Saturday, 31 December 2022

Nation Revisited # 195 January 2023

The Authortarian State

John Tyndall speaking for the National Labour Party in the late fifties. Note the cross and star symbol still used by Nation Revisited and European Outlook. The cross stands for our nation and the star stands for our people. It was designed and bequeathed to me by John Bean.

John Tyndall published 'The Authoritarian State' in 1962 when he was 28 years old. We all say unwise things when we are young. Liz Truss made a speech to the Liberal-Democrat conference when she was 19 calling for the abolition of the monarchy. She was forgiven for her youthful indiscretion but John Tyndall was not. He died in 2005 just two days before his trial on a charge of inciting racial hatred. If he had stood trial, and if 'The Authoritarian State' had been used in evidence, he would probably have been convicted. UK prisons hold many people found guilty of offences under the Race Relations Act and the Anti-Terrorism Act whose rhetoric is restrained compared to the frank language of the past. 

It's perhaps rather late to review a pamphlet that was published 61 years ago, but better late than never.

I am indebted to the archivist Stephen Swinfen for providing me with a PDF of JT's first literary effort. I have been looking for it for years without success, but by the wonder of the Internet my search has been rewarded.

'The Authoritarian State' is closely modelled on Oswald Mosley's pre-war policy statement 'The Greater Britain'. It calls for strong government, leadership, financial reform, protectionism, and so on. JT even borrowed some of Mosley's favorite phrases such as; "the old gang", "old women", and "the coming crisis."

The Talking Pictures TV channel shows old movies often carrying the warning that they contain "prevailing attitudes and language of the time that viewers may find offensive". A similar warning should be attached to 'The Authoritarian State' which sensitive souls may find alarming:

"While the authoritarian creed respects the idea of personal freedom. It insists upon the establishment of clearly defined limits to which such freedoms can go. Aside from the aforementioned examples, one could go on indefinitely giving instances of how, under the old Democracy, the concept of "freedom" has been turned to the worst possible abuse - because such practical limits have failed to be enforced. Our simple test of individual activity is: Does it or does it not harm the moral or material well-being of the nation. If the answer is no, then by all means let it continue. If, on the other hand, a man's conduct of his personal life is of a nature certain to lessen his usefulness to the community he serves, and hence harm that community as a whole, then he is abusing his right to freedom, and as such must warrant the intervention of state guidance until he has mended his ways.

Freedom for those that work, for those who create, for those who conscientiously remember their duties of citizenship; such freedoms we would never wish to destroy. What we would not tolerate in the state of tomorrow is the loafer, the spiv, or the degenerate. In short, what we intend to build is a national community in which that natural Nordic birth right of freedom is not something to be taken for granted by the dregs of society, but something earned by labour, loyalty, and service." 

JT's worldview was based on the conspiracy theory outlined in 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' that was distributed by the Okhrana, the Imperial Russian Secret Police, in 1903. He quotes from this dubious source:

" Political freedom is an idea but not a fact This idea one must know how to apply whenever it appears necessary to use it as a bait to attract the masses of people to one's party for the purpose of crushing another who is in authority. This task is rendered easier if the opponent has himself been infected with the idea of "freedom", so-called Liberalism, and, for the sake of an idea, is willing to yield some of his power."

JT believed that the Jews are behind a plot to flood Britain and Europe with non-Europeans. He saw immigration not as an economic problem but as a conspiracy to destroy European civilization. In later life he toned down his antisemitism but it's hard to believe that he had a genuine change of heart. 

The following passage is from his obituary on the BNP website of 19 July 2005:

"Tyndall's courage was legendary and his stamina undoubted. He was a fine writer with a tremendous grasp of written English, and an outstanding platform speaker. Nevertheless, John Tyndall's Nazi associations in his early life dogged him throughout his political career. In addition, the same 1930's mindset left the British National Party under his leadership with an outdated strategy which alienated public support." 

'The Authoritarian State' is essential reading for anyone trying to understand John Tyndall, just as 'Mein Kampf' is essential for the study of Adolf Hitler. Both works chart the development of their authors. We all modify our views over the years. The young are expected to be radicals and the old are expected to be conservatives, but few people change their core beliefs.

Most of John Tyndall's supporters were worried about coloured immigration, but he barely mentions it in this pamphlet which concentrates on the failure of democracy, the need for leadership, and the alleged Jewish conspiracy. Oswald Mosley never mentioned coloured immigration in 'The Greater Britain' because it was not an issue in 1932, but it was twenty years later. 

John Tyndall was a brave and decent man who was stuck in the past. He believed in reviving the British Empire, deporting the millions of non-Europeans in the UK back to their countries of origin, and 'Economic Nationalism' which took no account of changes in world trade. He advocated these policies from 'The Authoritarian State' in 1962 to the 'Eleventh Hour' in 1998. Like the Bourbons he learned nothing and forgot nothing.  

Example of the Aztecs - Andrew Fountaine

From 'The Meaning of an Enemy', available from Amazon.

In nations and civilizations as in armies it is the leadership corps which counts and whose importance is paramount. Of a number of great civilizations which have come and gone before our time few were causatively destroyed by enemy conquest or military miscalculations. The majority died by their own hand of auto-intoxication and internal disintegration, and in every case it was among the culture bearing stratum that the rigidity, petrification and suicidal tendencies had first appeared. For the evils of parasitism, class wars, social anarchy and revolution are not the causes of decline of civilizations but the symptoms of the disease itself which is the decline of authority.

There is no more instructive example in the history of this phenomena than the story of the conquest of Mexico.

