Revisited # 105, July 2013
The Woolwich Murder
The killing of Drummer Lee Rigby was the latest in a
long line of murders of British soldiers. They have been targeted by terrorists
from the Stern Gang, the Malayan National Liberation Army, EOKA, Mau Mau, FLOSY
and the IRA. We fought countless colonial wars in the days of Empire and now we
are fighting them again as auxiliaries to the Americans. We joined in their
attacks on Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya and we are now threatening Syria. Dave
Cameron and William Hague are prominent members of the Conservative Friends of
Israel who want to destroy every state in the Middle East that’s capable of
defending itself.
Obviously we should deport foreigners who threaten our
security. The European Court of Human Rights upholds laws passed by politicians.
We must enact suitable laws and ditch outdated ones. The UK is not alone in
wanting to reform asylum and immigration laws. But we will not do it by turning
our back on Europe. We need to take the lead.
Of course, many of these criminal lunatics and their
apologists were born in this country but if we offered them a one-way ticket to
their ancestral homeland, or a stiff sentence in a maximum security prison, the
majority would take the first option.
We also need to replace our fragmented police forces
with a well-armed, well-trained national police force. The destruction of
Croydon during the riots of 2011 showed what happens when the police hold back.
And the failure to arrest child molesters is partly attributed to police forces
not sharing information. All criminal data should be on a national database and
underperforming officers should be retired. We should also relocate police
officers from their place of birth to discourage the “friends and family”
Those who object to security measures and identity
cards should emigrate somewhere less complicated than the UK. CCTV and state
surveillance is a fact of life. No matter how strongly governments deny that
they are implicated we all know that they routinely spy on our e-mails and
telephone calls. This may be a violation of our civil rights but it has been
going on since the invention of the telephone. We would all like to live in a
country without armed police, or catch a plane without being searched, but we
live in dangerous times and must be protected. We remember atrocities like the
murder of Lee Rigby but we don’t always know about terrorist plots that are foiled
by the security forces. Some loss of personal liberty is a necessary trade-off
for our security.
Vote Ukip: get Labour
Ukip was founded to get the UK out of the EU but they
are now winning votes by calling for immigration controls. The trouble is that
they support a capitalist system that depends on minimum wage workers. Nigel
Farage is probably sincere but the media barons promoting him will never allow
cheap labour to be restricted. Public opinion is heavily influenced by
newspapers and television channels. The Daily
Mirror is gushing with socialist propaganda but, until recently, it
supported open-door immigration policies that drive down wages and conditions.
And at the other end of the spectrum the increasingly delusional Daily Telegraph waves the Union Jack and
dreams of Empire but it is totally subservient to NATO and the WTO.
Ukip have captured 23% of the popular vote in England
but they have not taken off in Scotland, and they will not change anything. As
long as we belong to the global capitalist system our troops will be under NATO
command and our commerce will be regulated by the American-led World Trade
Organization. We will still buy our oil with dollars and our courts will adhere
to the UN Declaration of Human Rights.
Nigel Farage wants an “independent” UK to negotiate
trade deals with the EU like Norway and Switzerland. But Norway has a tiny population
of 5 million, huge energy resources and a sovereign wealth fund of £330 bn.
Switzerland has 8 million people, massive gold and dollar reserves and the
highest per capita income in Europe. We are not in such a good position: we
have an immigrant-swollen population of 63 million, a national debt of £1.2
trillion and fast depleting gas and oil reserves.
Ukip make astronomical claims on the cost of EU
membership but we would still have to comply with regulations if we left the EU
and we would not necessarily increase our trade with the rest of the world. In
fact, many international companies would relocate if we quit the single market.
The real cost of our EU membership is 1% of Gross National Income – slightly
more than we give in foreign aid. But Ukip are more motivated by nostalgia than
In a letter to The
Independent 19 UK business leaders including Richard Branson of the Virgin
Group stated: “The benefits of membership outweigh the costs, and to suggest
otherwise is putting politics before economics.”
