Thursday, 30 April 2020

Nation Revisited # 163, May 2020

Great Expectations

-year-old white nationalist Dylann Roof is awaiting execution for the murder of nine black bible students in Charleston, South Carolina in 2015. His lawyer recently reported that his client has abandoned a hunger strike in protest at his treatment by the prison authorities. He added that Roof was not worried about his sentence because he expects to be freed by his comrades following an impending race war.

sublime confidence reminds me of my old mate Roger Clare, now sadly departed, who joined Union Movement as a teenager in the late Fifties. He asked the branch leader, Fred Shepherd: "how long will it be before we come to power?" Fred answered: "about six months."

Those of us who pushed leaflets through letterboxes for many years do not have such great expectations. We know that the road ahead is long and hard, and we reject white supremacy and mass murder. But we live in interesting times, the coronavirus pandemic is changing everything, governments all over the world are pumping money into the system, nationalizing utilities, and taking emergency powers. Things may never be the same again. Times are changing and who knows what the future holds?

Government by Experts

People who provide services to the public belong to professional associations that issue certificates of competence. If your boiler breaks down you contact a Corgi registered plumber, and if you are ill you visit a doctor with a diploma from the BMA. Nobody with toothache would let an untrained person treat them, and only a fool would consult an unqualified lawyer. We rely on experts to look after us but when it comes to running the country we put our trust in chancers who are not trained for the jobs assigned to them

Rishi Sunak has been promoted from junior housing minister to Chancellor of the Exchequer in one spectacular leap. Defenders of the system argue that ministers do not need to know anything about their jobs because they have senior civil servants to guide them. But these civil servants are being sidelined and ministers are being appointed for their propaganda value rather than their expertise.

Priti Patel is the ideal Home Secretary to enforce the new Tory Immigration Act. She cheerfully admits that her own parents would not have been allowed into Britain under her points-based system. But nobody can accuse her of racism because she is of Asian origin, and therefore exempt.

Ministers are appointed and reshuffled with no regard for qualifications. It would be better to have a soldier as Minister for Defence, a doctor as Minister for Health, a teacher as Minister for Education, a linguist as Foreign Secretary, and so on.  A Government of Experts chosen on merit instead of party political considerations. 

Boris Johnson is is popular with the public at the moment. He has survived an attack of Coronavirus and his girlfriend, Carrie Symonds, has given birth to a baby boy. But he has yet to prove himself as a prime minister and he is surrounded by people like Chris Grayling who was shunted from one job to another until he ended up in charge of security.


Webmaster Rob Black must be congratulated for bringing out the latest issue of 'Candour'. It's difficult to produce a hard copy magazine at the best of times and even more so when your editor, Colin Todd, is restrained by a probation order.

Issue 872 features a front page cartoon of Britannia fighting the many headed serpent of the EU. It celebrates Brexit, but when we complete the transition period we will probably join the World Trade Organisation. This grew out of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, together with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. AK Chesterton denounced these branches of the Money Power in 'The New Unhappy Lords'. We will not "get our country back" by leaving the EU and joining the WTO, we will simply swap one trading bloc for another.  

The main article by Hereward More is entitled 'SS Empire Windrush - The Final Betrayal'. 'Candour' has a long tradition of free speech, it even advertises 'Nation Revisited', but Hereward Moore goes beyond reason. He starts off well enough:

Candour is not, and Empire Loyalism never was, primarily about the racial issue in any narrow sense, which is to say that we do not publish dodgy science intending to establish questions of superiority."

But then he descends into paranoia.

"The mass migration of the post-War years was, however, entirely different in character to that natural migration of traders and seafarers. It was artificially engineered to enable the imposition of the socialist state upon us. The Welfare State, with the NHS at its heart, is calculated to drive people into dependence upon the State and to train people to servility in dealing with its employees. It is, however, completely unsustainable. It is a pyramid, or Ponzi scheme, meaning that those at one end take out money, and receive services paid for by money, paid in at the other end with no growth or investment of any kind at any stage of the proceedings - it is a con, a fraud, a trick just like Bernie Madoff's, and he got 150 years behind bars for it."