The Aztec civilization was the last in line before our own. Of all past civilizations including classical Rome it bore the nearest analogy to our European Faustian ethos and though by some strange aberration of circumstances the wheel had not been discovered, their culture had reached a grandeur and stability matching anything in Europe and their calendar system and time reckoning by annual computation alone failed to match modern Greenwich calculations by a mere matter of minutes. This was a civilization that by the 16th century had substituted human sacrifice in the place of civil war and social crime and had introduced compulsory education, state welfare and a universal health system at least as efficient as the parody with which we are burdened today.

It was upon the shores of this state in March 1519 that Cortez landed with 553 soldiers (including 32 crossbowmen and 16 horses) and 14 cannon and set out in a little under two years to conquer an empire nearly twice as large as Spain and defended by an army of 200,000 well-armed and fanatical warriors who believed as devoutly in their war god Huitzilopochtle as Cortez did in Christ. But it was not Spanish guns and cavalry which conquered Mexico but the suicidal compulsion of the Aztec Emperor Montezuma himself who believed in a myth as fervently as Cortez believed in the Virgin Mother and therby suggested his own defeat and the collapse of the highly organized Empire.

The myth was that the tribal god of the Toltecs (a race the Aztecs had conquered some centuries earlier) by name Quetzalcoatl - of fair complexion, dark hair and flowing beard - had on the defeat of his tribe sailed away eastward over the Atlantic, promising at some future date to return and resume his rule. Thus when Cortez appeared Montezuma had accepted him as Quetzalcoatl!

Time and again when the Spanish were surrounded and facing annihilation the emperor called off his disciplined warriors and sent in emissaries with supplies and victuals begging the invaders to return whence they had come.

Eventually he allowed the Spaniards to enter Mexico and ultimately surrendering his person to Cortez, allowed his temples to be desecrated and was killed in a tumult. Thus by sheer auto-suggestion he collapsed into moral suicide. From thence the conquest of the leaderless and demoralized Aztecs took nine months of the bitterest fighting of all and added Spanish reinforcements. Yet despite the phenominal leadership of Cortez and the incredible courage of his men the Aztec civilization was destroyed by a ghost - the calumny of its leader.

It is relevent to observe here that the Spanish loot of Aztec gold and the contemporary plunder of the Inca treasure south of the isthmus found its way by devious dissipation into the coffers of the Indian potentates where it lay dormant for two centuries until in the year 1747. Clive at the decisive battle of Plassey laid open the treasures of Bengal.

Here the combined treasure of the old world and the new provided the sinews of Britain's Napoleonic campaign, fertilized the industrial revolution, and created the fulcram of amorality upon which the back of the English aristocracy was broken.

Five Questions Answered # 20 Dennis Whiting

Who are you?

I am Arthur Dennis Whiting (known as Dennis). Born 18/07/33; grew up mainly in the Maidstone area: attended Maidstone Grammar School; National Service in the Royal Artillery, 1952-54; read English literature at Keble College, Oxford 1954-57; became a librarian, firstly at Aberdeen University, 1959-63, then at the University of Kent, 1963-95. Married Sylvia Brewer in 1976, sadly no children. Been retired since 1995. As a teenager I became a fan of G.K. Chesterton, who inoculated me against conventional politics for the rest of my life. In the 1950s I became aware of A.K.Chesterton, cousin of G.K. I subscribed to Candour and joined the League of Empire Loyalists. I was never in touch with the postwar Mosley movement. I was active in the National Front from 1967-1980 and with the British National Party thereafter (until 2011).

What do you believe in?

I am a Christian believer (early influences, Chesterton, Belloc, Newman, C.S. Lewis). Although an Anglican until I was received into the Roman Catholic Church at age 50, I was never at heart a Protestant. My faith has become more important to me in recent years as it has become ever clearer that modernism, globalism, and the new world order are an all-out attack on Christendom. My Catholicism is by way of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the Society of ST. Pius X and Bishop Richard Williamson. I consider Pope Francis to be a very bad pope and a traitor to the institution which he is nominally the head.

If you could direct government policy, what would you do?

If I was in charge of government policy (what a dream) I would have to undo a great deal of the legislation of the past half century or more. I would be guided by the list of SINS CRYING TO HEAVAN FOR VENGEANCE found in my missal. They are; Wilful murder - The sin of Sodom - Oppression of the poor - Defrauding labourers of their wages.

This missal incidently is not some ancient historical document but was published and given its imprimatur in 1962 under the reign of John XX111, the first modernist pope. The two later sins one might have to deal with indirectly by a radical reform of our corrupt and usurious financial system. The two former encompass abortion and the LGBTxyz attempt to destroy the family. Abortion ought never to have been legalised. It might not be prudent to re-enact homosexual activity between consenting adult males as a criminal offence but most certainly organisations such as Stonewall need to be turfed off the moral high ground which they have fraudulently seized. Single mothers carrying unwanted children in the womb are themselves the victims of our current society and should be treated gently and compassionately. There are many childless couples anxious to adopt. No doubt there was undue harshness in the past but we should remember that the pro-abortion lobby has been in charge of the narrative for a long time and they do not give a fair picture of how things used to be.

What are you proud of and what do you regret?

There is not much in my life to be proud of but I do regret the way I allowed my family, friends and workmates to compartmenalise my political activities. Here - they seemed to say - is a decent enough chap: why he puts up as a parliamentary candidate for an extremist outfit like the NF we don't wish to know. For the sake of a quite life I went along with this when I should have defended my views in season and out.

How would you like to be remembered?