The Tories will not help matters by jumping on the
Ukip bandwagon. Their suicidal obsession with Europe destroyed John Major’s
government in 1997 and resulted in 13 years of the Blair/Brown circus. The
worst government in Britain’s history deliberately imported 2.5 million
immigrants and left the country on the verge of bankruptcy. We are still trying
to recover from that disaster and few of us want to go down that road again.
But every vote for Ukip will help the Labour Party to get back into power. If
you vote Ukip don’t be surprised if you get Labour.
Storming the BastilleAccording to the House of Commons Library membership of the political parties has declined to 1% of the electorate. The Labour Party have approximately 193,000 members, the Conservatives have 130,000 and the Liberal Democrats 49,000. In the early fifties the Conservatives claimed 3,000,000 members and the Labour Party had more than 1,000,000.
The minor parties are also in decline. The BUF had
40,000 members in the mid thirties. In July 1939 they filled the Earls Court
arena with over 30,000 cheering supporters. And in May 1948 Oswald Mosley
marched 1,500 Union Movement members through the streets of Camden. But apart
from a period in the late fifties and early sixties his post-war movement never
became a significant political force.
The National Front peaked at 20,000 members in the mid
seventies but they never recovered from Margaret Thatcher’s 1979 election
statement that she understood people’s fears of “being swamped” by immigration.
The Tories won the election by a landslide and the NF was decimated.
History repeated itself thirty years later when the
BNP disintegrated following the 2010 general election. They had 2 Euro MPs, a member
of the London Assembly, more than 50 local councilors and 14.000 members. But
now their numbers are seriously depleted and they have been eclipsed by Ukip.
Ukip are doing well at the polls but they need to
capture the mood of the moment. When Enoch Powell made his “Rivers of Blood”
speech in 1968 he was hugely popular but by 1974 he was finished as a Tory MP.
The following quote is from Martin Walkers book The National Front:
At Smithfield meat market, the response for Powell was
equally spontaneous. It was exploited, but not initiated, by one of the
porters, Big Dan Harmston, a member of the Union Movement and a fervent
supporter of Mosley, Harmston has never tried to organize the market
politically. ‘I’ve got too much respect for the blokes there. The whole thing
just happened. When the lads were all together and the blokes were getting up
and having their say they got me up there as well’ Harmston recalls. ‘There was
a mood about the place – if that day I’d have said “Pick up your cleavers and
knives and decapitate Heath and Harold Wilson” they’d have done it. They really
would – but they wouldn’t have done it next week. It was just the mood of the
moment – like storming the Bastille I suppose.’
Joining a political party used to be the only way for
people to express themselves but now that we have Facebook and Twitter they are
going the same way as newspapers and organized religion. We no longer depend on
Nationalism (abridged from Nation
No 1 Dec 1973)
Action Party stands for the union of Great Britain
with Europe and the White Dominions. It is opposed to non-European immigration
and the Money Power but in contrast to the NF it is pro-European. It was
founded as Union Movement in 1948 by Sir Oswald Mosley the leader of the
pre-war Blackshirts. His vision of Europe a Nation does not stop at the Common
Market but embraces the entire Continent; a self-sufficient union of 400
million Europeans that would be economically, politically and militarily
independent of both Russia and America.
A fortnightly paper Action is
published in support of the party.
British Movement is led by Colin Jordan who was forced
to resign as a schoolteacher by the pro-communist school authorities. BM is the
successor to the controversial National Socialist Movement of the early
sixties. It competes with the NF but in view of Colin Jordan’s uncompromising
views there will be no merger between them.The National Independence Party is a breakaway movement led by John Davis. Their policies are virtually the same as the NF. They have done well in the London area but remain a much smaller party than the NF.
Candour is a
nationalist journal that was edited by AK Chesterton until his death in August
1973. He founded the League of Empire Loyalists in 1954 to resist the carve-up
of the British Empire, and he was the first chairman of the National Front.
