Most of us suffer some sort of discrimination as we go through life and sometimes we discriminate against others. This is generally harmless but it can be damaging to both parties. Those discriminated against are resentful and those who discriminate feel guilty. The best solution is honesty. There's nothing wrong with being black, white, or any shade in between. And there's nothing wrong with being old, young, tall, short, gay, straight, or whatever we are. Why is it offensive to call someone 'coloured'? No insult is intended and none should be taken.
Of course, some people go too far. A friend of mine was interviewing a woman for a job as a croupier at a London casino. When he turned her down she protested that she had a degree in mathematics and demanded to know what qualifications were necessary. My friend replied "big tits". She complained to the management and he was fired.
The politically-correct ban on so-called discriminatory language was highlighted by Peter Simple in the 'Daily Telegraph' in a 1972 article entitled 'Threshold of Hell'. In those days the 'Daily Telegraph' was a newspaper of record, before the reclusive Barclay brothers turned it into a broadsheet version of 'The Sun'.
"The lowering of the grievance threshold is a feature of our society", says the 'Observer' on the existing laws against "racial discrimination", the attempt, so far foiled, to bring in a law against "sexual discrimination" and the proposal even more preposterous, if possible - for a law against "age discrimination."
"The lowering of the grievance threshold" - translated into English, what does this painful jargon mean? It means that ours is a society in which envy, spite, discontent and petty-mindedness are growing daily, and are being encouraged to grow daily by every means open to publicists and politicians.
The normal, unselfishness relation of one human being with another human being, whether of different race, sex or age is being systematically distorted and perverted. In the name of an unattainable equality, the individual man, woman and even child is being turned into a member of a category, a militant group moved not by human love but by inhuman malice and hatred.
What would our society be like if this process reaches its ultimate though fortunately unattainable conclusion, in which every single person saw himself as a victim of discrimination by some other person? What will our society be like if this process continues, as at present, unabated and unopposed?"
Brave New World
I regularly catch a bus to a supermarket which has a café next door. I used to speak to the bus conductor but he has been made redundant and the driver is shielded from the public by a glass cage. I enjoyed having a chat with the checkout girl but she has been replaced by a self-service computer and an intimidating-looking security guard. At least the café is still run by human beings but because I pay for a set breakfast by debit card the transaction is practically silent.
I buy my books from Amazon and I bank online so there's no need to talk to booksellers or bankers. Busy people probably appreciate the speed and efficiency of the modern age but some of us feel isolated.
Automation is robbing us of human contact. Instead of dealing with flesh and blood people we conduct our business with machines. There are plans to install hi-tech cameras in supermarkets that will scan items as they are taken off the shelves and automatically charge them to your account. You will not have to do it yourself, but if you want to know the price of a can of beans you will have to check your bank statement.
Smart meters are replacing human meter readers for our gas, electricity and water. They will automatically record your consumption and collect payment by direct debit.
Looking further into the future, cars will drive themselves, machinery will maintain itself, and the latest medical equipment will examine you with CT scans and perform surgery with computer controlled lasers guided by artificial intelligence. Doctors and nurses might not be needed but an accountant will be on hand to make sure your medical insurance is up to date.
In the Brave New World time and money will be more important than people. Your life will be a data stream and your soul will be a number. Let's hope that we don't go mad trying to cope with it.
Throwing Light on Searchlight - John Bean
Jeremy Corbyn is not the first politician to be targeted by the Jews. Oswald Mosley was verbally and physically abused by them and so was John Bean. He wrote in 'Many Shades of Black':
My mistake was to listen to the siren voices of those who blamed our once proud nation's predicament on a 'conspiracy' in the manner of the Scots, the Irish and even the Welsh, who will mistakenly blame the English for their 'conspiracy' to hold them back and suppress their cultures. There was no conspiracy by Jewish international finance to destroy our power and to open the floodgates to Afro-Asian immigration. In the 1930s there were individual Jewish bankers who could see that Hitler was out to destroy the Jewish people and understandably used their power to oppose him. In the main this was the evidence that otherwise intelligent men, such as AK Chesterton, and Mosley for a time in the thirties, used to build up their plot theory. It's a theory that leaks like a sieve.