How would I like to be remembered? I have written a number of articles in my time which have mainly fallen on stony ground. It would be good if some of them could be collected to remember me after I am gone.

Viva Argentina

Congratulations to Argentina on winning the 2022 FIFA World Cup. The New York Times demanded to know why they had not fielded any black players. Probably because the black population of Argentina is less than one percent. 

European Outlook

Our sister blog European Outlook is posted at: 

Nation Revisited

All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. We seek reform by legal means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."









Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Nation Revisited # 194 December 2022

Hurrah for the Blackshirts

The 'Daily Mail' has been obsessed with Fascism since January 1934 when Lord Rothermere published an article headlined "Hurrah for the Blackshirts" in praise of Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists. His support was withdrawn when J Lyons & Co, the McDonald's of its day, threatened to stop advertising. Now, nearly 90 years later, the Daily Mail is still covering fascist activities.

Andy Weatherhead, an independent councillor for Folkestone and Hythe has been thrown out of the Tory Party for having once belonged to the New British Union. He regrets his involvement with the NBU which he says he joined in a spirit of inquiry. Tory Chairman Nadhim Zahawi accused the NBU of being racist and antisemitic, but this is not true. They may be nostalgic and theatrical but they are not racists. In their policy statement they say:

Immigration into Britain will be strictly controlled and those immigrants who are work-shy, involved in crime, anti-social behaviour and support for terrorism will be deported in double-quick time. We have no wish to persecute those of whatever race or religion who are law-abiding, hard-working and who contribute to Britain's economy. Regaining control of our borders will reduce racism and violence and so restore "Britain for the British", "British jobs for British Workers" and "British houses for British People." 

It's unfair to pick on Andy Weatherhead when countless Labour councillors and MPs have extreme left-wing backgrounds. He should be judged on his performance as a councillor.

Another NBU member in the news is 67-year-old Clive Jones, a retired maths and physics teacher, who claims to have fathered 140 children by artificial insemination. Jones admits to being a proud fascist but denies being a racist. The 'Daily Mail' is worried that his political opinions may be passed on to his children; a misguided view held by Arnold Leese who thought that politics were influenced by ethnic origins. They also fail to distinguish between Fascism, which extols culture, and National Socialism, which is based on Race. 

Opinions: Originally published in Heritage and Destiny May-June 2020

The Channel 4 television series on the death of Diana Spencer has revived interest in conspiracy theories. She died in a car crash and there's no evidence of foul play, but that doesn't stop imaginative tongues from wagging. 

There are as many opinions as there are people but they tend to fall into recognised catagories. People who support the status quo are called conservatives, those who want to change the System are called revolutionaries, and those who want to tear down society and start again are called anarchists.

But there's another group that seems to be growing. They don't know what they want but they are convinced that nothing is what it seems and that there's a hidden plan behind everything. These are the conspiracy theorists who think that 9/11 was a put-up job, and that every assassination was done by somebody other than the acknowledged assassin. Some of these theories are ingeniously tailored to fit perfectly into a jigsaw of intrigue.

Their favourite fantasy involves the CIA, Lee Harvey Oswald, JF Kennedy and Jack Ruby. This story is fascinating because Kennedy was a liberal, a Catholic and a serial adulterer, Lee Harvey Oswald was a communist, or at least an ex-communist, and Jack Ruby was a gangster and a Jew. All the elements of a good plot; sex, politics, religion and organised crime, all in one package.

There are people who don't believe the Americans got to the Moon in 1969. They think that the Moon landing was an elaborate hoax designed to fool the Russians. And there are others who are convinced that no Jews were slaughtered by the Nazis. There's no limit to the fantastic nonsense that people believe in, and there's no point in trying to reason with them.

When British troops entered the gates of Belsen in 1945 they found thousands of dead and dying people. Our soldiers were not politicians engaged in propaganda and they had no reason to lie about what they had seen. There is no doubt that great numbers of people died in the camps during the war, but the Holocaust deniers are as unreasonable as the Zionists who try to justify their brutal ill-treatment of the Arabs by constantly reminding us of Jewish suffering during the war. The truth is that the 'master race' theory and the 'chosen people' myth are very similar ideas based on racial supremacy and the denial of human rights.

The far-right thinks that non-Europeans were brought here to undermine the white race. That's certainly one of the consequences of immigration but they were originally brought here to provide cheap labour for our booming postwar industries. Our greedy and shortsighted politicians never considered the long term effects of mass migration. As a result we are critically short of housing, school places, and hospital beds. If they had been working to a grand design they might have done a better job.

There are undoubtedly some deceptions. The invasion of Iraq was based on a pack of lies, and so is the campaign against Iran. But most politicians are too stupid for hidden agendas, too cowardly for intrigue, and too selfish for ideology. Most of them just follow the party line.

The Great Replacement

When British servicemen came home from WW2 our population soared, but we were still short of labour. This shortage of workers was met by immigration, first from the West Indies, and then from Africa and Asia. This importation of Afro-Asians, combined with our low birth rate, is known as The Great Replacement. 

This transformation was avoided by the Ottoman Empire. They imported African slaves on a massive scale, but they castrated the males and killed any babies born to black women.

China's population is fast declining. Their One Child policy was abandoned years ago but Chinese women have come to enjoy their middle class lifestyle.

The Russians are facing the same population decline but they are trying to boost their birth rate by offering tax breaks and benefits to young couples.

When Ireland was dominated by the Catholic Church contaception was banned and parish priests encouraged young couples to have children. But those days are gone and Ireland is now as infertile as the rest of Europe.

