Sunday, 28 February 2021

Nation Revisited 173 March 2021

It's all in the Mind

It takes twelve years training to become a psychiatrist, but we can all recognise anxiety and depression. These conditions have been highlighted by the current lockdown, but they have been with us for a long time.

The Brexit movement has little to do with economics; it's all about emotion. The Brexiteers believe that the EU is a dictatorship and they have convinced themselves that dark forces led by George Soros are behind it.

Now, the same people suspect that the Coronavirus pandemic is man made. They think that the Chinese have weaponised a virus to kill as many Westerners as possible. The fact that we are China's best customers doesn't register with them.

These ideas are driven by paranoia; a morbid anxiety tied up with feelings of persecution and a dislike of foreigners. In the UK they inspired the Brexit movement and in the USA they convinced Donald Trump's supporters that the presidential election  had been rigged against them. 

The difference between sensible politics and paranoia is illustrated by attitudes to immigration. Reasonable people see immigration as cheap labour but the paranoid tendency sees it as a plot to destroy the white race.

It's all in the mind; the Jews are clever and resourceful people who run show business, but they do not run the world. Immigration is a matter of labour being attracted by capital. The European Union is a free collective of European states not a diabolical conspiracy to destroy Britain. The Coronavirus is a natural thing, not a plot by Bill Gates, George Soros, or the Chinese government. The most obvious answer is usually the right one; don't look for conspiracies. 

Bill Barnes

The Alamy photo agency has stock photos of my old friend Bill Barnes with Captain Serecold Skeels. Skeels was a South African schoolteacher who, according to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, was a Nazi spy. Bill Barnes was a political activist who moved between the various fascist movements of the 1930s.

Unfortunately, I can't show the photos because they are not licensed for publication in the UK, but you can find them by searching for the United British Party in the Cambridge by-election of 1934.

Skeels intended to stand for the UBP but he pulled out.  Bill was the father of my school friend Paul Barnes, who introduced us to politics by taking us to Oswald Mosley's Union Movement meetings in Trafalgar Square and Kensington Town Hall. These meetings were usually peaceful until 1962 when Colin Jordan held a National Socialist Movement rally in Trafalgar Square which was smashed up by gangs of 'anti-fascist' thugs.

Later that year two East London meetings held on the same day were attacked by the same violent criminals. Union Movement's meeting in Ridley Road was turned over and so was the BNPs rendezvous point in Balls Pond Road. Most of us escaped injury but Bill Barnes, Jack Lelievre and a few others were badly beaten up.

Bill was acquainted with all of the pre-war and post-war fascist leaders including William Joyce who was hanged for treason for broadcasting from Germany during the war. Bill admired Oswald Mosley for his intelligence and Arnold Leese for his bravery, but his favourite was John Beckett who was godfather to his son Paul.

Little remains of Bill Barnes' writing which was mostly in the form of letters to newspapers, but John Bean records in his memoir 'Many Shades of Black' an article which appeared in my newsletter 'Nation in 1974, in which he called for an end to provocative marches. This was at the height of the National Front marches of the 1970s, but Bill, who had seen it all before. warned that the ensuing violence would be counter productive. 

Bill was born in 1912 and died in 1981, his son Paul was born in 1946 and died in 2012.


I disagree with 'Candour' about our membership of the European Union, and I found the March 2011 issue unnecessarily offensive to the Irish, but I agree with them about immigration control and financial reform. And I admire Rob Black, the Candour webmaster, for keeping the magazine going during the enforced absence of their editor Colin Todd.

Politics in the age of Brexit has become a bitter affair in which people disrespect their opponents and dismiss them as traitors. There have always been MPs such as Bob Mellish the Labour member for Bermondsey who campaigned against coloured immigration. Or Jeremy Corbyn, the former leader of the Labour Party, who refused to abandon the Palestinians. Not to mention Enoch Powell the popular Tory MP who was sacked by prime minister Edward Heath for advising people to vote Labour.

Dissent should not be an offence in the parliamentary parties or in the movements of the so-called 'far right'. Candour stands for old-fashioned imperialism but it's entitled to its opinion. The following politically incorrect  passage is from an article by Hereward More entitled Black Lives Matter:

"We will defend all the statues against those who now attack them, apart from foreigners attacked for reasons foreign to our island story, such as those of Haile Selassie or Gandhi, although we have no great love for some of those depicted such as the arch globalist Woodrow Wilson or the champion of the Jewish moneyed interest Cecil Rhodes.

We will always defend the stand the Confederacy took against the financial power and progressive sentiment of the North, although we make no defence of slavery which was degrading because it brought our people (and other white nations) into close relations with lesser peoples very much to their own detriment and the benefit of the blacks involved as is proven by the fact that the descendants of slaves living in the Americas (even the worst parts of the Americas , Haiti and Cuba) are healthier and wealthier than those who stayed back home in Africa.

Candour believes that Black lives do matter, but they matter rather more to blacks than they do to anyone else. It is, therefore, as much for their own as for everybody else's benefit that they should live and work, and remain within their own self-contained communities until they can be returned to their ancestral homelands." 

Candour is available from

Jeffrey Hamm Addresses Birmingham Nationalist Club - 'Union' No 152 Saturday January 27th 1951

We left the European Union following a 48 to 52 percent referendum result but recent opinion polls show that the country is still divided. We may have left the EU but the debate goes on.