But despite his rejection of the 'Jewish Conspiracy' he was still accused of antisemitism. He wrote on his 'Beanstalk' blog in 2003:
In its July issue the ultra-left "Searchlight" magazine, which is closely linked to the Trotskyist Anti-Nazi League, has a 16 page feature marking the 40th anniversary of the foundation of the 62 Group. In 1963 the 62 Group then gave birth to the Searchlight organisation with Gerry Gable, the present magazine publisher, being a founder member of both.
The objectives of the 62 Group were to attack any organisation or individual which it considered to be Nazi, Fascist or Racist - which included the Tory Party's Monday Club, the historian David Irving, as well as Colin Jordan's National Socialist Movement. Their methods encompassed vicious physical assaults, attempted murder, burglary and arson, and are recalled in glowing terms in the "Searchlight" report.
My personal experience of their activity include the famous "Battle of Balls Pond Road" in East London, 2nd Sept 1962 (see p 166 of my autobiography, where 400 muscle men bravely overwhelmed 40 members of the Mark1 BNP, hospitalising many of them. Then there were several open air meetings at Earls Court. The report gives an account of an attack on one of these meetings where I am alleged to have used a knuckle duster! As my solicitor will be informing "Searchlight", any knuckle dusters present were used by the 62 Group and not by me or my supporters. The report does not mention, of course, the occasion in November 1962 when 62 Group thugs tried to break into my home. I told the police that I recognised one of their voices.
The 62 Group members were almost exclusively Jewish. Not ordinary Jewish people but, as the "Searchlight" report states on p 13, militant Jews "who had fought fascism" in London's East End and had "supported the Jewish Communist MP for Stepney, Phil Piratin". Again, on p 14 it claims: "...the 62 Group led that fight on behalf of the Jewish Community." Yet on p 21 it is admitted that "...the leaders of the Jewish community had described the 62 Group as thugs who were damaging the community." This changed somewhat when an editorial in the "Jewish Chronicle" demanded that the 62 Group "be shown gratitude and respect for its work".
Apart from Gerry Gable - a convicted burglar who now advises the Met Police on race relations (!), who were the other leading lights of the 62 Group? Pride of place is given in the report to its Intelligence Officer Harry (Hershel) Bidney, founder of the 43 Group (formed to attack Mosley supporters), who Gable looked up to as a father figure. No mention, however, of Bidney's numerous convictions for living off immoral earnings of both straight and homosexual prostitutes. No mention of his "Golden Whip Club", a Soho haunt for those who shared his sexual proclivities.
The founder and first editor of "Searchlight" was Maurice Ludmer, who was a member of the Communist Party and a journalist on its paper "Daily Worker" (Now Morning Star). Among the list of 62 Group members that the report 'honours', there is no mention of a certain key activist who was involved in drug dealing. Nor is Manny Carpel mentioned. He received 2 years in jail for an arson attack on a Sussex printer of Historical Review books. He was last heard of doing further time for an antiques scam.
My purpose in devoting so much space to the activities of a gang of Communist Jewish thugs of forty years ago is that it gave birth to the Searchlight Organisation that today spreads misinformation about British patriotic movements, including the BNP, and aids attacks upon them through the Trotskyite Anti-Nazi League. Furthermore, it is partly financed by the Lottery Fund, whose help has been denied to such bodies as the St Dunstan's Home for blind ex-servicemen.
We can expect a new wave of Third World immigration following Boris Johnson's landslide general election victory. The Tories want to stop free movement of labour within Europe but they welcome immigrants from outside the EU.
If we discuss immigration we are accused of racism by unscrupulous lawyers like Messrs Dodson & Fogg. Most of us just want sensible immigration controls, with assistance for those immigrants who want to go home, plus deportation for criminals, dole scroungers, and illegal entrants. We must obey the Race Relations Act but it's probably safe to say that we should chose immigrants that are easily assimilated.
Racial and religious intolerance is sweeping the world. Nearly a million Rohingya have been expelled from Myanmar and driven into neighbouring Bangladesh. The Chinese have confined thousands of Uighurs to 're-education camps'. And millions of people have been displaced by war in the Middle East. It's unlikely that repatriation will happen in the UK. We are no longer an all white country but we can still preserve our national character. The United Nations' Declaration of Human Rights states:
"All peoples have the right to self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development."
But the sheer volume of immigration coupled with restrictive legislation threatens to deny us these basic human rights. We can't pursue our economic, social and cultural development for fear of infringing the rights of immigrants. This was not the original intention of the Race Relations Act.