It seems that people respond to poverty by worshiping God and having more children and they respond to prosperity by forsaking worship and having less children. 

One reason is that children in the poorest countries provide food and shelter for their parents instead of dumping them in old people's homes as we do in the affluent West.

Young white women could be persuaded to have more babies if they were given proper support; social housing, day nurseries, generous child benefits, maternity leave etc.

Immigration control requires international agreement. Brexit has shown that we lack the economic, military, logistic, and political power to do it on our own.

Some people think that mass migration doesn't matter: after all we are all God's children. That's true, an established nation with an ancient culture should be able to assimilate lots of different people. But there must come a point when the sheer volume of aliens overwhelms the native population. We have now reached that point.



The sanctions imposed on Russia by the West have resulted in an energy crisis that threatens to sink our economy. Economic warfare has always been self-destructive. When Oswald Mosley wrote 'Mosley: Right or Wrong' in 1961 South Africa was the target, now it's Russia but the message is just the same:

"To organise a boycott of a country's goods is to impose a blockade, and a blockade is an act of war. It is therefore very likely at some point to produce a shooting war. Nothing is more likely in the end to promote violence and bloodshed. Yet it is the professional pacifists who are often the prime movers in the boycott business.

Apart altogether from the morality of trying to change a country's political system from outside by force, who are the first victims to suffer from the results? The first victims are inevitably those whom the boycott is supposed to help, the weakest members of the community thus attacked. If the boycott of South Africa succeeded, the people who would suffer most would be the poorest blacks, who would lose their employment and could not much be assisted by an impoverished economy. The Union government could carry on indefinitely on a siege economy and those in the weakest position would suffer. So would the interests of peace.

We had the same sort of thing on an even greater scale in the thirties. Then a previous leader of the Labour Party appeared with the Chief Rabbi to demand a boycott of German goods in order to help Jews who were having a bad time in Germany. It cannot be denied that some Jews were so suffering. But equally it cannot be denied that such agitations contributed to the outbreak of war, because to the extent they were effective they were liable to produce a determination in the government so attacked to break out from isolation and blockade at any risk and any cost. And none will claim that the subsequent war did the Jews in Germany any good. On the contrary, they suffered terribly.

The lesson of it all is surely this: if you want to help people in another country. the last way to go about it is to promote boycott, blockade and other methods which lead to violence and even war. The Jews who were killed during the war might have been alive today if that problem had been solved, among others, by a constructive policy of European unity which found the space and means for all to live in peace and plenty."


Five Questions Answered # 19 Jeff Wallder

I asked our readers Five Questions: Who are you? What do you believe in? If you could direct government policy what would you do? What are you proud of and what do you regret? How would you like to be remembered?

Replies have been received from: John Bean, Robert Edwards, Bill Baillie, Michael Woodbridge, Eddy Morrison, Robert Best, Arlette Baldacchino, Alexander Morana, Rufus, Pete Williamson, Claire Khaw, Jane Edwards, Vic Sarson, Jez Turner, Michael Walsh, Seth Tryssen, Ahmed, Nick Maybury, and Jeff Wallder.

Who are you?

My grandfather's father lived in the Rookery, the biggest slum in Britain, that covered the area around Covent Garden from the Strand to New Oxford Street. Open sewers ran down every street and crime, bad housing and disease were endemic.

My grandfather moved west to Soho where my father was born. My father moved west to Chelsea where I was born in the middle of WW2. We never went hungry but we weren't posh: in my young day there was still a healthy working class population in Chelsea. All gone now. The flat where we paid ten shillings a week rent now sells for £2 million to the super rich who, shall we say, did not grow up in Chelsea.

On Sunday evenings I used to listen to my father and uncles discussing politics: I listened spell-bound to their unusual combination of nationalism and liberalism. I gathered uncle Don had been a fascist before the war.

What do you believe in?

I don't like living in a community made up of large numbers of people from different cultures. But the one piece of advice my father gave that I always remember is: "There are good and bad in all races and you can't condemn the good along with the bad". That probably saved me going down some dark and dangerous paths.

My epiphany came at the age of 15 when I found a book in Chelsea Library titled 'Mosley - The Facts'. It consisted of writings and speeches made by Oswald Mosley, the more I read the more I liked. From then I began attending every Mosley meeting and march in London.

What are you proud of and what do you regret?

I was present at the big one in 1962 when following a hugely successful Mosley meeting the front of the march was entering Parliament Square while the back of the march was just leaving Trafalgar Square. The Reds who wanted a Soviet Britain stood on the sides of Whitehall and spat at us. It was the proudest moment of my life.

But the size of the march put the wind up the enemy who used mob, money and media to block our advance.

If you could direct government policy, what would you do?

Mosley said there was no future for a small country that had lost its empire living on past glories. As an alternative he advocated Europe One Nation, not only the union of Europe but the European dominions overseas. In secret meetings with Juan Peron, three times elected President of Argentina, he even planned for South American countries of European descent to become part of his European superpower.

Mosley rejected both global capitalism and orthodox socialism based on state ownership and proposed a form of social syndicalism where all companies over a certain size would be owned corporately by the employees who worked for them and all profits would go to them alone.

Mosley also taught that 'diversity' meant division when what we needed was unity.

I believe in what he advocated then and with modern finesse continue to believe in it now as a policy to light the forward march of humankind.

How would you like to be remembered?

What would I like to be remembered for? To be remembered would be enough.

Mosley had brains, he had guts and an infinite charm. The world will not see his like again for many a long year.

