The Special Relationship
President Donald Trump is back in the Whitehouse with a populist and protectionist agenda. We can't take seriously his ambition to annex Greenland and Canada, and we must be concerned with his love of tariffs. The United States is our second biggest market after the European Union. We are estranged from Europe because of Brexit so we need our $73,538 billion exports to the USA.
President Donald Trump has threatened to slap a 25% tariff on some imports to protect American producers. This would damage sales of British made cars such as: Jaguar, Land Rover, and Rolls Royce, and it would also damage sales of Scotch whisky. After all, the US has General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, Jack Daniels and Jim Beam, so why should they import cars and whisky?
The USA is a huge country stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific. It's self-sufficient in food, energy, technology, and military might. If the rest of the world retaliated against tariffs by levelling tit-for-tat tariffs of their own, it wouldn't make much difference to the American economy.
Britain, on the other hand, imports half of its food and energy. We need international trade to feed our immigrant-swollen population, and to keep the lights on. The USA has the resources to manage on their own, but we do not.
Keir Starmer has to placate the 'Little Englanders' who distrust Europe but love America, because they speak English, and the pro-Europeans who love Europe because we are Europeans, but distrust America because they seek to dominate the world.
British politicians imagine that we have a 'Special Relationship' with America. It's true that our two nations have links of language, culture and history, but they count for nothing when it comes to trade. President Donald Trump's mother was Scottish but he is unlikely to think of her when he slaps 25% on Scotch whisky.
The only country with a special relationship with the USA is Israel. Britain and the rest of Europe are just convenient bases for America's armed forces.
NATO was established after WW2 to defend Europe against the Red Army. In response the Soviet Union formed the Warsaw Pact. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 the Warsaw Pact was dissolved, but NATO was increased, thus proving that NATO's real objective is to protect American interests; not liberty and democracy as we were told, but McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken.
The Russian Federation, which replaced the Soviet Union, is a Parliamentary Democracy with an independent judiciary, a written constitution and an elected president. The Western media accuses Russia of being a dictatorship under Vladimir Putin, but this is not true. At present Russia is engaged in a war with Ukraine over possession of Crimea and the Donbas region, butt apart from these Russian-speaking regions President Putin has no further territorial ambitions in Europe, as claimed by NATO.
Already the German economy has been devastated by the war in Ukraine. The gas pipeline from Russia to Germany was sabotaged almost certainly by NATO. If the Russians wanted to cut-off supplies to Germany they would simply turn off the tap.
The destruction of the European and Russian economies is an American objective designed to boost their exports. Russian gas and oil, BMW cars, and Airbus planes are serious obstacles to American imperialism.
It's unfortunate that the noble principles of the Roman Republic, on which the United States was founded, have degenerated into the worst aspects of the Roman Empire.
Denis Pirie
Wikipedia describes Denis Pirie, who passed away in January this year, as: " a veteran of the British far right." It's true that he served a prison sentence for belonging to Colin Jordan's paramilitary Spearhead formation, and he was the opening speaker at the 1962 NSM meeting in Trafalgar Square. but by 1968 his youthful exuberance gave way to maturity and he wrote an article in 'Combat' entitled 'Britain's Fraudulent Democracy'; a calm and sensible critique of our corrupt parliamentary system:
"Two classes of people would object to this basic progressive reform of our unwritten constitution. Firstly the old party politicians who would naturally resent any form of curtailment of their personal power. With the existence of a public referendum mechanism they could hardly continue their old games of promising the electorate one thing and then breaking their promises with impunity.
The second type of objector is the self-styled "progressive" liberal. He objects for a different reason. He is perfectly satisfied with the status quo because he knows that in the establishment parties, his liberal friends in government are firmly entrenched in key positions. He knows full well that many of the measures his friends in government introduce would never be accepted by the general public if their views had weight."
Denis Pirie's call for representative government is even more urgent today. Successive governments, both Tory and Labour, have eroded democracy and practically banned free speech. It's not members of the so-called far right that threaten our freedom but the professional liars and hypocrites of Westminster.
Sam Dickson
I engage in little debates in a chat forum called Quora.
Someone posted a question asking why Keir Starmer hates the UK and old people and gave his opinion that Starmer's attitudes emerged from some incident that took place early ion his career.
I concurred that Starmer hates his own people but suggested a different diagnosis.
Here is my comment.
Mr Lang: you are right in your diagnosis that Starmer hates his country and his people but I humbly submit that the reason is not this incident but a much more deep seated psychological defect.
Keir Starmer is an example of a psychological type we find all over Europe and in the European Diaspora in the US, Canada and Australia.
Starmer is an ethnomasochist. He hates his people and he derives a sick pleasure in seeing his people degraded and dispossessed.
This abnormal psychology of ethnomasochism is usually linked to a profound lack of loyalty to one's own people, language, ethnic group, race, religion and even family.
Such people are loners, self-promoters. They never connect. They don't connect with the other boys on the Little League team. They don't connect with their classmates and colleagues in school and college. They don't connect with the other workers in their firms.
They certainly don't connect with their country.
In Starmer's case he has blithely cooperated with a foreign country in seizing control of the Labour Party and expelling Jeremy Corbyn.
He has done in fact the very thing that Trump was falsely accused of doing.
He has been a willing participant in foreign interference in his country's elections.
While as an ethnomasochist he hates his own country and revels in colonizing the UK with 3rd World settlers, he happily supports an ethnostate in the Middle East and its genocide in Gaza.
The government of Israel through one of its NGOs worked with Starmer to remove Jeremy Corbyn.
If you observe public life in your country, you will spot many such people. Ethnomasochist traitors to their people and their country, who usually display extreme self-righteousness and love to virtue-signal , letting everyone know how good they are, how much better they are than normal people who love their country, their ethnic group, their race etc.
Such people need to be identified, recognized for what they are and isolated by use of the good old Anglo-Saxon cold shoulder.
Influencing People
Forty years ago I worked with a Russian man called Val Kowalski. He served in the Red Army during WW2 where he was captured by the Germans and eventually liberated by the British. He was allowed to come to Britain to deal with unexploded bombs and shells. He did this dangerous work for some years after the War.
He had two girlfriends; Olga, an intellectual Russian woman for conversation, and Francis, an attractive West Indian girl for sex.
Val was an avid reader and something of a philosopher. He believed that every human contact we make leaves an impression. It might be because we have written a book, published an article, because of a conversation, or even a chance encounter.
I was impressed by Val's wise words and have always remembered them. We may never know how we influence people but our thoughts and observations leave their mark, just like fingerprints or DNA traces.
It's not necessary to bore everyone with incessant propaganda, indeed that's likely to turn them off, but gentle and consistent persuasion can often change minds.
The mass media is the strongest influence on public opinion but we can still get our message across without owning newspapers and television channels. A conversation with a fellow passenger on a bus, or with a fellow drinker in the local pub, can be just as rewarding as a column in the Daily Mail.
It's therefore important to express your opinions. Don't hide your light under a bushel. Don't be afraid to love your country. Patriotism has been practically banned under the Liberal Consensus, but with the rise of Donald Trump and Georgia Meloni (pictured) it's back in fashion.
Georgia leads Fratelli D'Italia, a nationalist movement sprung from Fascism. The Italians have been subjected to over eighty years of anti-Fascist propaganda, from the usual suspects, but undaunted, she has won the hearts of her people by clearly stating her position: "I am Georgia, I am Italian, I am European, and I am Christian."
European Outlook -
Nation Revisited