It's true that West Indians were recruited by the National Health Service, and London Transport,
following the British Nationality Act of 1948, but Clement Attlee did not depend on immigrant votes. He was elected with an overwhelming majority by returned servicemen who were fed up with Winston Churchill.

Furthermore, t
he National Health Service is this country's finest achievement. It provides medical care for everyone regardless of income, as opposed to private schemes that are too expensive for most people. Where would we be without it during the present crisis?

And Leon Trotsky can't be responsible for mass migration to the UK in the Fifties because he was killed by Ramon Mercador's well-aimed ice axe in Mexico City in 1940.

AK Chesterton, the founder of 'Candour', was born in 1896 at the peak of the British Empire, but he was not as reactionary as some of his followers. As editor of the BUF newspaper 'The Blackshirt' he campaigned for better wages and conditions for the workers. He wrote in 'Portrait of a Leader':

"The sons will hand down to their sons only the results of their own labour; death duties will claim the rest for the nation. Neither will the inheritance of wealth continue to create an exclusive, privileged class, because for the able child there will be free educational facilities through every stage of school, college, university, and even beyond, in order that the nation may be served by the best brains and the best technicians it can produce. Moreover, there will be no wealth without service, and therefore no idle rich."

He left the British Union of Fascists before the war but he still believed in fair play.. He stated in 1970:

"I have not changed any strong political opinion about what the British destiny should be." 

Was Mosley Anti-Semitic?

The short answer is no. In his book 'Mosley Right or Wrong' he answers the question, Do you condemn anti-Semitism?

"Yes, certainly. It is a stupidity as well as an evil. How ridiculous to see a man blathering away about the Jews until he is blue in the face, without any idea in his empty head how to deal with the problem of international finance. He tries to substitute a mean and foolish persecution for a decisive policy. We bring the evil practices of international finance to an end without any persecution of anyone."

Mosley was not anti-Semitic but some of his followers were. In a 1939 pamphlet entitled 'Britain and Jewry', Mick Clarke examined every aspect of Jewish power and influence. He listed the individuals and companies in control of international finance, but he stuck to the facts and never mentioned 'The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion' or any such conspiratorial nonsense. He concluded:

"There is only one way to break Jewish power and that is to dissolve the international system which gives such advantages to a dispersed race. As long as Jews throughout the world can consolidate their power over finance and publicity and use it where they will, no nation is safe. It is only by National Socialism that the power of Jewry is broken, whether that power be exercised through International Finance or through International Communism. If each nation puts its own house in order then the Jewish minority in that nation cannot long withstand the will of the people as a whole; but as long as the pluto-democratic nations remain dependent upon international trading they are at the mercy of International Finance with its power of transferring gold from market to market at will."

Those words were written over eighty years ago, before the Second World War and Adolf Hitler's attempt to wipe out the European Jews. Mick Clarke identified a problem and proposed an answer but he never advocated violence or persecution. His pamphlet would probably be illegal today but it's still of interest to students of history.

Brexit But No Migrant Exit - Michael Walsh 

In the run up to the Brexit deadline many Britons were under the illusion that the migrant invasion of the United Kingdom was consequence of EU membership. It was thought that after Brexit Britain would be White again. Dream on:

Following the defeat of the German Reich in 1945, Westminster used 'prize of war' plundered German ocean liners like the Monte Rosa, renamed Empire Windrush, to transport cheap labour coloureds to Britain long before the European Union was formed. The notorious Notting Hill Riots (London), in which West Indians were pitted against ethnic Britons occurred in 1958. The EU as it is now known was formed in 1992.

The number of people moving to Britain from outside the European Union is now at its highest level on record. Some 379,000 people came to the UK from non-EU countries, according to the latest Office for National Statistics estimates for the year to September 2019.