Jeff Wallder (Union Movement + Friends of Mosley)

European Outlook

Our sister blog European Outlook is posted at: 

Nation Revisited

All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. We seek reform by legal means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."







Thursday, 6 October 2022

Nation Revisited # 193 November 2022

The Hitler Test

In his classic work 'Hitler: A Study in Tyranny' Alan Bullock described Hitler as: "A mountebank, an opportunist adventurer devoid of principles, beliefs or scruples whose actions throughout his career were motivated only by a lust for power." In the August issue of Nation Revisited I was not so harsh; I wrote of Hitler: "He ended unemployment and lifted Germany out of poverty, but his obsession with Race was his downfall." Jim Rizoli took exception to this and commented that I had failed the 'Hitler Test'. When I asked him to explain he posted several thousand words from General Leon Degrelle's book 'With Hitler'.

Leon Degrelle (1906-1994) was the leader of the Belgian Rexist Party who founded the Walloon Legion which fought with distinction on the Russian Front as the 28th Division Waffen SS. For his outstanding service he was awarded the Knights Cross with Oak Leaves. After decorating him Hitler took his hand and said: "If I should have a son I would like him to be like you." At the end of the War he was sentenced to death by the Belgian Government but he escaped to Franco's Spain where he continued to campaign for a National Socialist Europe.

Degrelle glossed over the millions of dead from WW2, like many others he admired Hitler without question, but I take a more objective view of the Fuhrer. He did great things in the early days but his expansionist policy was doomed from the start. After the military disasters in North Africa and Russia in 1943 the war was unwinnable, but on Hitler's orders the Germans fought on for another two years. Historians have undoubtedly distorted the truth about Adolf Hitler but even his most devoted admirers cannot rehabilitate him. 

A Scrap of History

The following scrap of history was sent to me by John Millican, author of 'Mosleys Men in Black'. It concerns Carl Harley (1930-2020) the man who recruited John Bean to Union Movement in 1950. This is the final point of a memo from Alexander Raven Thomson, Secretary of UM, to Oswald Mosley concerning a spat between UM Treasurer Maurice Pacey and Carl Harley. Mosley replied in his distinct hand: "Harley, as Youth Officer is of the revolutionary wing of the Movement: hence his attitude."

I met Carl Harley at the 1962 BNP Camp at Andrew Fountaine's estate in Norfolk. He was a window dresser who used his artistic skills to make platforms, placards and banners for the movement.

In those days there was a certain amount of traffic between Union Movement and the BNP. Bill Webster left the NLP, the forerunner of the BNP, to join Mosley, and John Wood left UM to join the BNP. Carl was one of several defectors from UM;
some objected to Mosley's move to Ireland, others left when National Secretary Alf Flockhart was found guilty of 'indecency' for the second time, and some couldn't accept 'Europe a Nation' because they were insular nationalists. In his book 'Memoir of a Fascist Childhood', Trevor Grundy recalls the words of his father Sidney Grundy: 

"The silly buggers are giving away India, and next it will be Africa but there's still Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Who's going to be interested in union with the French or Spanish? Germany yes, but not with the Greeks or the Portuguese. My God, what a thought."

I know former UM supporters who voted for Brexit. They agreed with Mosley about the Money Power, and the need to control immigration, but they simply couldn't grasp the concept of 'Europe a Nation'. The European issue is complex and divisive. Mick Lynch, the impressive head of the RMT trade union, recently told James O'Brien of LBC radio that he voted for Brexit but he would have supported our membership of the old EEC, before it developed into the EU.

This fear of the EU becoming a superstate is widely held, but we are already part of a global empire - the United States. Harold Wilson kept us out of the Vietnam War but every UK prime minister since has supported the US in their various wars. We bombed Serbia into submission, we helped to destroy Iraq on the pretext of finding 'Weapons of Mass Destruction', and we invaded Afghanistan to avenge the 9/11 atrocity that was committed by a gang of Saudis led by the Egyptian Mohamed Atta. Now, despite our precarious economic position, we are supplying arms and money to America's client regime in Ukraine. British 'sovereignty' is an illusion.       


All political parties in the UK are committed to keeping the National Health Service as a state-run provider of health care that's free at the point of use. Nevertheless, commercial companies are slowly but surely taking it over. 
Agency nurses and doctors are being used to fill the manpower shortages caused by generations of reliance on imported labour. It was cheaper to import medical staff from abroad rather than training them in this country. Medical professionals wanted to come to the UK because we have excellent training hospitals, so there was no problem recruiting them. But recent changes in our immigration laws have restricted the free movement of labour on which we depended.

In addition to the use of agency doctors and nurses the NHS is subcontracting medical proceedures to private hospitals, and many services, such as; ambulances, blood testing, surgical after care, research and development, pathology, cleaning, laundry, property maintainance, and security are being done by outside companies.

The NHS is the victim of its own success. The more medical advancements they make the more expensive it becomes. Modern hospitals are full of high-tech equipment that has to be maintained by qualified engineers and used by trained technicians. The days of nurses being bedmakers and cleaners are long gone. Today's nurses are degree graduates who should be properly paid.

At present we are in the grip of an economic crisis, but one day the pandemic will be over, the war in Ukraine will be ended, energy prices will stabilise, and we will reach a proper trade agreement with the EU. Then we can decide the best way to fund our public services; the NHS, the police, the fire service, the prison service, education, social services, and the armed forces. The right-wing Tory philosophy of 'small government' can't work in a civilized country. It belongs to the days when only the rich could afford medical treatment and good housing while the poor lived in hovels and died like flies. Today, we expect the state to look after us and we are prepared to pay for it.

