male criminals; rapists, child molesters etc, are having a great time. They are exercising their 'rights', claiming that their 'gender identity' is female, and she/her is their preference.
What about the safety of the female prisoners? Let's look at a recent case this year in the UK. A 56 year old male serial sex offender called Stephen Terence Wood claimed to be transgender and was moved to a female prison. He had a long history of sexual violence towards children and females, but he was known as Karen White, his/her new transgender identity. So 'Karen' was moved from a male prison to HMP New Hall, an all female prison. Karen, a six foot, 20 stone male with a face like a bulldog and the body of a weight lifter, started a reign of terror and sexually assaulted at least two female inmates. Karen went back to court and was given life in a male only prison.
It's just psychopaths working the system.
Sam Dickson's email to Rabbi Mayer Schiller
"Primary loyalty to one's own people, belief in gender differences and natural law governing the sexual realm was the norm among all peoples until a few decades back. So, what of it?"
Exactly! Not only WAS the norm but must ALWAYS be the norm.
It strikes me that of all the many wars bellicose America has fought, the one that is universally condemned is the one that did the most good for us, the Mexican War.
The good wars are those in which huge numbers of White men died for some purported moral purpose...to free the nonwhite slaves, to end war, to make the world safe for democracy, for all the 4 Freedoms and so on.
The Spartans that died at Thermopylae fought for Sparta. They fought for their own flesh and blood...for the guys fighting next to them, for their wives, children and siblings back home.
It was left much later to the morality crunchers to fabricate high-blown moral issues for Leonidas and his men.
Anglo-Saxons, more than any other nationality, are unable to speak their name. When I have travelled through Britain, I have read inscriptions along the line "They died for our freedom" or "They fought for our freedom."
I don't think I have ever seen a monument in England, or in the US for that matter, putting it bluntly, "They died for England" or "They died for the race of Anglo-Saxons" or even "They died for America."
All such inscriptions seemingly must "honor" the soldiers by investing them with some moral humbug and censoring out any idea that they fought for their people.
The French at least have a modicum of sense left. In France it is common to see inscriptions on monuments reading "Pour la Patrie", although I suspect the morality-mania probably rules supreme there too.
It might be instructive for someone to write a novel about the invasion of Earth by extraterrestrial creatures in which the central theme becomes the effort to find some moral reason why earthlings should fight for Earth.
Five Questions Answered # 23 Mike Whitby
Nation Revisited