At the same time there has been a year-on-year rise in estimated non-EU net migration of 26,000 to 250,000, which is the highest level since 2004.

While arrivals from the EU have fallen since the Brexit vote in June 2016, the number of people coming to Britain from outside the bloc has dramatically increased. The net migration figures, which looked at people coming to the UK with the intention to stay for 12 months or more, were published by the ONS this morning.

The data showed net migration from non-EU countries hit 250,000, the highest level since 2004 and up from 224,000 in September 2018. Meanwhile EU net migration stood at 64,000, above the 57,000 recorded a year earlier.

Shockingly, these figure are classed as experimental estimates after the ONS admitted it had been underestimating some EU net migration data since 2016.

The system will allocate extra points to applicants who intend to work in an area where there is labour shortages, meaning the Government could (will) act to bring in low-skilled workers from outside the European Union. EU net migration has fallen while non-EU net migration has gradually increased since 2013 and is now at the highest level since 2004.

Alp Mehmet, chairman of Migration Watch UK, said: "Non-EU net migration at its highest in 15 years and EU net migration higher than the previous year." Meanwhile, the government's recent actions and policy proposals will likely lead to immigration going up further.

The millions who want the inflow reduced, and who voted Conservative a couple of months ago, will be rightly concerned that Boris Johnson's government is not serious about tackling these absurd levels of immigration.'

The Government plans to liberalize work visas for non-EU citizens which will increase the number of non-EU workers, but exactly how much is hard to say.

Capital Punishment

I have been opposed to the death penalty since Ruth Ellis was hanged in 1955. I was only ten-years-old when she was executed and I was upset by the sheer brutality of it all. Sixty-five years later I would still pardon Ruth Ellis, who shot her brutal lover, but terrorists of all persuasions who think they are entitled to maim and kill are a different proposition. 

My instinct is to obey the sixth Commandment: "Though shall not kill", but I can understand the call for justice and retribution. People who plant bombs that kill indiscriminately do not deserve mercy, and nor do those who kill politicians because they don't agree with them. If I shot every politician that I disagreed with there would not be many left.

If there was no doubt about the prisoner's guilt, and if he, or she, showed no remorse, then I would support capital punishment, but if there was some doubt, or a genuine display of remorse, I would opt for life imprisonment. 

Many of the fanatics found guilty of mass murder would be happy to die for their twisted beliefs. I think we should oblige them.

Mosley Was Right - Christian National Socialist posting on Stormfront.

Europe’ is more than an economic region from which bloated bureaucrats and political nonentities draw salaries and perks. Before the conniving Count Kalergi and his banker friends, and before cabals such as the Bilderberg Group, there was ‘Europe’ as a living, dynamic organism, whose culture, faith, and heroes have been smothered in a quagmire of American junk culture, the debt of bankers, and the opportunity for the sweepings of the world to call themselves ‘Europeans’. ‘Europe’ was hijacked and besmirched by outer enemies and inner traitors. Paradoxically, the Europeans with the soundest instincts are among those who reject and oppose the entity that is today called ‘Europe’, as the recent Brexit poll indicated. However, such has been the disgust at the European project as manifested by secular-humanists, Masons, bankers, bureaucrats and U.S. geopolitical strategists, that the noble Idea of Europe-a-Nation, unfolding over the course of centuries, has been replaced by those who should be promoting it most avidly with the petty-statism that was inaugurated by the French Revolution and subsequent liberal forces of disintegration. Europe has been turned into a travesty of herself, and spurned by those who should be her champions because they are not seeing beyond several hundred years of treachery, corruption and culture-sickness.

Nation Revisited

This blog seeks reform by legal means. All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. We uphold the United Nations' Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share ideas with other people." 


Please use the facility at the end of this blog to leave your comments and read what others have to say.