It's all a question of priorities. We are wasting billions of pounds on vanity projects such as the Trident missile system and our two giant aircraft carriers. And we are wasting the taxpayers' money by giving arms and money to Ukraine to fight America's proxy war with Russia. We should mind our own business and tailor our armed forces for the defence of our islands. We are never going to use Trident missiles that are under NATO control, and aircraft carriers are not much good for stopping inflatables in the English Channel.

Five Questions Answered # 18 Nick Maybury

The Five Questions are; Who are you? What do you believe in? If you could change government policy what would you do? What are you proud of and what do you regret? How would you like to be remembered?

The following have replied; John Bean, Robert Edwards, Bill Baillie, Michael Woodbridge, Eddy Morrison, Robert Best, Arlette Baldacchino, Alexander Morana, Rufus, Pete Williamson, Claire Khaw, Jane Edwards, Vic Sarson, Jez Turner, Michael Walsh, Seth Tryssen, Ahmed. 

To participate email your replies to Nation Revisited at:

Who are you?

I am Nick Maybury the author of and

What do you believe in?

Christianity and Apollonian Philosophy. Apollonian philosophy is the embodiment of order, moderation, reason, culture, harmony, restraint, practicality, honour, truth and light and a belief in reincarnation. I also believe in uniting the world in Jesus Christ and the final destruction of Evil at his second coming.

If you could change government policy, what would you do?

Tear it all up and start again with the aim of getting at the truth and the best solutions. Some examples would include making property cheaper by doing away with private landlords so only those living in a property can own it. The only exceptions being government and council owned housing.

Another major change would be a low level of taxation at 20% to encourage enterprise. Limits would be put on the number of employees or outlets certain businesses would be allowed, in order to prevent predatory business practice. Large chains will be broken up and sold to staff.

Banks would be nationalised but kept separate and independent. Some things can be done more efficiently by a monopoly. Gas, electricity, water, trains and the Royal Mail would all be nationalised and run for the benefit of the people. The amount the public would pay for these services would be enough to cover costs including infrastructure investments.

We would have a silver backed currency. One Pound would be worth one pound weight of 925 Sterling Silver. To keep things simple one Pound will consist of one hundred Schillings and each Schilling one hundred Pence.

What are you proud of and what do you regret?

I'm proud of my websites and regret that they haven't always been as good as I should have liked.

How would you like to be remembered?

As someone who tried to make a difference.

Global Capitalism - John Bean - 'Beanstalk' April 2001

We of the radical right are supporters of the small businessman and free enterprise. Nevertheless, we can have sympathy, if not empathy, with certain aspects of the militant campaign against global capitalism, even if we draw the line at attempts to do a "twin-towers" job on the Stock Exchange building and other City of London finance houses. Finance should serve the business of the country; not control it.

In this 21st century finance has set its horizons far beyond the nation state: it is now controlling the global market, and the interests of individual nations, whether it is Britain or Brazil, count for nothing. As one British manufacturing base after another has been closed down and manufacturing transported eastwards to "take advantage of cheaper labour costs", New Labour - with support from other PODs (Parties of Decay) has told us in Britain that the jobs are being replaced by jobs in the service industry. Mark you, there is not much room here for ex-miners, shipbuilders and steelworkers, as most of the new jobs are for women. Perhaps the largest growth sector in the service industry is the call centre. Until recently we were told that it would soon be employing one in five in the UK.

Perhaps the pundits would like to revise that figure with the recent news that Prudential is to close its call centre at Reading and reopen it in Bombay! Those of us who have been to India know that there are countless Indians who have a good command of English. But what an accent! It takes a fortnight to crack the code.

Let us hope that the Prudential get everything that is coming to them and, more important, that the bovine Brits wake up to how they are once again being conned. This time by the menace of global capitalism. 

The latest sell-out of British jobs comes with the announcement that the manufacturers of the famous Dr Marten's boots, RG Griggs, is closing production in the UK, mainly Northampton, with the loss of 1,000 jobs. Production is being switched to China, Vietnam and Thailand. Surprise Surprise! This follows the earlier announcement on 3rd October that US owned company Black & Decker is to close its Spennymoor, Co Durham factory with the loss of 1,000 jobs. In this case manufacuring will be switched to the Czech Republic.

Wishful Thinking

Adolf Hitler seldom listened to advice because he considered himself to be a master of politics, economics and military strategy. A view that he clung to as the Red Army stormed Berlin and he blew his brains out.

But government policies are usually based on information. In the UK the Bank of England guides economic policy, the Department for International Trade deals with trade agreements, and the Intelligence Services advise the government on military matters. The trouble is that all of these departments are manned by human beings with their own opinions and prejudices.

They also tell governments what they want to hear. And there is the ever present danger of wishful thinking. Tony Blair's 'Dodgy Dosier' was compiled by advisors who chose to ignore the overwhelming evidence that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction; which was exactly what Blair wanted to hear.

When prime minister Anthony Eden launched his ill-fated invasion of Egypt in 1956 the Ministry of Defence distributed leaflets to the armed forces warning them that their progress would be impeded by jubilant crowds of Egyptians thanking them for their liberation. No such crowds appeared; instead the civilian population took potshots at our invading troops. Either our intelligence was faulty or Eden believed his own propaganda.

Another military disaster happened in 1961 when the Americans  organised the Bay of Pigs invasion. CIA Director Allen Dulles convinced Jack Kennedy that Castro was deeply unpopular and that an invasion would trigger a popular uprising. The result was that 118 brave Cuban volunteers were killed, 360 wounded, and 1,202 captured. The failed invasion consolidated Fidel Castro's authority and drove him into the arms of the Soviet Union.