On the evening of Wednesday 17th January, members of the Birmingham Nationalist Club were addressed by Jeffrey Hamm of Union Movement (with the club's organiser Mr JCC Jordan in the chair).

Hamm opened his address by suggesting that although members of the club, as nationalists, might not be prepared to accept European Union as the alternative to internationalism, they would at least agree wkith him in his condemnation of the international system.  He proceeded to recall the widespread unemployment which had been caused in pre-war Britain by the activities of International Finance, which had been free to exploit the East and to flood Britain with produce of Oriental sweated labour. The natural reaction to this had been the emergence of the nationalist movement of British Union, which under the leadership of Oswald Mosley had advocated the development of Britain and of British Empire. 

Today, the speaker suggested, anti-European nationalism was obsolet, No longer could "the former British Empire" be economically independent while, in the age of the rocket and the atom bomb, we could not shut our eyes to the danger of Europe being overrun by Communism from the East. We should, therefore, advance  beyond our pre-war nationalism to the new idea of "Europe a Nation."

Hamm said he sympathised with the nationalists in the desire to see an independent Britain arise again, but if they were realists they should agree that she could not do so as an isolated unit. The world today was dominated by the two forces of American Capitalism and Soviet Communism. It was, therefore, necessary, if we were to regain our independence, for us to create a "Third Force". That force was Europe, united as one nation in a common faith and idea.

Europe united could save the peace and win back the lands seized by the Soviet Union. Then, by turning to Africa, we could win our own foodstuffs and raw materials and thus regain our economic independence. 

The speaker dealt with a number lof questions covering many aspects of Union Movement policy, and it is hoped that as a result of this meeting the Birmingham Nationalist Club will have advanced beyond their nationalism to the new conception of "Europe a Nation."

What is Wrong With Joe? - Sam Dickson

Cousin Morrison:

Someone like Biden and his disloyalty are easily explained when you think it through.

Our political system is selective for sociopaths.

Almost no one like the heroes of our history (Sir Fancis Drake, Bismark, President Polk, Jefferson) would seek public office in our universal suffrage democracy/plutocracy in which civil debate is controlled by an alien-owned news media.

American politics attracts sociopaths, Sociopaths do not have to bear the burden and suffer the restrictions imposed by normal feelings of loyalty, attachment and morality. Sociopaths do not connect. They are lone wolves. When they have families, the don't really have any emotional tie to them (like another of my distant cousins Senator John Edwards of N.C. to whom his teenaged sons death provided an opportunity to con voters by appealing to their sympathy and nothing more) . Their spouses and  children are just theatre props to put up in pictures on their office desk or in their campaign literature.

Sociopaths do not get emotional satisfaction from things that normal people need. They don't have to 'waste' their time with their families, friends, law partners, fellow Little League players or fraternity brothers. They can devote full time to their political careers. They can handle a life of several "appearances" per day at which they give little talks to strangers. They aren't impeded by having to go home for junior's birthday.

Sociopaths are not encumbered with any sense of shame. As shown in the example of Bill Clinton they suffer no emotional distress when a scandal like Monica Lewinsky giving him ten blow jobs in the Oral Office breaks.  A sociopath like Clinto can carry on without losing a minute's sleep in the midst of a scandal that normal people would find emotionally unbearable (like knowing that hundreds of millions of people all over the world + your wife + your daughter know that you spilled your seed ten times down the throat of an obese, ugly Jew girl.

Modern democracy is something new in modern history.

In previous times the more loyal you were to your people the more likely you were to rise to higher positions.

The commoner Francis Drake became a knight and was ennobled in recognition of his heroism in defending England from the Spanish Armada.

That's how men became leaders.

In modern American democracy it's the opposite... at least  for Whites.

Loyalty - of any kind - is a career impediment.

Loyalty to one's race, religion, region (the South) etc. are not only impediments. Those kinds of loyalty are radioactive, instant death. 

Even loyalty to one's family is a career impediment. The normal young law firm associate wants to go home at 5.00 p.m. to be with his wife and child. The sociopath will work on till 8.00 on the important brief without any psychological  conflict. He'll call up the wife and tell her he won't be home for dinner without any upset.

This explains someone like Biden feeling no loyalty ro his country and being willing to pimp for those with power and money without any regard to what it means to people at large.

What makes the situation in America even worse, however, is that this situation is the opposite for the predatory ethnic groups seeking conquest at our expense.

Black, Hispanic, Jewish politicians are successful the more they are loyal. A law student who can put in his resume that he was President of the Black Law Student's Association, the La Raza Club or the Hillel Foundation enhances his chances of getting a high paying job with a prestigious law firm, a federal judgeship or election to the US Senate. (Like Sheumer who was recently caught  explaining to other Jews that his whole life is spent scheming on how to advance his own particular ethnic group.)

What these two contradictory patterns  lead to is what's going on in contemporary America.

Our antagonists are led by men  whose loyalty to their ethnic group exceeds that of most of the others.

We are "led" by people like Biden, Clinton, John McCain, William F Buckley Jr, Johnny Isakson, Lindsey Graham and McConnel who are bereft of loyalty to us.

This is another reason why there is no hope of reform under the present System. 

Grown ups must think realistically and political campaogns to save America are unrealistic.

We must think and act "Post America."

Your distant cousin, Sam

Nation Revisited and European Outlook

Both blogs seek reform by legal means. All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. We uphold the United Nations' Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people."

The next two issues of European Outlook, March and April 2021, are devoted to my autobiography.