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Nation Revisited # 162 April 2020

Plus ca Change, Plus C'est Meme Chose

This French postcard from 1942 depicts our mother Europe sheltering her chicks with Switzerland and Sweden nearby and Britain heading towards the USA. Note the Star of David on the lid of the American box, and the striking image of Marshal Philippe Petain on the postage stamp. Seventy-eight years later things are much the same.

The Marshall has gone from France but their current president, Emmanuel Macron, fancies himself as 'Father of the Nation'. Switzerland belongs to EFTA which is just outside the EU. Sweden is a member of the EU but with her own currency and an air of detachment. The Swedes, like the British, talk about 'Europe' as though it's a separate place. And Britain is still drawn to America where the Star of David is as dominant as ever. As the French say: "Plus ca change..."

The big difference
today is the coronavirus pandemic that has circled the world. When the EU offered us ventilators to treat the infection, Boris Johnson put Brexit before breathing by rejecting them, but now he has tested positive. His petty nationalism is in contrast to the co-operation between the EU states that are helping each other. President Donald Trump insists on calling it "the Chinese virus" but viruses don't recognise nationalities, even paranoid North Korea is effected. 

Our Day Will Come

We have quit the European Union just in time to be struck down by the coronavirus pandemic. Boris Johnson is doing his best but the crisis has revealed that we have fewer hospital beds and doctors than Spain or Italy. It has also exposed the fragility of our gig economy. Tim Martin the boss of Wetherspoons who is an apostle of the free market has told his redundant workers to get a job at Tescos.

Boris is spending money like a drunken sailor to show his concern for the workers, but at heart he is
an old-fashioned Tory who described the poorest twenty percent of the population as: "chavs, losers, burglars and drug addicts." He called single mothers: "uppity and irresponsible" and accused their children of being: "ill raised, ignorant, aggressive and illegitimate." When Ken Bigley was beheaded by Isis terrorists, his home city of Liverpool mourned him, but Boris Johnson condemned: "the mawkish sentimentality of a society that is hooked on grief and likes to wallow in a sense of vicarious victimhood." Nevertheless, the punters still voted for him.

When slavery was abolished in America most of the liberated slaves stayed on the plantations because there was nowhere else to go, and it seems that the British electorate are in the same position. We don't trust the Labour Party, and if we vote Liberal Democrat our vote will be cancelled out by an unfair 'first past the post' system. So we stay where we are, with a government directed by the unelected advisor Dominic Cummings.

Our new Home Secretary Priti Patel has vowed
to cut inward migration by 70%, and treat all applicants equally. We shall have to see what happens but every Immigration Act so far has failed to stem the tide.

Much of our industry relies on imported labour and some of our biggest companies are foreign-owned. This makes our workers vulnerable to cutbacks and redundancies. HSBC have announced 35,000 redundancies worldwide, many of them in the UK. Naturally, as a Chinese bank they are looking after their own people. And the same is true of Honda who will be making their electric cars in Japan.

Is there any hope? Yes, we can talk, read and write. We can express our contempt for the Old Gang parties and propose alternative policies. Ideas can't be destroyed and nothing lasts forever. One day our class-ridden country will be liberated from plutocracy. The blatant hypocrites who preach peace and make war will be gone. So will the inverted racists who promote every nation except our own. Not to mention; faux patriots, metric martyrs, Luddites, Morris  dancers, flat earthers, conspiracy freaks, Holocaust deniers, and assorted fruitcakes who support Boris Johnson. Don't despair comrades; our day will come.

Union Movement Policy

Under Priti Patel's points based immigration policy o
ur fellow Europeans are to be excluded but West Indians, Africans and Asians are welcome. The Tories are anxious to improve trade with the Third World and they have already promised China and India that they will make life easier for their students and workers. 

They have separated us from Europe but those of us who believe in genuine liberation are not satisfied with a country divided by class, where ex-servicemen sleep in doorways and beg for food, and where whole families live in bed and breakfast accommodation. We despise the politicians who misgovern us and we recall Union Movement's policy from 1948 which is still relevant, except for point six about Africa. 