But it's not just the West that makes mistakes. Vladimir Putin thought that the Ukrainians would welcome his troops as liberators. Some of them did but the majority rallied to the Zelensky regime. Did the Russian intelligence agencies tell Putin what he wanted to hear or had he already made up his mind? Either way, what he thought would be a walkover turned into a protracted conflict.       

Moon of Alabama

For objective reporting on the Ukraine war go to  - 

European Outlook

Our sister blog European Outlook is posted - 

Nation Revisited

All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. We seek reform by legal means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."



Friday, 30 September 2022

Nation Revisited # 192 October 2022

Before The Internet

When I published my duplicated newsletter 'Nation' in December 1973, I was warned that the article on William Joyce was against the law. In the days before the Internet every pub had a resident paralegal who pontificated on the Law. One such warned me that Joyce's statement was locked up for fifty years as a state secret and that I was liable to be arrested at any minute. I ignored his advice because I had taken the statement from 'The Meaning of Treason' by Rebecca West, first published in 1949 by Macmillan Co Ltd. I'm still waiting for Special Branch to knock down the door.

Without search engines we relied on books for information, but few people read books thoroughly and mistakes were made. One example concerned Carleton S Coon the distinguished American anthropologist. John Bean described him as "a Jewish scientist." When I asked JB where he got that information from he replied: "John Tyndall." In fact Dr Coon was not Jewish, he was of Cornish descent.

I published William Joyce's statement in 1974 because I thought it profoundly moving, and 49 years later I still do.

"I take this opportunity of making a preliminary statement concerning the motive that led me to come to Germany and to broadcast to Britain over the German radio service. I was actuated not by the desire for personal gain, material or otherwise, but solely by political conviction. I was brought up as an extreme Conservative with strong Imperialistic ideas, but very early in my career, namely in 1923, became attracted to Fascism and subsequently to National Socialism. Between the years of 1923 and 1939 I pursued vigorous political activities in England, at times as a Conservative but mainly as a Fascist or National Socialist. In the period immediately before this war began I was profoundly discontented with the policies pursued by British Governments, first, because I felt they would lead to the eventual disruption of the British Empire, and secondly, because I thought the existing economic system entirely inadequate to the needs of the times. I was very greatly impressed by constructive work which Hitler had done for Germany and was of the opinion that throughout Europe as also in Britain there must come a reform on the lines of National Socialist doctrine, although I did not suppose that every aspect of National Socialism as advocated in Germany would be accepted by the British people.

One of my dominant beliefs was that a war between Britain and Germany would be a tragedy, the effects of which Britain and the British Empire would not survive, and I considered that a grossly disproportionate influence was exerted on British policy by the Jews, who had their reasons for hating National Socialist Germany. When in August 1939, the final crisis emerged I felt that the question of Danzig offered no just cause for a world war. As by reason of my opinions I was not conscientiously disposed to fight for Britain against Germany, I decided to leave the country since I did not wish to play the part of the conscientious objector, and since I supposed that in Germany I should have the opportunity to express and propogate views the expression of which would be forbidden in Britain during time of war. Realizing, however, that at this critical juncture I had declined to serve Britain, I drew the logical conclusion that I should have no moral right to return to that country of my own free will and that it would be best to apply for German citizenship and make my permanent home in Germany. Nevertheless, it remained my undeviating purpose to attempt as best I could to bring about a reconcilliation or at least an understanding between the two countries. After Russia and the United States had entered the war such an agreement appeared to me no less desirable than before for, although it seemed probable that with these powerful allies Britain would succeed in defeating Germany, I considered that the price that would ultimately have to be paid for this help would be far higher than the price involved in a settlement with Germany.

This belief was strengthened from month to month as the power of Russia grew, and during the later stages of the War I became certain that Britain, even though capable of gaining a military triumph over the Germans, would in that event be confronted with a situation far more dangerous and complicated than that which existed in August 1939; and thus until the very last moment I clung to my hope of an Anglo-German understanding, although I could see that the prospects thereof were small. I know that I have been denounced as a traitor and I resent the accusation as I conceive myself to have been guilty of no underhand or deceitful  act against Britain, although I am also able to understand the resentment that my broadcasts have in many quarters aroused. Whatever opinion may be formed at the present time with regard to my conduct, I submit that the final judgement cannot be properly passed until it is seen whether Britain can win the peace. Finally, I should like to stress the fact that in coming to Germany and in working for the German radio system my wife was powerfully influenced by me. She protests to the contrary, but I am sure that, if I had not taken this step, she would not have taken it either. This statement has been read over to me, and it is true." William Joyce 

What is a Nation?

Opponents of 'Europe a Nation' point out that Europe is a continent of many nations. So it is, just as the United Kingdom is a group of islands of four different nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. Those who proudly call themselves British Nationalists are really British Unionists. But if they are entitled to call themselves British Nationalist then I am entitled to call myself a European Nationalist.

The word 'Nation' is open to interpretation. The so-called Black Muslims in America call themselves 'The Nation of Islam'. In fact, all Muslims around the world constitute the Ummah, the Muslim family, regardless of race or colour.

The Aboriginals were only granted Australian citizenship in 1967. They are slowly emerging from centuries of poverty, but despite living in the desert and being divided into many tribes, speaking different languages, they refer to themselves as the First Nation.

Gamal Abdel Nasser (1918-1990) the President of Egypt was known as the father of Arab Nationalism. The Arab League has 22 member states stretching from West Africa to the Persian Gulf, but they all embrace Arab Nationalism.

