Hurrah for the Blackshirts
The 'Daily Mail' has been obsessed with Fascism since January 1934 when Lord Rothermere published an article headlined "Hurrah for the Blackshirts" in praise of Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists. His support was withdrawn when J Lyons & Co, the McDonald's of its day, threatened to stop advertising. Now, nearly 90 years later, the Daily Mail is still covering fascist activities.
Andy Weatherhead, an independent councillor for Folkestone and Hythe has been thrown out of the Tory Party for having once belonged to the New British Union. He regrets his involvement with the NBU which he says he joined in a spirit of inquiry. Tory Chairman Nadhim Zahawi accused the NBU of being racist and antisemitic, but this is not true. They may be nostalgic and theatrical but they are not racists. In their policy statement they say:
Immigration into Britain will be strictly controlled and those immigrants who are work-shy, involved in crime, anti-social behaviour and support for terrorism will be deported in double-quick time. We have no wish to persecute those of whatever race or religion who are law-abiding, hard-working and who contribute to Britain's economy. Regaining control of our borders will reduce racism and violence and so restore "Britain for the British", "British jobs for British Workers" and "British houses for British People."
It's unfair to pick on Andy Weatherhead when countless Labour councillors and MPs have extreme left-wing backgrounds. He should be judged on his performance as a councillor.
Another NBU member in the news is 67-year-old Clive Jones, a retired maths and physics teacher, who claims to have fathered 140 children by artificial insemination. Jones admits to being a proud fascist but denies being a racist. The 'Daily Mail' is worried that his political opinions may be passed on to his children; a misguided view held by Arnold Leese who thought that politics were influenced by ethnic origins. They also fail to distinguish between Fascism, which extols culture, and National Socialism, which is based on Race.
Opinions: Originally published in Heritage and Destiny May-June 2020
The Channel 4 television series on the death of Diana Spencer has revived interest in conspiracy theories. She died in a car crash and there's no evidence of foul play, but that doesn't stop imaginative tongues from wagging.
There are as many opinions as there are people but they tend to fall into recognised catagories. People who support the status quo are called conservatives, those who want to change the System are called revolutionaries, and those who want to tear down society and start again are called anarchists.
But there's another group that seems to be growing. They don't know what they want but they are convinced that nothing is what it seems and that there's a hidden plan behind everything. These are the conspiracy theorists who think that 9/11 was a put-up job, and that every assassination was done by somebody other than the acknowledged assassin. Some of these theories are ingeniously tailored to fit perfectly into a jigsaw of intrigue.
Their favourite fantasy involves the CIA, Lee Harvey Oswald, JF Kennedy and Jack Ruby. This story is fascinating because Kennedy was a liberal, a Catholic and a serial adulterer, Lee Harvey Oswald was a communist, or at least an ex-communist, and Jack Ruby was a gangster and a Jew. All the elements of a good plot; sex, politics, religion and organised crime, all in one package.
There are people who don't believe the Americans got to the Moon in 1969. They think that the Moon landing was an elaborate hoax designed to fool the Russians. And there are others who are convinced that no Jews were slaughtered by the Nazis. There's no limit to the fantastic nonsense that people believe in, and there's no point in trying to reason with them.
When British troops entered the gates of Belsen in 1945 they found thousands of dead and dying people. Our soldiers were not politicians engaged in propaganda and they had no reason to lie about what they had seen. There is no doubt that great numbers of people died in the camps during the war, but the Holocaust deniers are as unreasonable as the Zionists who try to justify their brutal ill-treatment of the Arabs by constantly reminding us of Jewish suffering during the war. The truth is that the 'master race' theory and the 'chosen people' myth are very similar ideas based on racial supremacy and the denial of human rights.
The far-right thinks that non-Europeans were brought here to undermine the white race. That's certainly one of the consequences of immigration but they were originally brought here to provide cheap labour for our booming postwar industries. Our greedy and shortsighted politicians never considered the long term effects of mass migration. As a result we are critically short of housing, school places, and hospital beds. If they had been working to a grand design they might have done a better job.
There are undoubtedly some deceptions. The invasion of Iraq was based on a pack of lies, and so is the campaign against Iran. But most politicians are too stupid for hidden agendas, too cowardly for intrigue, and too selfish for ideology. Most of them just follow the party line.
The Great Replacement
When British servicemen came home from WW2 our population soared, but we were still short of labour. This shortage of workers was met by immigration, first from the West Indies, and then from Africa and Asia. This importation of Afro-Asians, combined with our low birth rate, is known as The Great Replacement.
This transformation was avoided by the Ottoman Empire. They imported African slaves on a massive scale, but they castrated the males and killed any babies born to black women.
China's population is fast declining. Their One Child policy was abandoned years ago but Chinese women have come to enjoy their middle class lifestyle.
The Russians are facing the same population decline but they are trying to boost their birth rate by offering tax breaks and benefits to young couples.
When Ireland was dominated by the Catholic Church contaception was banned and parish priests encouraged young couples to have children. But those days are gone and Ireland is now as infertile as the rest of Europe.
It seems that people respond to poverty by worshiping God and having more children and they respond to prosperity by forsaking worship and having less children.
One reason is that children in the poorest countries provide food and shelter for their parents instead of dumping them in old people's homes as we do in the affluent West.