1)  To secure the Union of the European peoples.
2)  To resist the menace of International Communism and      
         International Finance. 
3)  To win the consent and enthusiasm of the people for a            new way of life.
4)  To win power in Britain by the vote of the people.
5)  To abolish the Party game and thus to create a system of       united national action.
6)  To develop Africa as an estate of the European which can       solve the economic problem of our continent.
7)  To abolish the values and influence of class which rests 
     on hereditary wealth and impedes the life of the nation.
8)  To provide continuing security in creative service of the           people for the man who has built his own means of                 livelihood and desires his children to follow after him in           heredity, science, art, craft, profession or business.
9)  To assert the right and will of the whole British people             above every faction and thus to enable all to earn what           they are worth with full security in sickness and old age.
10) To create a new sense of service and a new morality in           the State.

Union Movement no longer exists but Mosley's ideas are still discussed and Brexit has actually encouraged the European movement. As the elderly Brexiteers pass away the younger generation will reverse the decision to leave Europe. It's only a matter of time.

Letter From America by Robert Lyons

Thanks Bill for the latest issue of "Nation Revisited", excellent reading and informative reading as always.

Enjoying the sun and warm weather here in Florida.

I know back in the day the only problem we ran into on the streets was the Jewish Defence League, I have no idea whatever what happened to them, now the opposition group is Anfifa, and it seems to be both Jews and non-Jew leftists, Anarchists and Communists and they go after everybody from Trump conservatives to NS. I believe our worst enemy in the old days was the FBI, the FBI was insidious, using every behind the scenes dirty trick in the book, their main weapon was finding out where you worked and getting you fired.

While in London in 1961 I was accosted several times by Special Branch, mostly they wanted me to know they were watching me and wanted me to talk to them, at the time I wouldn't talk to the FBI, I certainly wasn't going to talk to them but I did notice that Special Branch was more polite than the FBI who were a bunch of rude, crude, dogs as far as I was concerned.

With great sadness I read of the passing of Carl Harley, what a wonderful gentleman. I'm so happy I had the honor of meeting him. I really enjoyed the personal notes about Carl, thanks for including them.

(As a young man Robert Lyons was active in the National States' Rights Party. He attended the international camp at Andrew Fountain's estate in Norfolk in 1961. He is seen here 50 years later outside the door of the old BNP headquarters in Princedale Road).


The current hysteria surrounding anti-Semitism is unjustified. With the Holocaust never far from our thoughts most people are sympathetic to the Jews. But criticism of Israel is another matter, and so are crimes of prominent Jews such as Robert Maxwell and Bernie Madoff. It is not anti-Semitic to say that the Israeli Defence Force is as bad as the Nazis when it comes to their brutal occupation of Palestine, and it's not anti-Semitic to describe Maxwell and Madoff as criminals of the worst type.

nti-Semitism was much worse before the war. Arnold Leese of the Imperial Fascist League published a book in 1934 accusing the Jews of the ritual murder of Christian children. He was found not guilty of seditious libel but was sentenced to six months hard labour for public mischief. He celebrated his release by publishing another book called 'My Irrelevant Defence' which was just as bad. Leese remained a dedicated anti-Semite until his death in 1956.

At a meeting of the Nordic League in May 1939 AK Chesterton, the former editor of 'The Blackshirt', called for the Jews to be strung up from lampposts. The Home Secretary, Sir Samuel Hoare, decided not to prosecute because Chesterton was only preaching to the converted at a private meeting. In 1948 he published a book entitled 'The Tragedy of Anti-Semitism' but he continued to campaign against 'international finance'. He founded the League of Empire Loyalists in 1954 and the National Front in 1967.