Nelson Mandella (1918-2013) was the leader of the African National Congress, and President of South Africa. The African Union has 55 member states - all committed to African Nationalism.

In view of these examples I maintain that it's legitimate to be a European Nationalist. The future of Europe will almost certainly be based on federation, just like the United States of America; a union of 50 self-governing states with one flag, one currency, one constitution, and one president. 

Fears that individual nations will be wiped out by federation are unfounded. Ancient cultures such as the Welsh and the Bretons have survived incorporation into larger states like Britain and France, and they will prosper under European Federation.

Fighting City Hall

When a huge commercial development started to rise next to Frank Walsh's home in south west London, he took immediate action. I told him that planning permission had been granted by the local authority and that there was nothing he could do about it. But 95-year-old Frank was not listening. He used his skills as an artist and a writer to produce leaflets attacking Wandsworth Council and accusing them of corruption, which he distributed in Putney Hight Street, at his local public library and from a box on his front door. This resulted in him being banned from the library and threatened with prosecution.

This was to be Frank's last campaign. He spent most of his life fighting against mass migration and plutocracy; as a speaker at Speakers Corner and as a writer and blogger. He was often threatened but he treated anti-fascist violence and police harassment with equal distain. He died before he could be prosecuted and the huge development went ahead, but at least he tried.

Those thinking of taking on City Hall are advised to do so as part of tenants' association, and they are further advised not to make accusations of bribery and corruption without proof. Those who break the Law are quick to seek its protection. Millions of pounds are involved in property development and bribes and inducements have kept pace with inflation. With so much money on offer unprincipled politicians and bureaucrats sometimes give in to temptation; as Benito Mussolini said: "You always get rats in a granary."

Total Propaganda

When the invasion of Iraq started I was working with a man called Phil who knew my views. One day he came to me with the Sun newspaper showing a picture of civilians allegedly killed by Saddam Hussein's forces. He said this was proof that the war was justified. Such is the power of the press. The war on Iraq was fought in the interests of rapacious capitalism. Billions of barells oil were stolen by the international oil companies, and billions of dollars were extorted from British and American taxpayers. The Iraqis never had 'Weapons of Mass Destruction', after ten years of crippling sanctions they hardly had any weapons at all, but prime minister Tony Blair convinced Phil, and millions like him, that Saddam had missiles that could reach Europe.

The latest propaganda offensive concerns the war in Ukraine. The CIA engineered a coup that deposed the pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych and eventually installed Volodymyr Zelensky a former actor brilliantly cast as an embattled warrior with his unshaven chin and army fatigues. Zelensky then appointed three of his tribal 'cousins' to the government; Denis Shmyhal as Vice President, Oleksii Reznikov as Minister of Defence, and Andril Yermak as Chief of Staff.

Serious commentators such as Prof Andrew Latham predicts a negotiated settlement that will see the country partitioned into Ukrainian and Russian zones - a solution that was offered by Russia back in February.

Putin's alleged ambition to recreate the Soviet Union is just another fabrication like 'Weapons of Mass Destruction'. Thousands of Russians and Ukranians have died, and the economy of Europe has been shattered by the warmongers of the CIA and the propaganda of the mainstream media. As Napoleon said: "Four hostile newspapers are more fearful than 1,000 bayonets."

If Phil is still alive I expect he was upset by pictures of Ukrainian women and children killed by Russian rockets. We haven't seen any pictures of Russian victims of the war, but we are thankful that Zelensky's 'democratic' shells and missiles only strike military targets.

Demographics and Economics

The half dozen little parties of the so-called far-right all subscribe to conspiracy theories. These range from reasonable assumptions to completely mad ideas about lizard people running the world. They are also united by a dislike of foreigners, as expressed by the Brexit movement. We have been out of the EU for two years but they are still trying to 'get Brexit done', whatever that means.

We now have a new head of state and a new prime minister but our country is faced with rampant inflation, uncontrolled immigration, and low productivity. The economy is driven by global forces, immigration is completely out of control, and productivity is restrained by low wages and industrial strife.

The declining white birthrate is due to the availibility of contraception and the desire for a comfortable middle class lifestyle with two children and a dog. This has resulted in a labour shortage that is being met by immigration. That's fine, but we must make sure that we get the right kind of immigrants, preferably people who look like us and share our culture. It's all very well talking about boosting the white birthrate but that's easier said than done.

The decline in the birth rate effects the entire developed world; even Israel is having trouble. The state of Israel was founded by European and Middle Eastern Jews, but non-Jews now make up twenty percent of the population. They are trying to repatriate thousands of black refugees who have fled from the Sudan, and they also have black Jews from Ethiopia who are only tolerated because the religious authorities insist they are Jewish.

Many Jews around the world are sympathetic to immigrants because they were immigrants themselves just a generation or two ago. They naturally feel sorry for people who have fled oppression and poverty, but that doesn't mean that they want to undermine the white race. Some Jews, like George Soros, certainly do, but so do some Gentiles. Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi was an aristocratic Austrian who thought that Europe would be better run by the Jews and populated by a mixed race.  

Mass migration is a worldwide problem that can only be solved by international co-operation. Trade deals and foreign aid programs must be designed to alieviate poverty in the Third World, and the armed forces of the great nations must be used to control mass migration. It will not be solved by an isolated and economically depleted UK, or by small paranoid groups quoting passages from obscure books.

Bill Boethius Blog 

European Outlook

Our sister blog European Outlook is posted at: 

Nation Revisited

All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. We seek reform by legal means according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."