The Racial Preservation Society is concerned only with
the conservation of our race. They draw support from nationalists and from
members of the Old Gang parties who have not been brainwashed into accepting
The Britons Publishing Co dates back to before WW1
when the first wave of aliens made their presence felt. Most nationalist movements
have used their publishing facilities. They are led by Tony Gittens a lifelong
fighter against subversion.
Tru-Aim, led by Bill Whitbread, is working within the
trade union movement to counter the menace of uncontrolled immigration. They
have caused panic in left-wing circles and “democratic” union leaders have
called for them to be banned.
During the war patriots were detained without charge
or trial under Defence Regulation 18B. In the fifties another round of imprisonment
followed race riots in Kensington sparked by black gangsterism. And in the sixties the Reds temporarily
dominated the streets with a campaign of violence. But a philosophy that
survived the horrors of war will not die. We are divided on Europe but agreed
on the need to stop immigration and control the Money Power. We stand on the
threshold of success.
Bill, Most of us on the so-called radical right (a
misnomer if ever there was) oppose the control of nations by the international
financial system, which is far removed from the high street bankers of UK, US,
EU or the Plaza de Mayo Buenos Aries. It is the former I have always opposed
and – like you – not the latter. However, it now seems you are happy with the
international bankers which in former days you always opposed?
I would refer you to NR No 96 (not 12 months ago), the
section under heading “Making Money”. I agree with virtually everything said
here. I suppose if we go back 39 years one is allowed to change viewpoints a
little (Nation No 5 Apr 74, end of opening section), but it still sounds good
advice to me!
“Democracy is supposed to be government of the people
for the people and by the people. It is in fact a dictatorship of the people,
for the bankers, by crooks, liars, fools and failures.” I suspect you were
inspired by a Mosley passage for this – and why not. John Bean.
Editor: OK John, since you liked “Making Money” so
much, here it is again.
Making Money
The Fractional Banking system currently allows banks
to lend 25 times what they hold in deposits. The difference is supposed to be
covered by assets, repayments and dividends. But if too many customers take
their money out at the same time the bank is broken. That’s what happened to
Northern Rock and Lehman Brothers; and it’s why banking regulations are being
tightened to stop overtrading.
People, countries and banks are granted loans
according to their status and collateral. This may seem unfair but it’s the way
that capitalism works. At some time in the future we will hopefully break away
from deficit spending and dollar dependency and start issuing money based on
productivity. But for the time being we are stuck with the Rothschild model.
The banks make money by charging interest on loans but
people stop buying cars, furniture and houses during recessions and the banks
have to be bailed out by the state. The government can’t let them go broke
because people would lose their savings, their homes and their pensions.
A viable banking system must be maintained. But first
we need a sustainable economy. Britain only produces 60% of her food and 40% of
her gas and oil. Within a genuinely united Europe we would be self-sufficient
because Danish bacon, Norwegian gas, German cars, French wine and Italian
fridges and washing machines would all be part of an internal market. But if a
go-it-alone Britain tried to restrict imports we would break the rules of the
World Trade Organization and our exports would be blocked. A country that
depends on imported fuel and food is in no position to start a trade war.
Most currencies are backed by gold and dollar
reserves. The UK holds $130 billion and the Eurozone holds $883 billion. The US
also maintains gold and foreign exchange reserves but their currency is
effectively backed by oil. Since the US came off the Gold Standard in 1971 the
dollar has been exclusively used to buy oil under the petrodollar agreement
with OPEC. The dollar accounts for two thirds of all official foreign exchange
transactions and half of all the world exports are denominated in dollars. This
arrangement gives the US a massive commercial advantage over the rest of the
world. It was challenged when Iran started selling oil for euros in 2003, and
seriously threatened when she abandoned the dollar altogether in 2009. This is
the driving force behind American foreign policy. The status of the greenback
as a world reserve currency depends on its tie to oil. They do not want Iran,
or any other oil producer to break their monopoly.