Oswald Mosley, the leader of the British Union of Fascists, always denied being an anti-Semite. Richard Thurlow wrote in 'Fascism in Britain':

Contrary to the claims of several authorities, the use of political anti-Semitism by the BUF has to be seen as a genuine belief rather than a cynical device to prop up an ailing movement. Mosley was not an ideological anti-Semite but he became convinced that some Jews were acting against the British national interest through their role in international finance, and that others were trying to destroy the BUF through physical violence. 

Jeremy Corbyn has spent a lifetime campaigning against racism but he is accused of anti-Semitism for criticising Israel. It's ironic that the Jews are so sensitive when their national home was founded on racial supremacism.

The Coronavirus Pandemic

A highly infectious virus first identified in China is killing thousands of people throughout the world and causing serious economic damage. The governments of the leading nations have pledged billions of dollars in 'New Deal' rescue packages but many businesses will not survive. 

This conversion to Keynesian policies follows twelve years of austerity that failed to balance the books. The brutal policies of the Tories took no account of social welfare. Margaret Thatcher shut down the coal mines because they couldn't compete with cheap gas, but a generation later some of the mining villages have still not recovered. She believed implicitly in market forces but John Maynard Keynes realised that economics depends on common sense as well as mathematics.   

In 1937 he published his groundbreaking book 'The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money'. In 1940 he entered the Treasury and in 1944 he organised the reconstruction of the British economy based on the Bretton Woods Agreement. Keynes' formula called for state intervention, a welfare system, low interest rates fixed by a nationalised Bank of England, and strict banking regulations.

His theory worked and the British GDP rose by 2.4% a year for two decades. But in 1972 the Bretton Woods system collapsed because of cripplingly expensive wars in Vietnam and the Middle East. The price of oil tripled and President Richard Nixon imposed the Petrodollar system under which the USA protects any state that uses dollars to buy oil, and threatens any state that does not. Cast adrift by America, the UK joined the Common Market but we still looked across the Atlantic for protection. 

Against this uncertainty, Margaret Thatcher came to power in 1979 on a false promise to control immigration. Instead, she deregulated the banks, encouraged casino capitalism, cut social spending and allowed property prices to escalate. The eventual result was the financial crisis of 2008 when Lehman Brothers crashed and the Royal Bank of Scotland had to be rescued by the British taxpayer. Since then we have lived under the black cloud of austerity, but it hasn't reduced the national debt or improved productivity.

When Harold Macmillan was asked what prime ministers fear most, he famously answered: "Events dear boy, events." Boris Johnson has a massive majority, a weak opposition, the prospect of a trade deal with America, an attractive young girlfriend with a baby on the way, and the total support of the popular press. But he has been overtaken by events.

He boasts that we have "got our country back" but the current crisis proves that we are part of the wider world. Already, the Exeter-based airline Flybe has collapsed with the loss of 2,400 jobs, EasyJet has grounded its fleet and Virgin Atlantic and British Airways are laying off staff.  

Boris Johnson's arrogance has served him well. He has risen to the top of the political dung heap and hopes to emulate his hero Winston Churchill. He is trying desperately to avoid an economic meltdown but the outlook is grim.

Surely the global capitalist system won't be brought down by a mere virus? That remains to be seen, but in HG Wells' classic story 'The War of the Worlds', the Martians were defeated by just such an organism. Viral infections, like influenza, tend to start in Asia and follow the trade winds around the world.

The coronavirus is a natural part of creation but people with over-active imaginations are blaming the usual suspects for spreading it as part of a diabolical plot. It's wicked to mock the afflicted but these conspiracy theorists really need to control themselves. It's hard to accept reality when you have been abusing fantasy for many years, but former addicts have quit alcohol, smoking, drugs, and gambling. Conspiracy theory is just another compulsion that can be beaten.   

Nation Revisited

This blog seeks reform by legal means. All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. We uphold the United Nations' Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:

"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share ideas with other people." 


Please use the facility at the end of this blog to leave your comments and read what others have to say.