Young white women could be persuaded to have more babies if they were given proper support; social housing, day nurseries, generous child benefits, maternity leave etc.
Immigration control requires international agreement. Brexit has shown that we lack the economic, military, logistic, and political power to do it on our own.
Some people think that mass migration doesn't matter: after all we are all God's children. That's true, an established nation with an ancient culture should be able to assimilate lots of different people. But there must come a point when the sheer volume of aliens overwhelms the native population. We have now reached that point.
The sanctions imposed on Russia by the West have resulted in an energy crisis that threatens to sink our economy. Economic warfare has always been self-destructive. When Oswald Mosley wrote 'Mosley: Right or Wrong' in 1961 South Africa was the target, now it's Russia but the message is just the same:
"To organise a boycott of a country's goods is to impose a blockade, and a blockade is an act of war. It is therefore very likely at some point to produce a shooting war. Nothing is more likely in the end to promote violence and bloodshed. Yet it is the professional pacifists who are often the prime movers in the boycott business.
Apart altogether from the morality of trying to change a country's political system from outside by force, who are the first victims to suffer from the results? The first victims are inevitably those whom the boycott is supposed to help, the weakest members of the community thus attacked. If the boycott of South Africa succeeded, the people who would suffer most would be the poorest blacks, who would lose their employment and could not much be assisted by an impoverished economy. The Union government could carry on indefinitely on a siege economy and those in the weakest position would suffer. So would the interests of peace.
We had the same sort of thing on an even greater scale in the thirties. Then a previous leader of the Labour Party appeared with the Chief Rabbi to demand a boycott of German goods in order to help Jews who were having a bad time in Germany. It cannot be denied that some Jews were so suffering. But equally it cannot be denied that such agitations contributed to the outbreak of war, because to the extent they were effective they were liable to produce a determination in the government so attacked to break out from isolation and blockade at any risk and any cost. And none will claim that the subsequent war did the Jews in Germany any good. On the contrary, they suffered terribly.
The lesson of it all is surely this: if you want to help people in another country. the last way to go about it is to promote boycott, blockade and other methods which lead to violence and even war. The Jews who were killed during the war might have been alive today if that problem had been solved, among others, by a constructive policy of European unity which found the space and means for all to live in peace and plenty."
Five Questions Answered # 19 Jeff Wallder
I asked our readers Five Questions: Who are you? What do you believe in? If you could direct government policy what would you do? What are you proud of and what do you regret? How would you like to be remembered?
Replies have been received from: John Bean, Robert Edwards, Bill Baillie, Michael Woodbridge, Eddy Morrison, Robert Best, Arlette Baldacchino, Alexander Morana, Rufus, Pete Williamson, Claire Khaw, Jane Edwards, Vic Sarson, Jez Turner, Michael Walsh, Seth Tryssen, Ahmed, Nick Maybury, and Jeff Wallder.
Who are you?
My grandfather's father lived in the Rookery, the biggest slum in Britain, that covered the area around Covent Garden from the Strand to New Oxford Street. Open sewers ran down every street and crime, bad housing and disease were endemic.
My grandfather moved west to Soho where my father was born. My father moved west to Chelsea where I was born in the middle of WW2. We never went hungry but we weren't posh: in my young day there was still a healthy working class population in Chelsea. All gone now. The flat where we paid ten shillings a week rent now sells for £2 million to the super rich who, shall we say, did not grow up in Chelsea.
On Sunday evenings I used to listen to my father and uncles discussing politics: I listened spell-bound to their unusual combination of nationalism and liberalism. I gathered uncle Don had been a fascist before the war.
What do you believe in?
I don't like living in a community made up of large numbers of people from different cultures. But the one piece of advice my father gave that I always remember is: "There are good and bad in all races and you can't condemn the good along with the bad". That probably saved me going down some dark and dangerous paths.
My epiphany came at the age of 15 when I found a book in Chelsea Library titled 'Mosley - The Facts'. It consisted of writings and speeches made by Oswald Mosley, the more I read the more I liked. From then I began attending every Mosley meeting and march in London.
What are you proud of and what do you regret?
I was present at the big one in 1962 when following a hugely successful Mosley meeting the front of the march was entering Parliament Square while the back of the march was just leaving Trafalgar Square. The Reds who wanted a Soviet Britain stood on the sides of Whitehall and spat at us. It was the proudest moment of my life.
But the size of the march put the wind up the enemy who used mob, money and media to block our advance.
If you could direct government policy, what would you do?
Mosley said there was no future for a small country that had lost its empire living on past glories. As an alternative he advocated Europe One Nation, not only the union of Europe but the European dominions overseas. In secret meetings with Juan Peron, three times elected President of Argentina, he even planned for South American countries of European descent to become part of his European superpower.
Mosley rejected both global capitalism and orthodox socialism based on state ownership and proposed a form of social syndicalism where all companies over a certain size would be owned corporately by the employees who worked for them and all profits would go to them alone.
Mosley also taught that 'diversity' meant division when what we needed was unity.
I believe in what he advocated then and with modern finesse continue to believe in it now as a policy to light the forward march of humankind.
How would you like to be remembered?
What would I like to be remembered for? To be remembered would be enough.
Mosley had brains, he had guts and an infinite charm. The world will not see his like again for many a long year.
Jeff Wallder (Union Movement + Friends of Mosley)
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