The Tories want Britain to be an independent country but we have belonged to the global capitalist system for three hundred years. The East India Company took over India when George the Second was on the throne. We plundered the Empire until General Percival surrendered Singapore to General Yamashita in 1942. That was the end of our imperialism but we struggled on under the Bretton Woods Agreement until the Nixon Shock of 1971 when America cut us loose. We then joined the Common Market which became the European Union. We have been part of a world empire, an American protectorate, and an member of the EU, but this is the first time that we have been on our own
The Tories are hopeful of a transatlantic trade deal but the USA is practically self-sufficient and uses world trade primarily to enforce her foreign policy. 'Favoured nations', such as Israel, are rewarded with military assistance and lucrative trade deals but 'least favoured nations', such as Iran, are blockaded, starved and eventually bombed into submission.
Donald Trump threatened the UK with a 25% tariff on our cars unless we sided with the US against Iran. And he has now threatened the same punishment if we tax giant American companies like McDonalds, Starbucks, Facebook, Netflix, Amazon, and Google at normal corporate rates.
Boris Johnson has been described by Labour leadership contender Emily Thornberry as a "lying, reckless charlatan." He is also a two-faced bandwagon jumper who wrote in 'The Daily Telegraph' of May 2013:
If we left the EU, we would end this sterile debate, and we would have to recognise that most of our problems are not caused by Brussels, but by chronic British short-termism, inadequate management, sloth, low skills, a culture of easy gratification and underinvestment in both human and physical capital and infrastructure.
China, the United States and the European Union dominate world trade and we must co-operate with them to gain access to their markets. In the Second Opium War (1856-1860) a Franco-British expeditionary force supported by 36 warships forced the Chinese to open their ports. But those days are gone.
We have left the EU but our future prosperity depends on access to the single market. An arrangement such as EFTA which unites Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, might placate our separatists, just as it has in Norway, a proudly independent nation that to all intents and purposes belongs to the EU.
Political Divisions
I have been criticised for using the term 'far right' to describe parties such as the BNP or the National Front. These labels are inadequate but what are we to call them? The convention is that parties supporting the establishment are right wing, and those opposed to it are left wing. But what should we call a dedicated member of the Labour Party like John Prescott (pictured), the son of a railwayman who became Deputy Prime Minister before being elevated to the House of Lords as Baron Prescott of Kingston Upon Hull? Is he left wing by virtue of his ideology or right wing because of his position?
It's all the more confusing when race and nationalism are added to the mixture. There are liberals and conservatives on both sides. Enoch Powell was a typical Tory but because of his views on immigration he was supported by working men who usually voted Labour. Left wingers are supposed to welcome all races but plenty of them do not. The Tories, on the other hand, are supposed to be racists but their party is multiracial and there are black and brown ministers in Boris Johnson's Cabinet.
Politics has always been a matter of convenience. The Nazis were originally a left wing movement fighting "for freedom and for bread", but they were backed by international capitalists including Standard Oil and the Warburg family. More or less the same consortium that financed the Russian Revolution and the New Deal.
And we mustn't forget our wartime prime minister Winston Churchill, a cash-strapped Tory aristocrat who drank far into the night with the Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin and the American plutocrat FD Roosevelt. It's all very confusing.
The Monarchy
Harry Windsor and Meghan Markle's decision to emigrate to Canada has caused alarm and despondency amongst monarchists but the rest of us couldn't care less. The Restoration of 1660 was a big mistake. Bowing and scraping to the Royals cannot be justified in the 21st century. Some of us want to abolish the institution and appoint some harmless old academic as president. But there are two sides to the argument.
Charles Maurras 1868-1952 was the leader of Action Francaise the French fascist movement that brought down the 'Cartel des Gauches' government following a bloody riot in the Place de la Concorde in February 1934. He was by nature an agnostic and a republican but he supported the Catholic Church and the Monarchy because he thought they were good for France. Perhaps he had a point?
Nation Revisited
This blog seeks reform by legal means. All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. We uphold the United Nations' Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:
This blog seeks reform by legal means. All articles are by Bill Baillie unless otherwise stated. The opinions of guest writers are entirely their own. We uphold the United Nations' Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19:
"We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share ideas with other people."
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