This is the global system that our politicians are
committed to. It’s what NATO is all about. It’s what we pay our taxes for and
it’s why our boys are fighting and dying in Afghanistan. Forget about the “War
on Terror” and Iran’s controversial nuclear programme. There is nothing
complicated about US foreign policy. It’s not a conspiracy by ‘hidden forces’,
it’s about maximizing profits for the giant corporations; the same
old-fashioned commercial imperialism that sustained the British Empire.
Arnold Leese
A number of readers have questioned my assertion in NR
# 104 that Arnold Leese (1878-1956), leader of the Imperial Fascist League,
pledged his allegiance to King and country at the outbreak of war. In 1934 he
wrote in The Fascist:
There is one thing that no member of the Imperial
Fascist League will do; he will not join the British forces to fight the battle
of the Jews against men of his own Nordic race. (Colin Cross, The Fascists in
Britain p 190).
But by 1940 he was deeply critical of the Nazi-Soviet
Non-Aggression Pact of 1939. And he opposed Adolf Hitler’s invasion of Norway;
a fellow Nordic country. This is not conjecture; it is backed up by documentary
evidence. The following Wikipedia extract is based on Richard Thurlow, Fascism in Britain p 170, and Robert
Benewick, Political Violence and Public
Order p 46-47.
The outbreak of the Second World War caused the small
group to fall apart as Leese declared loyalty to King and country and renamed
the group the Angles Circle but his stance was rejected by some pro-German
members such as Tony Gittens, Harold Lockwood and Bertie Mills. It proved to be
academic however as in 1940 Leese was interned under Defence Regulation 18B and
although he continued to be politically active after the war the IFL was not
Arnold Leese’s disenchantment with the Fuhrer was
picked up by Alexander Baron commenting on Gerry Gable’s contribution to “Neo
Fascism in Europe”:
On page 249 Gable mentions the pre-war Imperial
Fascist League, whose main theme was an “almost hysterical anti-Semitism”. However, he is not quite right when he says it
was pro-Hitler. According to documents at the Public Records Office Arnold
Leese spoke at an IFL meeting on 19th April 1940, “stating his
disgust at the German action in Norway.” He was said to have thought Hitler
should retire in favour of Goering.
Leese was critical of rival fascist movements. He
denounced Rotha Lintorn-Orman’s British Fascists as “Tories with knobs on” and
Oswald Mosley and William Joyce as “Kosher Fascists”. The following report
appeared in The Fascist in October
Mr Joyce, a speaker of the “British Union of
Fascists”, brought an action against the Daily Worker for alleged incitement.
According to the Daily Herald of 25th August, his lawyer was to have
been Mr St John Hutchinson, whose daughter recently married a Rothschild, but
he was prevented from attending through illness. “Yes, we have no Jews.”
Apologists for the Nazi regime either deny that the Holocaust
ever happened, or blame it on an unnecessary war. But Arnold Leese had no such
reservations; as early as 1935 he pondered the use of gas chambers
(Encyclopedia of British and Irish Political Organizations: Peter Barberis,
John McHugh and Mike Tydersley: p 183). And he celebrated the end of the Second World
War in 1945 by publishing his magnum opus The
Jewish War of Survival.
Leese and the entire leadership cadre of the IFL were
interned under Defence Regulation 18B. After the war he founded the short-lived
National Workers Movement but his main effort went into his newsletter Gothic Ripples and the encouragement of
his protégé, a promising young Coventry schoolmaster called Colin Jordan.
Have Faith in the Future
The established political parties in the UK are so
similar that it’s difficult to tell them apart. They used to represent labour
and capital but over the years they have adopted the same liberal consensus.
The Tories still have the remnants of aristocracy about them but most of their
activists are middle class people who work for their living. The same people
who support the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats: unquestioning believers
in the politically correct policies of parliamentary democracy;
multiculturalism, free trade, social equality and the Atlantic Alliance.
Beyond the democratic consensus we have the communists
who cling to a dystopian vision of a world run by committees. They had their
golden age in the fifties and sixties when they took over schools and
universities. Unfortunately for them their juvenile rebellion led to
depression, drug addiction, suicide and infection with sexually transmitted
diseases. Those that survived spend their twilight years in affluent white
suburbs far from the inner-city ghettoes that they helped to create. Apart from
a handful of trade union leaders and a diminishing band of academics they are
clapped out and forgotten.
At the other extreme we have an assortment of
political nonconformists. Most of them identify the Money Power as the
principle enemy but some of them subscribe to a bewildering catalogue of
conspiracy theories. Their guru is the American exhibitionist Alex Jones who
recently disrupted the Andrew Neil television show with an embarrassing tirade
against the Bilderbergers.
Our long suffering country urgently needs a modern
political movement. We do not need suicidal Spenglerians wallowing in
self-indulgence. And we don’t need
nostalgic nationalists who look back in anger. Young people starting out in
life do not need chauvinistic rhetoric they need jobs and houses. A country
like the UK that pioneered the Industrial Revolution and conquered half the
world is more than capable of creating a just society with a sustainable
economy. We have the technology and the human resources but first we need to
recognize political and economic realities.
If we tried to create a new movement from the bones of
an existing party it would inherit the fatal flaws of insularity. The British
Empire has gone and nothing will bring it back. Those who invoke the spirit of
Winston Churchill and the Battle of Britain are missing the point. We cannot
compete in the modern world by waving Union Jacks and living in the past.
Modern industry needs international markets and
adequate funding. Rolls Royce makes the Trent XWB turbofans for the Airbus 350.
And GKN Aerospace provides engineering design and analysis. This exciting
project will guarantee thousands of British jobs at Derby and Bristol and keep
us at the forefront of aviation. But the development costs for the new aircraft
came to a staggering £10 billion. Our hi-tech industries depend on capital
investment that can only come from joint ventures.
Despite a worldwide recession British industry is
starting to grow but its recovery is threatened by the negative propaganda of
the anti-EU campaigners. People who consider themselves to be patriots are
damaging their country. The recession will not last forever; we must invest in
the latest technology to be in poll position when the next boom comes. The future
will be bright so long as we keep our nerve and stop listening to the
Attitudes to Race
John Bean has posted an article on the British
Democratic Party website about Peter Sutherland, the former Irish Attorney
General, who is a close friend of David Rockefeller the international banker
and founder of the Trilateral Commission. These powerful men are
multi-millionaires. They believe in the global capitalist system and they think
that Third World immigration is the way forward for Europe and North America.
They want to replenish declining populations by
bringing in more immigrants. They argue that this is necessary to provide an
industrial workforce to pay taxes and keep our social services going. They do
not hold these views because they are Marxists or Jewish – they are neither.
Peter Sutherland is a Jesuit-educated Irishman and David Rockefeller comes from
the American Protestant aristocracy. But like so many liberal people they
attach no importance race.
National identity stems from cultural, religious,
linguistic and geographical roots as well as ethnicity. Most people support
immigration controls but they are not motivated by racial hatred. They just want
to be left alone and they feel threatened by a seemingly unending invasion.
In an effort to absorb millions of blacks and Asians
the UK government has passed draconian laws and introduced “positive
discrimination” but most of the immigrants have stayed in their own areas and
the whites have moved out. The liberal dream of a successful multi-racial
society has largely failed because it takes no account of the social and
political impact of mass migration.
People like Peter Sutherland and David Rockefeller are
so far removed from the masses that they no longer share their fears and hopes.
Ordinary people do not see the world in terms of balance sheets. They worry
about their jobs, homes and children and they fear a future dominated by
unfamiliar languages and customs. This does not make them “racists” but they
are not interested social engineering or the grand strategy of the super rich.